Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2514

Chapter 2514


Naturally, Fang Yi would not ignore it. Even if he was not an undead, he did not expect to kill the opponent with a single sword.

And the reason why he ambushed was just to test the true strength of Xue Tianqiu.

In the Abyss of Immortality, because of the existence of those Yin corpses, he had never fought against Xue Tianqiu, and with his strength at the time, he was probably not qualified.

But it was different now, breaking through to the Earth Soul Realm, he was no longer afraid of ordinary Heaven Soul warriors.

Just like the blood revenge at this moment.

With that sword strike, he already knew the weight of the opponent.

To be honest, it's not that good, at least it's far from being on the same level as Jun Jiuhuan, Fang Yi reckons, at most it's better than Qi Kaitai.

And it's very limited.

Of course, the physical body may be a major advantage of the opponent.

However, Fang Yi is not afraid, he has enough confidence to win the opponent.

The only thing to worry about is that the other party flees. If the other party wants to escape wholeheartedly, he may not be able to stop the other party's Heavenly Soul Realm cultivation.

Coupled with the opponent's physical body, it is obviously impossible for him to kill the opponent with one blow.

The best way is to lead the other party into the inner world.

I don't know if the other party is fooled.

brush! !

The bright sword shadow fell, and the arrogance of Xue Tianchou soared into the sky, and his attacks were so overbearing that Fang Yi was forced to retreat steadily.

At least on the surface.

On the other side, on the contrary, Shi Zhongtian raised his sword and fell, already several undead disciples were killed by his sword, no one could stop him.

Just kidding, Shi Zhongtian's cultivation has reached the peak of the earth soul, and he is only one step away from stepping into the heaven soul state.

Except for Xue Tianchou, no one present was his opponent.

And Xue Tianchou vowed to kill Fang Yi and then quickly, how could he care about the safety of those ordinary disciples, even if he wanted to, Fang Yi would never allow it.

So, the battle went on like this.

It seems that Fang Yi is in danger, but at every critical moment, he always saves the day.

On the other side, more than half of the soul disciples had been killed or injured.

In fact, most of the disciples had already dispersed, and not many accompanied Xue Tianqiu, otherwise, Fang Yi would not have chosen to make such a move.


"It seems that he can't hold it anymore? Shall we make a move?"

In a certain corner of the dark place, there were two figures watching all of this. The ones who opened their mouths had veils on their faces, and a pair of pupils were surprisingly bright, like gems.

good!It is the Lord of Ultimate Bliss.

However, at this moment, she is no longer as frivolous and dignified as before.

"Didn't the Taoist have fought against him before? Didn't he think that this is all he has?"

The other figure was naturally Granny Meng.

At this moment, her words obviously have other meanings.

Master Bliss paused for a moment, looked at Granny Meng strangely, and said, "Grandma Meng means that he did it on purpose?"

In fact, there was no doubt in her heart.

When she fought against Fang Yi that day, Fang Yi's strength completely crushed her.

If it wasn't for relying on that hall, she would have been defeated long ago.

It's just that, after all, she only has the Earth Soul Realm, and she doesn't know much about the Blood and Heaven Enemy in the Heaven Soul Realm, thinking that Fang Yi is really invincible.

"What does the Daoist think? To be valued so much by the past Daoist, and dare to attack the soul clan, how could it be so simple." Granny Meng said, with a gleam of anticipation in her old eyes.

"Yes! Why did he do this?"

The Lord of Ultimate Bliss did not understand.

"Showing the enemy to be weak, so as to kill with one blow, it's very simple, he wants the opponent's life." Granny Meng replied.


Daoist Bliss's eyes lit up, a little unbelievable, and said: "Really? He has just entered the soul state, and, that person is undead, and he can't be killed at all."

Master Bliss is full of doubts.

The same is true for Granny Meng.

Although she saw through Fang Yi's intentions, it didn't mean she thought Fang Yi could do it.

After all, that is the Heavenly Soul Realm, and not the ordinary Heavenly Soul Realm, and with a strong physical body, even a peak Heavenly Soul might not be able to do it.

Can a warrior who has just entered the Earth Soul Realm really do it?

Granny Meng couldn't help being suspicious, and couldn't help saying, "How about asking the old man to help him?"

The Taoist Master of Bliss did not rush to agree, but instead asked, "With you, can you make sure to kill that person?"

"This!" Granny Meng paused for a moment, and then said: "I'm afraid I can't go back to Taoist Lord. If he wants to escape, I can't stop him."

"Oh? If that's the case, let's take a look first!" Taoist Bliss nodded and said.

"It just so happens that I can see what is so miraculous about the person that Sister Shenmeng has her eyes on."

There was a hint of playfulness in the eyes of the master of bliss.

Before, it was clear that she was anxious to make a move, but after listening to Granny Meng's words, her attitude changed 180 degrees again.

Granny Meng shook her head helplessly, she really wanted to say more, if the other party really wanted to escape, no one could stop her.

However, it didn't seem necessary, so she didn't say anything.


The battle continued, and Shi Zhongtian showed his might.

On the other hand, Fang Yi seemed to be a little bit out of support, and even suffered a little 'injury'. Even the brows of the blissful Taoist master had a look of worry.

"Inner world?"

But at this moment, Granny Meng exclaimed, and her old eyes were full of disbelief.

The same is true of the Lord of Ultimate Bliss.

After waiting for a long time, Fang Yi actually used the inner world. Could it be that he really has nothing to do?

At this moment, the Lord of Blissful Taoism felt a faint remorse in his heart. If something happened to Fang Yi because of this, wouldn't she become an accomplice?

It's a pity that the two of them were far away from each other for fear of being noticed, and it was too late to make a move.

I can only watch this scene helplessly.

"Grandma Meng, he..."

The Taoist Lord of Bliss seems to be a little confused, and he doesn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, Daoist, his strength is definitely more than that. Now it seems that he is deliberately showing weakness, so as to lure his opponent into the inner world. Only in this way, his opponent has nowhere to escape."

Granny Meng's eyes were deep, like a bottomless lake.

Hearing this, Taoist Bliss finally calmed down a little, because she also felt that this possibility was extremely high.

But, does Fang Yi really have such confidence?

You know, once you enter the inner world, it will be a life-and-death situation, without any luck.

However, what reassured her a little was that she didn't see any worry on Shi Zhongtian's face, which undoubtedly showed a big problem.

As it turned out, her judgment was correct, and only a moment passed.

The huge black holes in the inner world condensed again.

Fang Yi's figure fell slowly, seemingly unscathed. In just a moment, a generation of heavenly soul powerhouses fell?

At this moment, Taoist Bliss and Granny Meng couldn't help but look at each other, seeing deep shock in each other's eyes.

But then, they came back to their senses.

Because the battle was over, and that figure's eyes were also cast towards this side.



(End of this chapter)

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