Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2538 Arrangement

Chapter 2538 Arrangement

"Precisely because it is extremely difficult to open, to open it does not happen overnight, but requires decades of brewing."

"If my predictions are correct, the secret realm has been opened two days ago."

"It's just that I didn't expect that such a thing just happened to happen. I believe that people in the soul clan would like to eat your flesh and drink your blood."

Dijian glanced at Fang Yi playfully, his expression was a little weird.

Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips.

It's all a coincidence, he doesn't know it.

However, Fengshenmeng should know about it, otherwise, why would she enter the Emperor Soul Star at this time?He even said that he was going to enter the underworld.

But, has she already entered the Emperor Soul Star?

Still entered the secret realm.

If this is the case, then her situation...

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning, although Fengshenmeng's strength should not be underestimated, and since he came to Tianshan, he always felt that Fengshenmeng was a little weird.

Although in the spirit world, the other party treated him lukewarm, but in order to pursue the truth, he was always by his side.

But when he arrived at Tianshan, the other party seemed to avoid him intentionally.

never mind!

These are left for later, the most urgent task is to enter the secret realm as soon as possible.

"Since that's the case, what are we waiting for? I really want to see what kind of existence the so-called soul state is."

Fang Yi's eyes were eager to move, and he seemed a little impatient.

However, Emperor Jianyi seemed not in a hurry, and said slowly: "In two days, the army of Yin corpses will arrive, and that time is the best time."

Obviously, what he said was undoubtedly correct, and Fang Yi originally had a similar plan.

But thinking of Fengshenmeng, he couldn't hold back.

He couldn't help saying: "Not necessarily, the people of the soul clan must also be waiting for that day, and they must have taken precautions."

"On the contrary, now, after the cleansing just now, they may not have expected that someone would dare to invade the Emperor Soul Star in this world, so..."

As soon as Di Jian heard the words, his eyes couldn't help but move, obviously a little moved.

But Shi Zhongtian was a little worried, and hurriedly said: "My lord, it is definitely not wise to act rashly at this time."

"Besides, what is the state of the soul, and the dangers in the underworld, if you just rush in like this, I'm afraid..."

It has to be said that today's Shi Zhongtian is already loyal to Fang Yi.

Hearing that Fang Yi was going to take risks, his face was full of worry.

"It's okay!"

However, Fang Yi shook his head, but Shi Zhongtian's words reminded him.

If he really entered the underworld, where should Mu Shenzong go?

And Shi Zhongtian and Mo Lao, if you want to bring them in together, once they also enter, who will be in charge of the Wood God Sect?

Moreover, Mo Lao is almost complete with three souls. What he lacks is not the power of the soul, but the comprehension of the laws.

Therefore, most of them have no interest in the underworld.

"Shi Zhongtian, you stay here, and this is for you."

As Fang Yi said, he opened his hand, and the Cyanwood Pagoda appeared in his hand out of thin air.

"This!" Seeing this tower, Shi Zhongtian was immediately terrified, no more than Emperor Jianyi, he naturally understood the meaning of this tower, and there are countless powerful people inside.

Fang Yi was able to hand over this tower to him. What kind of trust is this, and how dare he accept it.

"Young master, you can't do it!"

Immediately, he said quickly.

"I'll give it to you if I say so!" Fang Yi couldn't help breaking up, and went directly to Shi Zhongtian.

He did not forget to add: "I did not give it to you for free, but asked you to protect the Wood God Sect, and at the same time told Mo Lao and others that as long as they guard the Wood God Sect well, they will be freed when I return. .”


Shi Zhongtian obviously wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Fang Yi.

"That's it. Tell Mo Lao that I am sorry for him this time, but I will never treat him badly for what I promised him."

What Fang Yi said is naturally the pattern of heaven and earth.

At the beginning, because of Fengshenmeng, Mo Lao didn't get the heaven and earth dao pattern, so he could only comprehend it in Fang Yi's inner world.

But now Fang Yi is going to enter the underworld, so...

"Yes! This subordinate understands!"

Even though he didn't want to, Shi Zhongtian had no choice but to take orders at this moment.

At the same time, he did not forget to say: "My lord, don't worry, as long as there are subordinates around for a day, nothing will happen to the Mu Shenzong."


However, Fang Yi scolded angrily, and shouted: "Mu Shenzong is gone, you can continue to build. This sect asks you to protect the Wood Shenzong. It is to protect those people. Once you encounter an invincible enemy, you should evacuate immediately. Do you understand?"

"When necessary, you can hide in Gathering Starfish."

Talent is the root of everything. In fact, Fang Yi doesn't really care about the Mu Shenzong.

He cares about those who follow him, and he doesn't want these people to sacrifice blindly.

"This subordinate understands!" Shi Zhongtian nodded immediately, and a warm current surged in his heart.

"Okay! It's just a plan for the time being. It's too early to say whether you can enter the underworld. You can play it by ear!" Fang Yi finally said.

Di Jianyi at the side looked at Fang Yi in surprise.

It seems that Fang Yi did not expect Fang Yi to be so resolute.

As soon as I heard about it, it seemed as if I was determined to enter the underworld, and I really deserved to have today's achievements.

The thirst for power is so strong.

However, he didn't know that the reason why Fang Yi decided to enter the underworld was naturally not only because of the pursuit of power, but also because of Fengshen Meng and Hua Lian'er.

And countless Kyushu disciples.

This is the key factor in his decision to enter the underworld.

"Let's go?"

After arranging everything, Fang Yi couldn't help looking at Emperor Jianyi and said.

"Now?" Di Jian was surprised, he didn't expect anyone to be more anxious than him.

"Of course!" Fang Yi nodded, "The Soul Clan has just wiped out the surrounding martial artists on a large scale. No one would have thought of infiltrating the Emperor Soul Star in this world."

"it is good!"

Di Jian thought for a while, and finally nodded.

Although it may not be the best time right now, it has an unexpected effect.

Most importantly, he was also a little impatient.

Moreover, sneaking into the Emperor Soul Star is only the first step. It shouldn't be too difficult for you to change the mirror with Prisoner Sky. The rare thing is how to enter the secret realm after entering the Emperor Soul Star.

That's the top priority.

Immediately, the two left quickly and disappeared from sight.

Seeing this, Shi Zhongtian hesitated to speak, but finally said nothing, and quickly put away the Qingmu Pagoda.

"No, you must notify Mo Lao as soon as possible and ask Mo Lao to help."

He muttered in his mouth, and immediately, his whole body turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

At the same time, in another void, a huge blood-red figure was overlooking a huge planet. The surface of the planet was completely shrouded in a layer of faint golden light.

In the dark void, it is so eye-catching and sacred.

And this is the Emperor Soul Star.

As for the huge blood-red figure, there was a strong smell of blood exuding from his body at this moment, and his pair of eyes were like death, without a trace of emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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