Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2498 Plan

Chapter 2498 Plan

"Young Master, the matter of gathering starfish has been dealt with. Those people have been imprinted with their souls. Everything is as usual. Outsiders don't know the inside story."

In the main hall, Shi Zhongtian replied respectfully.

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas fell, and the King Qingjiao was not easy to show his face as a monster, so Fang Yi had to keep it as it was for the time being.

And Shi Zhongtian became the new 'True Ancestor of the Four Seas'.

"very good!"

Fang Yi nodded, "Have you found any traces of those ghost corpses?"

"Yes! Young master, news of blood-devouring ghost corpses has been heard from all over Juhaixing. I believe they have already followed, and there are quite a few of them."

Shi Zhongtian replied.

"That's good!" Fang Yi smiled coldly.

Shi Zhongtian was a little confused, but he didn't ask too much, instead he was concerned about another matter.

"My lord, do you really want to attack the soul race?"

Between the words, Shi Zhongtian's eyes were full of worry.

Obviously, he also knows that the soul race is not easy to mess with.

"Of course, I will do what I say!" Fang Yi nodded, his eyes became a little sharp, and the soul clan kept making trouble for him again and again, so naturally he would not let it go.

However, Shi Zhongtian was obviously unattractive, and hurriedly said: "My lord, please be careful. The soul race is no small matter. With our strength, it is not enough to pose much threat to them."

"Unless the young master can subdue all the strong people in the Qingmu Pagoda, it will be possible."

"Moreover, it's just a possibility. The soul clan has a profound background, and there are also strong Dao pattern. Maybe there are more than one person. Old Guang Mo, I'm afraid..."

Shi Zhongtian really didn't want to see Fang Yi put himself in danger, so he couldn't care less about it.

It is child's play for the soul race to stand on the Tianshan Mountains for countless thousands of years without falling.

Fang Yi has just entered Tianshan Mountain for only two hundred years, so maybe he doesn't understand.

However, how could Shi Zhongtian not understand.

However, Shi Zhongtian's words didn't seem to have much effect, there was still no hesitation on Fang Yi's face, only a faint smile.

There is also a tinge of relief.

"What a big rock, haven't you seen it yet? How can this kid be so stupid!"

At this moment, Mo Lao's voice came from nowhere.

The next moment, his figure also condensed in the hall.

"See what?"

Shi Zhongtian obviously still didn't understand, looked at Mo Lao in puzzlement, and asked, "Mo Lao, what do you mean by that?"

Elder Mo couldn't help shaking his head, looking speechless, then looked at Fang Yi again, and said, "Is this kid the one who suffers? If he isn't prepared, how could he attack the Soul Clan."

"The soul race is strong, but what if you face those ghost corpses who are not afraid of death?"

Elder Mo asked back.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile, not bad!This is why he dared to attack the soul race.

"You mean, lead these Yin corpses to deal with the soul race, but..."

Shi Zhongtian suddenly remembered something, his eyes brightened.

Yes!That half of the boundless coffin.

Those Yin corpses came in hot pursuit, obviously all for the half of the Wujiang coffin, if this half of the coffin appeared in the soul clan, it would be extremely lively.

Moreover, the people of the soul clan don't know the key to this at all.

There can only be an inexplicable battle.

As such...

"What do you think now?" Fang Yi smiled, and asked back, "No matter how strong the soul clan is, even if they can't be destroyed, I believe that it will definitely hurt them."

At this moment, the cold light in Fang Yi's eyes became more and more fierce.

Shi Zhongtian couldn't help showing a look of anticipation.

"Young master, although this method is good, it is too dangerous. The target of those ghosts is finally on you."

"Once you are besieged, you will be attacked on both sides."

Shi Zhongtian carefully reminded.

If there is such a day, facing the strong soul clan and the army of corpses at the same time, it must be an extremely terrifying thing, and it is scary to think about it.

How could Fang Yi not know, but he didn't care.

If you want to severely injure the soul clan, how can you not take a little risk.

What's more, with the presence of the three major temples, he doesn't need to take much risk at all.

Just like at this moment, it was inevitable that those Yin corpses would find King Qingjiao's base camp, so he put the half of Wujiang's outer coffin into the water temple.

In the future, if it can be placed in the most important place of the soul clan.

That must be an earth-shattering battle.

"Boy, with the help of those ghost corpses, you can think clearly? If you attract the undying corpse king, then even the old man may not be able to save your life."

"There is also the soul race. Jun Jiuyou was equal to the old man tens of thousands of years ago. The old man has been trapped for tens of thousands of years. His strength will only be higher than the old man. Moreover, the soul race is probably not just him. .”

"If there is a real war..."

When Mr. Mo said this, he didn't continue, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

This is to make Fang Yi think twice.

Fang Yi was extremely shocked when he heard the words. Is this the essence of the soul clan?

A strong man stronger than Mo Lao is afraid that he is not far from condensing his body and breaking through to the legendary realm. If Fang Yi is not afraid of such a strong man, it is obviously impossible.

However, owning the three major temples coincides with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

It is obviously even more impossible for him to give up.

and so……

"Don't worry, Mr. Mo, I have my own ideas. No matter how strong the Soul Clan is, the strongest is the Emperor Soul Star, the headquarters of the Soul Clan."

"That being the case, I will nibble at him little by little."

Fang Yi's eyes were fixed, and he had already made up his mind.

Seeing this, Elder Mo didn't say anything more, instead he was a little playful, with a hint of anticipation and disbelief in his eyes.

A mere person in the soul realm actually wants to fight against the soul clan. If this is normal, he will definitely sneer.

But at this moment, he actually faintly saw some kind of possibility.

And it's still not a small possibility, why doesn't he expect it.

"Hahaha!! Interesting, brat, I'm waiting to see your masterpiece, don't let me down."

Saying that, Mo Lao's figure disappeared.

"My lord, what should we do next?"

Shi Zhongtian seemed impatient, and hurriedly asked.

"No rush!" Fang Yi smiled.

"I've seen Mr. Fang!"

At this moment, outside the main hall, a disciple of the Green Snake Demon hurriedly came, "Sir, my family Jiao Wang asked the younger one to come and inform you that he has been found."


Fang Yi hesitated for a moment, then instantly understood.

The so-called person naturally refers to the Moonless Saint Monk. I didn't expect to hear the news so soon.

This Qingjiao King was extremely efficient in his work, Fang Yi couldn't help but nodded.

However, Shi Zhongtian seemed a little dissatisfied, and asked: "Why are you here, King Qingjiao?"

The disciple of the green snake demon was frightened by this question, and quickly replied: "Hui... Hui son, my lord, my Flood King is healing that person."

"When the man was found, he passed out and was seriously injured, so..."

That's it!

Hearing this, Shi Zhongtian's face softened slightly.

Fang Yi didn't care, he smiled lightly and said, "Let's go! Go and have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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