Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2510 Jun 9 You

Chapter 2510 Jun Jiuyou

The Lord of Bliss is a little depressed, which is quite different from his previous performance.

Even Fang Yi couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

"Is that all? There is no follow-up?"

Fang Yi asked.

"Later? What else do you think there should be?"

Master Bliss looked at Fang Yi puzzled.

"For example, didn't the Soul Clan take action against the Bliss Sect? Just let the Bliss Sect exist?" Fang Yi tentatively asked.

"What do you mean? He took our Rebirth Stone, and made the former Master of Ultimate Bliss die inexplicably. Does he still want to attack us? Are you making a mistake?"

"Even if we want to make a move, it's us who are right."

There was a hint of anger in the bright eyes of the Taoist Lord of Bliss.

Obviously, Fang Yi's remarks were very displeased.

Fang Yi didn't care, shook his head and said: "Since you have already hated it, it's better to erase it directly, what do you think?"

Fang Yi asked back.

It's not a good thing to keep a wolf cub by your side, it's not like the spirit clan's style.

Unless there is another purpose, or to remember old feelings.

Of course, it is also possible that in the eyes of the latter, Bliss Sect is not a wolf cub at all, but an ant at best.

Master Bliss fell into silence, as if he was thinking about Fang Yi's words.

"Okay! One last question, who is that person, and whose hand is the Stone of Rebirth in?"

Having said so much and listened to so much, Fang Yi has a rough understanding of the ins and outs. Since this is probably what Fengshenmeng meant, he will do his best.

However, upon hearing Fang Yi's question, Master Bliss did not rush to answer.

She has been eager, but her behavior at this moment is a bit weird.

After a while, he said: "His name is Jun Jiuyou, and he is the Taoist partner of the former Taoist Master of Ultimate Bliss!"

The voice of Taoist Bliss was extremely low, as if she was afraid that Fang Yi would hear it, but she clearly said it for Fang Yi.

And there are only two people in this huge palace.

How could such a small voice escape Fang Yi's eyes and ears.

Therefore, Fang Yi was completely stunned at this moment, and his face became extremely ugly.

"Are you joking?"

After a while, he finally suppressed the impulse in his heart and said coldly.

Are you kidding me, Jun Jiuyou?That is the current patriarch of the Soul Clan, an old monster who has lived for countless tens of thousands of years, and was already a Dao Rune strongman when Mo Lao was trapped.

Mo Lao has been trapped for so many years, but he is still comprehending the rules of heaven and earth.

The strength is probably much stronger than Mo Lao.

If you want to get the Stone of Rebirth from his hand, isn't that equivalent to a dream?Fang Yi was completely speechless, not knowing how to describe his mood at the moment.

At this moment, he began to suspect that all this was really inspired by Fengshenmeng?

What a great hatred!

"Tell me honestly? Did Shenmeng really ask you to find me?"

Fang Yi asked, although Fengshenmeng lost his memory, he did not believe that Fengshenmeng would let him die.

"Yes! It was really Sister Shenmeng who said it. Sister Shenmeng said that if there is anyone who can obtain the Stone of Rebirth from Jun Jiuyou, it must be you."

Shenmeng is so optimistic about himself?

Fang Yi was a little confused. He looked at Daoist Bliss and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

But the blissful Taoist master's eyes were a little erratic.

She didn't lie, Fengshen Meng had said such a thing, but the premise was that Fang Yi had reached the peak of the Heavenly Soul.

This premise was directly omitted by her.

"I don't know why Shenmeng told you this, but since she said it, I will do my best, but don't hold out any hope."

Fang Yi finally said, this is simply fatal.

Fortunately, since he decided to attack the soul race, he might not be able to avoid Jun Jiuyou no matter what.

Now, he only hoped that the Undying Corpse King could come in person, if that was the case, maybe there was a chance.

"Really? Good!!!"

Master Ji Le opened his eyes and smiled, and then, he seemed to feel that the part he omitted was a bit exaggerated, so he quickly added, "No hurry, it's been tens of thousands of years anyway, you can take your time, safety is the most important thing."

Such earnest words always made Fang Yi feel a little wrong.

However, he didn't think deeply.

Of course, he wouldn't be so stupid as to go desperately to snatch a broken stone.

"Okay! That's it!"

Immediately, Fang Yi had no intention of staying any longer.

"Wait! Do you want me to do something, for example, spread rumors? Spread the news?" The Lord of Bliss raised his eyebrows, revealing a spirit-like smell.

Fang Yi was speechless, but it would be much easier for the Bliss Sect to handle this matter than him.

Anyway, this is their territory.

Immediately, he was not polite and spoke slowly.

Hearing the words, the Taoist Master of Bliss, his big eyes became brighter and brighter. To be honest, she really didn't feel like the master of a sect to Fang Yi.

After the confession, it happened that outside the main hall, some disciples came to report in a hurry.

"Taoist, some disciples have discovered that a large number of Yin corpses are approaching the Extreme Yin star."

"Extremely Yin Star? Isn't that near the soul-gathering star, the uninhabited star at the junction with the soul race? There is nothing on it, why did those ghosts go there?"

Master Blissful Daoist frowned, full of puzzlement.

In Fang Yi's heart, it was like a bright mirror. These people clearly wanted to stop Wu Jianghou from outside the soul clan.

It's a pity, if it's someone else, that's all.

Mr. Mo, it's just a dream to stop him based on these people.

"Understood! Let the people below pay close attention to every move of those ghost corpses, but remember, pay attention to safety and avoid any conflicts with them."

At this moment, the Taoist Lord of Ultimate Bliss seemed no longer as frivolous and stubborn as before, to the point where he really looked like a sect master.

"Yes!" The disciple took the order and left in a hurry.

Fang Yi didn't intend to stay any longer, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

But the playful voice of Taoist Bliss came again: "Are those corpses related to you?"

Fang Yi naturally wouldn't answer, and left the hall without looking back.


In the empty hall, Master Bliss looked at the direction where Fang Yi disappeared, his eyes became brighter, and there was a lot of anticipation.

"Grandma Meng, what do you think of him?"

"Returning to the Taoist Lord, it is natural to be able to win the person that the Taoist Lord of Rebirth is looking for, but, let him go to the Soul Clan now, will it..."

In the main hall, Granny Meng appeared behind Taoist Bliss at some point, with a hint of worry on her old face.

"I don't want to either, but he is already preparing to attack the soul race, and those ghost corpses must be related to him. Sister Shenmeng said that he is brave and resourceful, and he will not act rashly. Since he is ready to attack, it means that he has a certain purpose." grasp."

"If that's the case, I don't want to miss this opportunity."

The blissful master said.

"I hope so!" Granny Meng sighed softly, "It's just that Jun Jiuyou's methods are all-powerful, so Taoist masters still don't have to have too much hope."

"The means are superb? So what? He is destined not to be a legend, and I'm afraid he is regretting it now!"


(End of this chapter)

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