Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2518 The Real Beginning

Chapter 2518 The Real Beginning

Hearing this, the Gorefiend Patriarch's eyes lit up.

"In fact, not only my Ancient Demon Race, but other major forces will also take action. As you said, how could they miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

Li Mo looked at the blood demon ancestor indifferently, with a confident look.

It made the latter startled.

Some puzzled and asked: "Really? Then why didn't I hear you mention it just now?"

It's no wonder that the blood demon patriarch had such doubts. Before this, the ancient demons had already discussed this matter, and the final result was just to wait and see what happened.

It is precisely because of this that he boldly proposed to ask Fang Yi for help.

Now, Li Mo actually said...

"Some things don't need to be said explicitly, this is a tacit understanding between the major forces."

"The major forces are fighting openly and secretly. Whenever one party encounters difficulties, the others will naturally not stand by. It's normal that you didn't understand it when you first came here."

Li Mo smiled.

"It's just that how much effort you put in depends on how difficult the Soul Clan is in."

"Only based on the current situation of Soul Gathering Star, at least it is enough for the major forces to make some small moves secretly."

"If, as you said, that kid can injure the soul clan, presumably, the major forces will also be willing to make a big move, so as to ruthlessly slaughter the soul clan."

Hearing these words, the blood demon patriarch understood clearly.

Anyway, he used to be the overlord of one party, so he naturally knew the intricate relationship between the top strengths.

Those who can attack their opponents and gain benefits, these people will definitely not let them go.

Fortunately, I took the initiative to lobby.

Just, is it just a killing?

"What if those Yin corpses have caused a great impact on the soul clan? Will the major forces go all out to defeat the soul clan in one fell swoop?"

The blood demon patriarch tentatively said.

"No!" Li Mo shook his head decisively.

"Impossible! No matter how strong those Yin corpses are, it is impossible to hurt the foundation of the soul clan. Do you know what is the foundation of the world for a powerful force like the soul clan?"

The blood demon patriarch shook his head consciously.

"It's the Dao Rune powerhouse who controls the existence of the rules of heaven and earth."

"No matter how powerful those Yin corpses are, they are still not worth mentioning in front of Dao Rune powerhouses."

Dao pattern strong man, with the strength of the blood demon ancestor, naturally only heard about it, and had no contact with such an existence.

Of course, even if he had contacted it, he didn't know it.

In fact, if he hadn't been in the Ancient Demon Clan, he wouldn't have even heard of it. In Tianshan Mountain, the peak of the Heavenly Soul is already a fairy-like figure, the existence of the peak.

There are only a few top powers, but it is extremely rare in the huge Tianshan Mountains.

Not to mention those with strong Dao patterns, they are rare.

"My lord, don't forget that these ghosts are ordered by the Undying Corpse King. What if the Undying Corpse King also joined the battle?"

The blood demon patriarch paused, and said again.

As soon as these words came out, even Li Mo could not help but change his expression.

Indeed, the battle of Undead Abyss has already been spread. According to the rumors, the Immortal Corpse King must be the existence of Daowen powerhouse, and it is very likely that he is the top one among them.

If he also participated in the battle, then the entire soul clan would suffer heavy losses.

Do not!There seems to be one missing.

While meditating, Li Mo suddenly remembered that when Fang Yi appeared in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness that day, there was a strong Dao pattern hidden behind him.

In the battle of the Thousand Tribulation Stars, the Dao Rune expert also made a move.

Obviously, it has a great relationship with Fang Yi. If all this is really behind the back of that kid, plus the Immortal Corpse King, plus that person, that soul clan...

At this moment, Li Mo only felt that his heart was not enough.

As far as he knows, there are no more than two Dao Rune powerhouses of the Soul Clan.

One is Jun Jiuyou, the patriarch of the Soul Clan, and the other is the Tai Tai Elder of the Soul Clan. This person is extremely mysterious and almost unknown to outsiders. They just know that there is such a person.

These two great masters of the Daowen ruled the Soul Clan, which also allowed the Soul Clan to stand upright on the Tianshan Mountains without falling down.

If so, there will be two Dao pattern powerhouses participating in this battle.

Then, it's unimaginable how big a blow the soul clan will face.

A serious injury to vitality may be minor, or even after that, it will never recover.

"grown ups??"

Seeing that Li Mo didn't respond for a long time, and his face turned pale, the blood demon patriarch couldn't help but test it out.

"Blood Demon, don't mention this matter to outsiders. I'll go and ask the patriarch for instructions. No way, our Ancient Demon Clan will ask for more benefits this time."

"There are other major forces, presumably..."

The cold light in Li Mo's eyes was wanton.


"Come and see! This is the distribution map of the major mining areas and treasure houses controlled by the soul clan. There are many spirit stone mines, various material mining areas, and treasure houses."

"Tsk tsk! It's a trough, no wonder the disciples of the soul race are so rich, there are so many mining areas."

"Look, look, there are still accusations of the soul clan here. It turns out that more than half of these mining areas were robbed? So many sects were destroyed by the soul clan??"

The Soul Clan was defeated, and on the Soul Gathering Star, I don't know who listed the crimes of the Soul Clan, the major mining areas, and the distribution map of the treasure house.

One by one, shocking.

In fact, it is not surprising that the development of the Soul Race to such a great extent must be a history of blood and tears.

Moreover, the person behind this obviously intends to add insult to injury, so the words used are naturally even more exaggerated.

And this news, centered on Soul Gathering Star, spread rapidly to the surroundings.

For a time, the soul clan was already the target of public criticism.

When Fang Yi heard the news, he was also a little surprised.

All of this is naturally not his masterpiece. He has only been in Tianshan for more than two hundred years, and he knows very little about the criminal history of the soul clan, let alone the distribution of major mining areas and treasure houses.

Obviously, someone is behind the scenes.

As for who is behind this, there is no need to say clearly, those who can understand the soul race so well are naturally the top forces.

These people finally couldn't bear it anymore.

This is undoubtedly good news for Fang Yi.

Especially the distribution map of the mining area and the treasure house is really a good thing.

The Yin corpse army has been pursuing Mo Lao, unable to divide the troops, although this is beneficial, it can greatly attack the soul clan and wipe out the power of the soul clan.

But at the same time, it also allowed the Soul Race to deal with the army wholeheartedly without being distracted.

Now, with this picture, it is different, and those warriors who poured into the soul clan can also play a role.

wonderful!It's wonderful!

Fang Yi really wanted to give him a big hug for the person who released this picture behind his back.

"My lord, Mo Lao led the army of Yin corpses to sweep down all the way, and soon he will reach the next main star of the soul clan, the broken soul star."

"Should we rush to support as soon as possible?"

Soul-breaking star is no better than soul-gathering star, although usually, this planet does not have much protection power, because it has already entered the soul clan, no one dares to make trouble here.

However, today is different from the past, the soul clan suffered a disastrous defeat on the soul-gathering star, and they will definitely regain this place, shocking all forces.

Therefore, this battle is very important to the Soul Race.

The same is true for Fang Yi, because this battle is the real beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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