Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2516 Revenge of the Soul Clan

Chapter 2516 Revenge of the Soul Clan

"What? The soul-gathering star was destroyed, the entire army of the soul clan was wiped out, and Jun Shaofeng fled?"

"It is absolutely true that the soul-gathering star was destroyed by the army of corpses. Not only that, after taking down the star, the army of corpses continued to move forward."

Overnight, the news of the Soul Gathering Star's destruction instantly spread throughout the surrounding star field.

and even further afield.

No wonder, this news is too sensational, what kind of existence is the Soul Race?In the entire Tianshan Mountains, it can be regarded as a giant.

Usually, not everyone is honest in front of the Soul Clan.

Fortunately, the army of Yin corpses swept away a main star of the Soul Race, and continued to move forward, which showed that they did not take the Soul Race seriously.

If the other side of this news is not the army of corpses, I am afraid that the world will scoff at it.

Just kidding, who would dare to attack the soul clan so crazily?

There is no one to be found in the huge Tianshan Mountains.

Needless to say, the weak ones, the strong ones, take too much into account, and affect the whole body, who dares to be so crazy?

But, it happened to be the army of Yin corpses, so the world couldn't help but believe it.

Because they have no intelligence, only instinct, bloodthirsty instinct, and...


And that rumor.

The rumor that they can give birth to spiritual wisdom, the rumor that the gap between the soul race and the underworld expanded, if we say that before this, the world still had a somewhat skeptical attitude towards this rumor.

Then, after this battle, the credibility of the rumors has undoubtedly been greatly improved.

After all, those yin corpses have no intelligence, no life and death, and what they can pursue may be what they are lacking, intelligence.

Only in this way can they be regarded as a human being, otherwise, even if they are not dead, they will be monsters after all.

"Go! Go to the soul clan!"

With the spread of this news, the world is ready to move, and countless powerful people began to flock to the soul clan.

right!strong! !

In contrast, those weak warriors dare not rashly enter the soul clan. After all, apart from the soul clan, the army of ghost corpses is undoubtedly a huge threat.

With their strength, if there is a slight change, it is likely to be lost forever.

Moreover, the power of the soul is not that important to them for the time being, so...

Those who are strong are not. They need huge soul power to temper their souls and condense the spiritual seeds of the inner world.

Those who are strong in the God Transformation Realm are even more frantic. They urgently need the power of their souls to open up and expand their spiritual world. Now that they know this rumor, it is conceivable.

Even if it is just in case, they will not miss it.

And those top forces are fighting each other openly and secretly. No matter what the reason is, they have no chance of missing something like this.

It's good to take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, or to add insult to injury.

Even if it's purely for watching the show, it's impossible to let go of this excellent opportunity.

For a time, the situation of the Soul Clan can be imagined, and it has become the center of sight and the center of the storm for the entire Tianshan Mountains.



In a certain huge and extravagant hall, a red-haired old man was furious, his red hair stood on end, extremely fierce.

Below him, Jun Shaofeng was standing tremblingly, his body trembling slightly.

He also looked extremely embarrassed, with many injuries all over his body, stained with blood, and his face was extremely pale.

Obviously, that battle caused him a lot of trauma, but fortunately he managed to save his life.

"Idiot! What's going on? Have you ever found out where those ghost corpses came from?" The red-haired old man's eyes were like hooks, as if he could swallow souls, and a powerful majesty also permeated his body, extremely terrifying .

Jun Shaofeng's legs couldn't help but soften, and he almost knelt down.

" the Great Elder, this disciple doesn't know either, these ghost corpses seem to have come here with a purpose, the disciple has searched many times, but found nothing, only those rumors..."

Jun Shaofeng replied tremblingly, with palpitations in the depths of his eyes.

It seems that he is still caught in the fear brought to him by the blood-devouring corpse.


The red-haired old man was extremely angry, as if sparks were about to burst out from his eyes.

What kind of crack, others don't know, how can he not know?Complete nonsense.

"Great Elder, someone must be obstructing this matter, and it is clearly a declaration of war against our soul clan. We must not let the situation develop."

In the main hall, there are still many high-ranking soul clansmen, one by one, with breath like abyss.

At this moment, someone made an opinion.

"That's right! My soul clan attracts a lot of attention, and it's inevitable to attract people's jealousy. However, this time it's not ordinary. Those blood-devouring corpses have no intelligence. Why did they attack my soul clan?"

"Hundred years ago, in the battle of the Undead Abyss, there was a legend about the Immortal Corpse King. These corpses only obeyed his orders. Could it be his order?"

"Absolutely, apart from the Immortal Corpse King, who else can control these corpses? But, my Soul Clan has no grievances with him, why did he attack us? On the contrary, it seems that the stone people who are close to him should It’s right to make him hate it.”

"Isn't it him? Undead? I heard that these ghosts and undead are very close."


Everyone in the hall was discussing.

The purpose of the blood-devouring corpse undoubtedly made them extremely puzzled.

Outsiders only regard it as the so-called crack, but they naturally don't think so, but they don't have a more reasonable explanation.

"Enough! The most urgent task is not to find out their purpose, but to annihilate them. Anyone who dares to offend my soul clan, no matter who he is or whether he is a human or not, will have to pay a hundred times the price."

The red-haired old man scolded everyone, and his murderous intent was also flourishing.

The pride of the soul clan will not compromise with anyone, let alone invaders.

"What the Great Elder said is true, the most urgent thing is to suppress the further development of the situation, otherwise, if one is not good, it will bring great troubles to our soul clan."

"The major forces in Tianshan Mountain, our old opponents, are probably waiting to see our good show at this moment, and there must be little tricks behind the scenes."

Someone agrees.

There are some old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years, and it is natural to know which is more important.

A soul-gathering star is actually not important to the soul race. There are many such master stars in such a huge soul domain.

What matters is the dignity of the soul clan and the series of events that follow.

It is necessary to let the world know that the soul clan is inviolable, so that those guys who are hiding in the dark and ready to move, put away their thoughts as soon as possible.

This is what the Soul Race needs to do most right now.

And to do all this, there is only one way, and that is to suppress the army of Yin corpses with thunderous means.

However, the army of ghost corpses is not a child's play, not to mention using thunderous means, whether it can be suppressed is a huge problem. After all, this is different from ordinary creatures, this is a group of freaks.

Even the red-haired old man didn't dare to be careless, he looked at Jun Shaofeng and asked, "How about the strength of those ghost corpses, and the situation of that battle, please tell me in detail."



(End of this chapter)

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