Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2505 Siege

Chapter 2505 Siege

"Cui Ying!"

As soon as the woman landed, someone in the crowd blurted out.

She was wearing a long green dress, her appearance was considered pretty, and she had an extraordinary aura, but she looked at Fang Yi with hostility.

Following her arrival, Yang Yunqing's expression softened a lot, as if he had regained a lot of confidence.

"I didn't expect that Cui Ying would also come here. This kid is miserable. Cui Ying is Yang Yunqing's dual cultivator, and both of them have reached the seventh level of fusion."

"That's right, the Bliss School's kung fu is weird, and its individual strength is not top-notch, but its dual cultivation kung fu is extremely powerful. I heard that the two of them have defeated several powerhouses who have transformed themselves into gods together."

"Really? God Transformation Realm?"

The crowd whispered, and seemed to be familiar with both names.

These words fell into Fang Yi's ears verbatim, which made him a little curious and looked at the two of them slightly.


The aura of the two seems to be one body, complementing each other.

It's kind of interesting, but it's a pity that compared to Fang Yi, it's still too weak.

If both of them can reach the Earth Soul Realm, then maybe he is still interested. As for now...forget it!

However, just because he doesn't want to entangle, doesn't mean that the two of them will let go easily.

Cui Ying yelled again: "Your Excellency, will you capture him without a fight, or let us do it together?"

There is no room for negotiation in the voice.

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning, no matter how good-tempered he was, it faded away, his face sank slightly, and he said, "Since you insist on doing this, then I won't bother you."

This is undoubtedly ambiguous.

So much so that the crowd around would be wrong, thinking that Fang Yi was going to be caught without a fight.

No, at the same time as the words fell, Fang Yi punched out.

This punch seemed ordinary and nothing earth-shattering, so that the crowd didn't understand what Fang Yi was going to do.

However, the faces of Yang Yunqing and the two who were under the wind of this fist suddenly changed drastically.

Because, the moment the punch was released, they felt as if they were abandoned by the world, and the whole space was pressed towards them.

It seemed that at this moment, what they were facing was not a certain person, but the whole world.

In desperation, the two looked at each other and cut out a sword at the same time.

Swipe! !

Two bright sword shadows tore apart in an instant, and each of these two sword shadows didn't look too special.

The power is not much different from the general combined seven-fold.

However, a mutation occurred. After the fusion of the two sword shadows, there was an earth-shaking change, as if they were several times stronger in an instant, and even produced two completely different auras.

That breath is extremely powerful, faintly possessing the power to destroy everything.

What's more, it made Fang Yi feel extremely familiar, and it suddenly seemed to withdraw from the yin and yang in his body.

It turned out to be yin and yang!

Fang Yi was very surprised. The yin and yang qi in his body were condensed because of the Daoyin technique. He once suspected that the Daoyin technique was related to Tiandaozong.

So, for a while, he gave up cultivation.

But later, after the Tiandaozong incident happened and his body and soul were rebuilt, he didn't find anything unusual about the yin and yang.

There is no discomfort in Daoyin Technique, and even Fenglei Sword Art is the same as before.

This made him have to wonder whether these things were really related to Tiandaozong, or that the mark of Tiandao on his body had been incinerated, and these things would no longer be affected.

Of course, this is just speculation. Fang Yi still has no way of knowing the exact reason.

Even, he has only seen Yin and Yang Qi in his own body.

Now, it also appeared on this disciple of the Bliss Sect, which made him a little curious besides the accident.

The power of that punch also dropped sharply in an instant.

But just like that, the two bright sword shadows still burst apart inch by inch, and after that, the figures of the two flew out at the same time.

The huge scene seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence at this moment.

If before, the eyes of the crowd looking at Fang Yi were just surprise, then at this moment, it is undoubtedly fear.

One punch, just one punch defeated the two strong dual-cultivation masters of the Bliss School.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they probably wouldn't believe it.

You know, Yang Yunqing and the other two were able to defeat even a strong person at the Transformation God Realm, but now, they were actually knocked into the air by a warrior who seemed to be only at the Composite Realm, how inconceivable this is.

Perhaps, if they knew that Fang Yi's cultivation base had reached the Earth Soul Realm, it would be easier to accept it.

But what they don't know is.

In fact, Fang Yi only used the strength of the Fusion Realm.

The reason why the two are still defeated is not that the skills of the Bliss School are not good, on the contrary, the skills of the Bliss School are very good, but it is a pity that they met such a freak as Fang Yi.

More importantly, Fang Yi is too familiar with Yin and Yang, and it can't do him any harm at all.

So... the result can only be like this.

However, the two of Yang Yunqing obviously couldn't accept it, which undoubtedly amounted to trampling on them severely.

As the eldest disciple of the Bliss Sect, although he is not comparable to the arrogance of the powerful powers of the Soul Race, he is still not comparable to ordinary people. How can he bear the loss of dignity at this moment.

"Bastard, you are courting death!"

Finally, he became angry from embarrassment, and there seemed to be two raging flames burning in his eyes.

The two of them had a tacit understanding, one on the left and one on the right, almost at the same time, they went up to meet again, the sword energy was so fierce that it seemed that they wanted to smash Fang Yi into thousands of pieces.

The huge restaurant was also torn apart in an instant.

The diners no longer had any leisure among themselves, and fled in a hurry.

Fang Yi is already a little angry at the moment. Although he has no intention of killing people, it is still necessary to teach him a lesson.

However, before he could make a move, a disciple of the Bliss Sect who was around came quickly,

Especially the leading elderly couple, the man's eyes are as bright as a falcon, and the woman's aura is also extremely extraordinary, even better.

Without exception, they all reached the state of transforming gods.

Although it is only the most elementary human soul state, it should not be underestimated.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help frowning. He didn't want to make a big deal, because it wouldn't be of any benefit to him.

But right now, it seems that he is out of control.

That's it!

It can't be done, that's all.

Fang Yi's eyes widened, and he didn't bother to think about it at the moment. He would never allow anyone to disrupt his plan.

Neither can the Bliss Sect.

With his current strength, he really doesn't care about a Bliss sect.

"Second Elder, that's him, take him down quickly!" Yang Yunqing was overjoyed when he saw the help arrived, and pointed at Fang Yi.

When the elderly couple heard the words, their eyes turned cold, and their murderous intent was revealed.

Numerous disciples of the Bliss Sect also blocked the water around them. Seeing that a big battle was about to take place, everyone around looked at Fang Yi with sympathy.

Because of this situation, in their view, there is undoubtedly only one end for Fang Yi.

That is death!


However, at this moment, a slightly old voice sounded,

(End of this chapter)

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