Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2554 Black Iron City

Chapter 2554 Black Iron City

A big battle, just like that, ended in an unexpected way.

The whole town was in a carnival.

Meteor is no exception, but at the same time, she still feels a little guilty. Once, she thought that Fang Yi had left, and never thought...

"I'm sorry! Brother Fang..."

Looking at Fang Yi, she couldn't help lowering her head at this moment.

Naturally, Fang Yi would not be offended, smiled and said, "There is no need to say sorry."

"Okay! It's all right here, I should leave too!"


Hearing that, Meteor immediately looked up at Fang Yi, feeling a bit reluctant, and said, "Brother Fang, where are you going? It's rare that you have recovered your memory?"

"Or, go with him?"

With that said, Meteor looked at the black-armored general behind Fang Yi.

General Heijia had surrendered at this moment, and stood obediently behind Fang Yi. Hearing Meteor's words, he also looked at Fang Yi curiously.


Will such a strong man also lose his memory?

He frowned, slightly puzzled.

"Brother Fang, although they surrender to you, they may not be sincere, and they may be detrimental to you..."

Meteor seemed a little worried, and said again that he had no scruples about the black-armored general at the side.

This made the corner of Heijia general's mouth twitch, really?Of course not, but to deal with Fang Yi, just kidding, he would not dare to lend him ten guts.

He couldn't help saying: "Girl, you think highly of Sun Mou too much, the strength of your lord..."

"Hmph! It's easy for Big Brother Fang to take you down, but you are not the only general in your Black Iron Army, but also a commander. If you are a treasure trove..."

Before the Heijia general could finish speaking, Meteor choked directly.

It could be seen that she was quite worried about Fang Yi's safety.

The black-armored general also choked, but he still hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, since Sun has surrendered to you, he will naturally follow his lead."

"As for the Commander..."

As he said that, General Heijia was also a little embarrassed, as if he didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Meteor's eyes became even sharper, staring closely at the black-armored general, with a hint of questioning.

However, the two are so tit for tat, I'm afraid they would never have dreamed that Fang Yi didn't care at all, the leader of the Black Iron Army is nothing in front of absolute strength.

Now that it has been decided to use the Black Iron Army to inquire about news.

Then, the stronger the Black Iron Army, it is undoubtedly a good thing for him.

"All right!"

Immediately, Fang Yi smiled and said a few words of comfort casually.

Anyway, Meteor is always good for him.

"Brother Fang, be careful yourself. I know you must have a special background. In a small town, I'm afraid you will never know your own background, so..."

Meteor is obviously not stupid, he knows he can't keep him, so he has to say goodbye.

She doesn't seem to have many similar experiences.

But Fang Yi, who had long been surprised by life and death, just nodded with a smile.

After that, Fang Yi left the town without alarming anyone.

In fact, since the end of the battle, he has not shown up, but said goodbye to Meteor.

Others don't need it either.


"Your Majesty, the Black Iron City is not far ahead!"

In the vast land, a black team was walking slowly, and in the center of the team was a huge chariot pulled by an unknown giant beast.

Fang Yi crossed his legs and closed his eyes slightly.

The black-armored general 'Sun Shao' rode a giant beast and followed him cautiously.

The expression is also a little complicated.

Because they will soon arrive at Black Iron City, and no one knows what will happen next.

As one of the two lieutenant generals of Black Iron City, I am afraid that I have surrendered to other people, Lord Commander, and another lieutenant general...

It's just that, the matter has come to this point, he has no choice at all.


Fang Yi also slowly opened his eyes at this time, seemingly indifferent.

"Your Majesty, why don't we change the road! Go to another place." Sun Shao hesitated for a while, and finally said cautiously.

"What? Are you afraid?"

Fang Yi glanced at him slightly and said.

"The subordinates are not afraid, but worried. The commander's strength should not be underestimated. He has reached the peak of Faxiang, and there are countless black iron troops. By then..."

Sun Shao hesitated to speak, but the meaning was obvious.

What's more important is the Black Iron Army behind him. Although these people are temporarily under his command, they even have many of his cronies.

However, if he really meets the Commander, no one knows whether he will betray or not.

"Really? Didn't you already notify Black Iron City? Why are you worried?"

"I thought you were going to put me together."

Fang Yi's voice was still flat, but in Sun Shao's ears, it was no less than thunder.

The expression of the latter changed drastically, and he quickly bowed and said: "Your Majesty, please calm down. This subordinate is not disloyal to inform Sir Commander, but to dissuade Sir Commander and submit to Your Majesty."


Fang Yi glanced at him again, and continued: "Aren't you making two-handed preparations, are you vacillating?"

Although these words were light, cold sweat dripped from Sun Shao's forehead.

Because he knew that everything he had done could not be hidden from Fang Yi.

"This subordinate deserves to die!" Immediately, he hurriedly knelt down, "This subordinate has some ulterior motives, but it is only for self-protection, and it does not harm the king's heart. Please forgive me."

His face was pale, and he couldn't help shaking.

"Get up!"

Fang Yi said lightly, "You should be glad that what you said just now saved your life. Remember, I don't like disloyal people. Next time, you will know the consequences."

"Yes! The subordinates dare not, and they will never have any second thoughts in the future."

Sun Shaoru was approaching the amnesty, and at the same time recalled what he had just said in his mind.

Could it be that he proposed to change the route?

That's why I saved my life, because changing the road undoubtedly meant that I had no intention of doing harm.

Immediately, Sun Shao felt lucky in his heart.

"By the way! What is the peak strength of Faxiang? Above that, what realm is there?"

After a pause, Fang Yi asked again.

The strength of Meteor is too weak, and he has never been in contact with it above the Dharma Aspect, and he has never even heard of it. Sun Shao said that he is also in the Dharma Aspect Realm, so he must know more.

This! !

However, upon hearing this, Sun Shao couldn't help but startled.

Perhaps in his opinion, Fang Yi's strength is so strong, why should he ask himself such a question.

However, he still didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, and hurriedly said: "Back to your majesty, the peak of the Dharma is extremely powerful, the specifics depend on each of the Dharma..."

Immediately, he came one by one.

Fang Yi nodded from time to time. Compared with the spiritual world, the so-called dharma is the soul of heaven. The soul of heaven is different, and the supernatural powers are naturally different.

Fang Yi's awakened Heavenly Soul is a huge black hole that devours everything.

"As for the Dharma, it is the Purple Mansion Realm. The Purple Mansion Realm condenses the inner palace, and when the inner palace is [-]%, it can condense the body into an avatar. In theory, it can condense seven bodies into an avatar, each of which is consistent with the main body and is powerful. Incomparably..."

Sun Shao continued.

(End of this chapter)

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