Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2520 Leave it to her!

Chapter 2520 Leave it to her!

"Brothers, kill!"

"I just don't want to live anymore. The two of them dared to break into the mine and seek their own death."

There was a sound of fighting, and dozens of disciples of the soul race surrounded the scene tightly, the sword energy was wanton, and the sky was full of blood.

These soul disciples were usually high above the others, and after the defeat of Soul Gathering Star, they were even more suffocated. Now, someone dared to break into the mining area, and the anger in their hearts could be imagined.

However, no matter how angry they were, they couldn't do anything about the two who came suddenly.

You can't even touch the corner of your clothes.

It's no wonder, because those two people are none other than Taoist Bliss and Granny Meng.

"Miss, is this what you mean by adding fire?"

Granny Meng looked helpless at the moment.

Originally, she wanted to keep a low profile as much as possible. After all, this trip was no small matter, but now it's better...

"How is it? Not bad? Those cowards have been lingering around Linghuixing and dare not make a move. They are simply too useless. If they have evil intentions but no courage, this lady will help them."

There was a playful look in the eyes of the master of blissful Taoism, said.

Granny Meng shook her head helplessly, and then looked at the sky, where he clearly saw a lot of attracted warriors.

However, no one dared to make a move, they all just waited and watched.

"Miss, I'm afraid your calculations will come to nothing. These people are afraid of the soul race for a day or two, I'm afraid..."

Granny Meng is obviously not good-looking.

Because the facts have proved everything.

"No rush!" The Taoist Master of Bliss did not take it seriously, and said: "They are afraid to make a move now, that is because they are not sure whether we will win."

"The powerhouses of Linghui Star have not yet arrived. Once we show enough strength, they will come faster than anyone else."

The Lord of Ultimate Bliss is full of confidence.

Granny Meng also seemed to acquiesce.

And the crowd at high altitude is already increasing at this moment.

The reason why they are shaking around here is that they are more or less holding some thoughts, although they dare not really do anything.

But I also want to see if other people will make a move.

as predicted!

Someone has really made a move, and their hearts are naturally ready to move, but just as the Lord of Bliss said, they are facing the soul clan, and they are not sure of victory, so who would dare to act rashly?

"He Fangxiao is young, dare to be presumptuous in my soul clan."

Just when the crowd was about to move, there was a sudden explosion, which exploded in the whole world.

The loud voice, with its extremely domineering aura, made the crowd turn pale with fright, and even some of them didn't seem to dare to watch, for fear of being involved.

Needless to say who came, it was the group from the main hall before, and it was the hazy man who spoke.

At this moment, the gloomy man's face was so gloomy that water dripped out.

It was as if there were two raging flames burning in the eyes, extremely fierce, and as far as the eyes could see, the crowd quickly retreated.

Only the Taoist Lord of Ultimate Bliss has an expression of 'I have finally waited for you'.


She was waiting, defeating these little Luoluos was meaningless and would not have the slightest effect. The crowd in the sky would not dare to attack just because she killed a few little Luoluos.

However, it will be different if you defeat these strong men, especially the ruler of Linghui Star.

and so……

"Who are you? You are so courageous, can you really be bullied by the soul clan?" The murderous intent was revealed in the gloomy man's eyes.

He raised his head and looked up at the void, raised his hand and slapped him straight to the Lord of Ultimate Bliss.

This palm was extremely majestic, under the wind of the palm, everything seemed to be crushed into dust, obviously, he wanted to crush the Lord of Bliss into slag in one fell swoop, so as to shock everyone.

Seeing this terrifying palm, everyone in the void changed their expressions drastically.

Just kidding, the cultivation base of the hazy man has also reached the Earth Soul Realm. Although it seems that he has just entered the Earth Soul, how can ordinary warriors be compared.

Even if it was Shi Zhongtian, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, someone made the first move, young master, do you want to help her?"

Immediately, he asked quickly.

It would be a blow to everyone's enthusiasm, this palm naturally cannot allow the opponent to take the upper hand, otherwise, the fear in their hearts will deepen.

Therefore, the best way is to defeat the opponent with more domineering means.

In this way, it will give everyone a mentality that is nothing more than that.

Thereby expelling the inner fear of the soul race.

"No need!"

However, unexpectedly, Fang Yi refused, which really surprised Shi Zhongtian.

However, he would not refute Fang Yi's words, so he could only watch quietly.

The reason why Fang Yi is like this is naturally not because he doesn't understand this truth, but because he has already recognized the person who came, so it's too childish to dress up so poorly.

Perhaps, those eyes are too special.

Others may not recognize it, but how could Fang Yi not recognize it.

With the opponent's strength, this gloomy man is definitely not an opponent, so why should Shi Zhongtian make a move.


Just when everyone thought that the Taoist Lord of Bliss was bound to be doomed, the Daoist of Bliss himself faced that punch, but there was a hint of a plotting smile in his big eyes.

Immediately, the breath in his body also rose sharply, and he also threw a punch.

boom! !

Immediately, the space exploded, and the terrifying strong wind shattered everything, crushing it like an overwhelming mountain.

Even though he was a gloomy man, his complexion couldn't help but change drastically.

The two giant palms clashed instantly.


With a loud noise, the shadowy man's figure was blasted out, like a shell fired.

This? ?

The huge crowd seemed to be petrified at this moment, each and every one of them was stunned.

It's no wonder, because in the eyes of everyone, although the Taoist Lord of Bliss was powerful and able to maneuver among the disciples of the soul race, he was limited, at least he did not defeat the disciples of the soul race.

But now it's a good thing, and the hazy man was blown away with a single punch.

Although most of them don't know the strength of the man in the haze.

But from the demeanor of everyone, his identity has undoubtedly been explained.

The ruler of Linghui Star was blown away like this, how can they not be surprised?

Even Shi Zhongtian couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face. It was at this moment that he finally understood why Fang Yi didn't let him make a move.

However, the opponent obviously has such strength, why didn't he use it in the first place?

Shi Zhongtian was a little puzzled.

"Because of the crowd, she was dispelling the fear in the hearts of the crowd. Her previous performance was not much different from most of the crowd. After that, she suddenly broke out and defeated her opponent, which would give the crowd a false impression that the opponent was nothing more than that."

"I even suspect that it's just a bunch of useless waste."

Fang Yi said slowly, with a faint smile in his eyes.

This woman is not too stupid, and she can finally help a little.


With that said, Fang Yi turned around and left.

"Ah? Let's go?" Shi Zhongtian obviously hasn't come back to his senses, everything has not been settled yet, why...

"Leave it to her here! She is enough."


(End of this chapter)

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