Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2512 Soul Gathering Star

Chapter 2512 Soul Gathering Star

"Bastard! Check it out, check it out for me, where did the news come from? Kill them for me. What kind of space crack is it? It's just nonsense."

At the same time, in a certain hall of Soul Gathering Star, a black-faced man was furious.

How could he not be angry that someone actually made an idea on the head of the soul clan.

As the star master of the soul-gathering star of the soul clan, 'Jun Shaofeng' is in charge of this star field. Usually, no one is polite to him.

Now, someone dared to attack the soul clan, and it happened in the star field he was in charge of. One can imagine the anger in his heart.

This is undoubtedly tantamount to slapping him in the face severely, ignoring him.

"Yes! Your lord!"

A disciple below responded tremblingly.

After a pause, he continued: "According to the known information so far, the news is likely to come from the world of rebirth, but, above..., we are not good at doing things."

The disciple hesitated, and in his words, he seemed to care a lot about the world of rebirth.

The black-faced man 'Jun Shaofeng' frowned when he heard this.

This Bliss sect has never paid much attention to the soul race, and he has long wanted to erase it in one fell swoop.

However, the ambiguous attitude of the above made it impossible for him to make a move.

Ordinary disciples may not know, but he knows a little bit about being able to rule Soul Gathering Star, so there is nothing he can do for a while.

"My lord, the most important thing right now is to find out why those ghost corpses came here. Let's put the rest aside for now!"

In the main hall, there are several other people, all of whom are powerful soul clansmen.

The person who spoke obviously also knew some inside information, and this was deliberately to find a way for Jun Shaofeng to step down.


Jun Shaofeng nodded, and then asked, "Have you ever found out the reason?"

"My lord, not yet. The purpose of those ghost corpses seems to be very clear. They are coming for us, but I don't know why."

The person below replied.

"As early as a hundred years ago, these ghost corpses were haunting the Tianshan Mountains. At that time, there were rumors that they seemed to be looking for something. Could it be that what they were looking for was in our Soul Race?"

Someone guessed.

Everyone is puzzled, although this possibility is extremely high.

However, without knowing what they are looking for, it may be in vain to understand this.

Moreover, when did the majestic soul race fall to the point of being bullied and ask why?Just kill it right away.

It has to be said that arrogance made them lose the opportunity to learn the truth.

"Then where did these ghost corpses come from, have you ever found out?"

Jun Shaofeng asked again.

"My lord, in retrospect, they should have come from the sea of ​​bitterness, all the way to my soul clan."

sea ​​of ​​bitterness?

Jun Shaofeng was thoughtful, then seemed to think of something, and thought: Could it be related to Lord Jun Jiuhuan's death?

Not long ago, Jun Jiuhuan went to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, and finally his life card was broken. This incident caused a great commotion within the Soul Clan. You must know that Jun Jiuhuan is not an ordinary person.

It just fell away, and it was unclear, which really made them a little scared.

And this time is different.

Normally, even if you fall, it will not be so thorough. It will cost you a little more time and you can be resurrected and practice again.

But this time, Jun Jiuhuan died completely, leaving nothing behind.

Of course, this is also related to his own reasons. As a strong man at the peak of the Heavenly Soul, I'm afraid he never dreamed that he would die so aggrieved, so he didn't leave a clone or anything like that.

"Sir, it's not good!"

Just as Jun Shaofeng was meditating, another urgent voice came from the hall.

"Say!" Jun Shaofeng faintly had a bad premonition.


The disciple hurriedly said: "My lord, those blood-devouring corpses have already arrived, and their destination is our Soul Gathering Star, and they can arrive in half a day at most."

what! !

Hearing this, Jun Shaofeng and everyone in the hall were all pale.

It's fine if other opponents arrive, they are not afraid at all, but these blood-devouring corpses have no life or death at all, and they don't know how to be afraid.

The name of the soul clan means nothing to them.

When meeting a group of such opponents, they couldn't help but feel a headache.

But things have come to this point, they have no choice but to fight recklessly, and the pride of the soul clan does not allow them to back down half a step.

"Hmph! I've heard about how amazing these monsters are. I really want to see how amazing they are."

"In my soul clan, no matter what you are, you have to lie on my stomach."

Since the battle was inevitable, Jun Shaofeng would naturally not lose his momentum, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring.

Everyone in the hall was full of murderous intent.

However, deep down in their hearts, I'm afraid it will be a different situation. After all, no one wants to fight a group of lifeless monsters, because that is almost equivalent to delivering food.


"As expected of the soul race, even a fringe main star is so good."

Sensing everything around him, Shi Zhongtian gave a sincere admiration.

Fang Yi also nodded subconsciously, but the coldness in his eyes was even worse, like frost in the twelfth lunar month of winter.

Not bad!

The two have arrived at Soul Gathering Star at this moment.

Along the way, Mr. Mo took the boundless coffin down from the sea of ​​bitterness to the soul clan. During this period, he seldom used the teleportation array. For one thing, Fang Yi was not sure whether these corpses would be lost.

Secondly, and the most important reason, once Mo Lao appeared on the planet of life, these blood-devouring corpses would definitely kill them wantonly.

This is obviously not what Fang Yi wants to see.

Therefore, unless necessary, Mo Lao would always take the flying magic weapon.

Fang Yi and Shi Zhongtian naturally pass through the teleportation array from time to time.

Therefore, they rushed to Soul Gathering Star first. As for Mr. Mo, he was probably still on his way at the moment.

"My lord, there are quite a few strong people in this soul-gathering star, and I don't know how long they can resist." Shi Zhongtian smiled playfully, remembering that it would not be long before the army of Yin corpses descended, he couldn't help looking forward to the scene.

"No matter how long it takes, it's just an appetizer."

"In the end, we have to look at the Dao Rune powerhouses of the Soul Clan."

Fang Yi thought about it, he naturally wouldn't take a soul-gathering star to heart, if he couldn't even win here, then there was no need to come.

If you are afraid, you will be afraid, will the Dao pattern strongman of the soul clan have any effect on these corpses.

Do not!These ghosts have no intelligence, so there shouldn't be any changes.

When it comes to blood and heaven, he obviously doesn't want to conflict with the soul clan. If he finds the high-level soul clan and explains why, it may change the plan this time.

no!In order to avoid this possibility, it is impossible to say...

Fang Yi's eyes turned cold, and he was ready to kill.

"Stinky boy, you are really happy, let the old man run errands for you."

Just as Fang Yi was meditating, an extremely familiar voice came. The next moment, Mo Lao's figure slowly fell. It turned out that he had also arrived at Soul Gathering Star.

Then, those corpses can be predicted.

The bustling streets, the crowds are still the same as usual, maybe they never dreamed that what awaited them would be a nightmare.

In this regard, Fang Yi was helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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