Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2542 Mo Lao's actions

Chapter 2542 Mo Lao's actions

Boom! ! !

Immediately, there was a loud noise. With the seal of the master of the mountain and the strength of the two of them, although they were still a bit reluctant to face Jun Jiuyuan, they were not powerless to fight back.

Of course, it is completely impossible to win.

As Jun Jiuyuan said, although the Mountain Master Seal is powerful, Fang Yi can clearly sense that Emperor Jianyi cannot fully exert its power.

Even, less than one percent, it can only show some superficiality.

Based on this alone, trying to defeat Jun Jiuyuan is tantamount to dreaming.

"No! I can't hold on anymore, withdraw!"

Immediately, Emperor Jian directly transmitted the voice.

Although he was not afraid of death, he would not be so stupid as to die. There was no possibility of winning in the scene before him. Instead, evacuation was undoubtedly the wisest choice.

How could Fang Yi not know.

Although I was a little unwilling in my heart, there was nothing I could do about this situation.

Although he still has a hole card, he still has the inner world.

However, judging from the current situation, even if they work together, they cannot be Jun Jiuyuan's opponent.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Jun Jiuyuan can be defeated by borrowing the inner world, if he wants to kill him, it is no less than a fairy tale.

And since it cannot be killed, everything is undoubtedly in vain.

and so……

"Want to go? Have you gone?"

Seeming to see through the minds of the two, Jun Jiuyuan sneered, sarcasm again and again.

Looking at the two of them was like looking at an idiot.

It's no wonder that, as Daowen strongmen, two mere earth soul warriors wanted to escape from his hands, so how could it not make him feel ridiculous.

To him, it was just an ant-like existence.

It's a pity how these ants can understand his strength.


Jun Jiuyuan yelled, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a cruel pleasure.

not good!

The expressions of the two couldn't help changing drastically, and they were about to fight with all their strength, but at this moment, above the nine heavens, there was a sudden burst of thunder, as if the sky had been turned upside down.

what happened?

Not only the two of Fang Yi, but also Jun Jiuyuan's eyes flashed with astonishment, and after that, it became unbelievable.

Just because, above the nine heavens, majestic figures have appeared one after another.

Each of those figures was extremely powerful, and when they were all gathered together, they were like a vast ocean, which made him feel a little shocked.

And the one who took the lead was none other than Mo Lao, who had fought against him before.

Fang Yi undoubtedly stayed on the spot at the moment.

Shocked speechless.

Looking at the countless terrifying figures, there was no doubt that these people were all from the Cyanwood Pagoda, and Elder Mo actually released all of them.

In the past, Fang Yi also had such an impulse to release all these people to deal with the soul race.

However, in the end he dismissed the idea, because they couldn't completely control these people.

However, Mo Lao seemed to be different.

He has been imprisoned in the Qingmu Pagoda for tens of thousands of years. These people may have been under his control, so he has no scruples.


Above the nine heavens, Mo Lao was like a god of killing, with his sword pointing directly at the Emperor Soul Star.

Immediately, those countless terrifying figures, like fierce tigers that had escaped from their cages, flocked straight to the Emperor Soul Star.

These are old monsters who have been imprisoned for an unknown number of years, each one is extremely tyrannical, and it is conceivable that they all gather together.

The entire Emperor Soul Star seemed to be crumbling.

"No! Who are these people? He...they..."

The soul clansmen were stunned, each and every one of them, their faces were extremely pale.

Even Jun Jiuyuan's face was ashen at the moment. Although he was very powerful, just one old Mo was enough for him to eat a pot.

There are so many strong people, this...

Jun Jiuyou's face also became a little ugly, and he seemed to stop these people with his big hand.

Unfortunately, the Undying Corpse King didn't give him a chance.

Suddenly, a scuffle ensued.

"Everyone obeys orders, stop them at all costs."

"Anyone who dares to break into the Emperor Soul Star will be killed!"

shhhhhh! ! !

On the Emperor Soul Star, a series of abyss-like figures rushed into the sky. At this moment, all the powerful soul clan came out, without any reservations.

The huge Emperor Soul Star was completely shrouded in terrifying clouds, extremely frightening.

As for Di Jianyi, his face was also pale at this moment, looking at the sky in disbelief, and finally, his eyes turned to Fang Yi, full of shock.

Because he recognized Shi Zhongtian.

Perhaps he never dreamed that behind Fang Yi, there was such a huge force hidden.

It was not just him, the crowd watching from afar at this moment were all terrified.

With so many Heavenly Soul powerhouses appearing all at once, it's simply...

Li Mo was also trembling all over, his lips turned white.

At this moment, he only felt that his back was drenched, because, not long ago, he tried to snatch the Shimo Heavenly Book from Fang Yi.

How ridiculous it looks now.

Fortunately, there is not much conflict between the two, otherwise...


Subconsciously, he looked at the blood demon patriarch beside him. Maybe it was not because of his good luck, but because of the blood demon patriarch that the other party did not make a move.

The blood demon patriarch naturally didn't know what Li Mo was thinking. At this moment, he was so shocked that his mind went blank, so he didn't have the time to think about it.

It's ridiculous, he still tried to persuade Li Mo to help him, it turned out that Fang Yi didn't need it at all.

At this moment, the blood demon patriarch suddenly aged a lot.

In the spirit world, he used to be the most peak existence, watching Fang Yi grow up step by step, but now, when he came to Tianshan, he watched Fang Yi step by step throw him far away.

To be honest, this feeling is very bad, and it makes him feel a little frustrated and tired.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch a bit of bitterness.

"Who the hell are you guys? Retire immediately, I, the Soul Clan, don't blame the past, otherwise, don't blame the old man for being ruthless."

Jun Jiuyou was furious at this moment, and his whole body was full of monstrous aura, covering the entire formation and the Emperor Soul Star.

The power of countless rules is entwined, and the surrounding world seems to have completely become his territory.

Truly invincible.

It can be said that if it wasn't for the Immortal Corpse King, it would be almost impossible for Mo Lao and others to bypass him. Even if they were lucky, they would have to pay a very heavy price.

However, it was the Undying Corpse King that made everything relatively simple.

It also made Jun Jiuyou helpless.

"Bastard!" Jun Jiuyuan gritted his teeth. In such a situation, if he doesn't stop Mo Lao, the soul clan's formation will really be broken, and then...

This is obviously intolerable to the Soul Race.

"Take them down!"

Immediately, with a yell, he gave up on Fang Yi and the two of them, and walked away to Nine Heavens.

With the situation in front of him, he couldn't help but not give up.

It is better to give up the two of them than to let more people in. Once the formation is really broken, the soul state will also be exposed. At that time, there will be more influxes, so he has no choice at all.

And this is undoubtedly a great thing for Fang Yi and the other two.

The two couldn't help but look at each other, seeing the excitement in each other's eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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