Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2556 Change of Owners

Chapter 2556 Change of Owners


In an instant, the two clashed together.

The strength of the two is equal, and they have both reached the state of Faxiang. This match was inextricably linked, and the momentum was not small.

As for the others, they are not in a hurry to make a move at the moment.

Lu Poshan was the same, his face was gloomy, his eyes were sharp, he just glanced at the two of them, and then his gaze fell on Fang Yi like a sharp sword.

The monstrous anger also erupted, like an ancient beast.

"It's you!"

His pupils shrank, revealing his killing intent.

Combined with his powerful aura, it gave people a great sense of oppression.

If the strength is a little weaker, I am afraid that this power alone can crush the opponent, which is not difficult to see from the tense and fearful expressions of the black iron army at this moment.

Of course, Fang Yi naturally wouldn't have the slightest reaction.

If I really want to say yes, it is also a trace of impatience revealed between the brows.

"I'm here to see what's so great about you. If you dare to come to my Black Iron Army to act wildly, die!"

As soon as the word "death" came out, Lu Poshan's monstrous aura also erupted from his body. When he stretched out his palm, the monstrous aura instantly condensed and turned into a terrifying giant palm, covering the sky and covering the sun.

This astonishing scene almost enveloped the entire battlefield, making all the black iron soldiers turn pale with fright.

What's more, they already showed despair.

The corner of Lu Poshan's mouth could not help but evoke an evil look, which was extremely cruel.

As for Sun Shao, although he was in a fierce battle with Wang Hao at the moment, his attention was always on this side. Looking at that terrifying palm, he couldn't help showing a look of worry on his face.

Although Fang Yi's methods shocked him to heaven, there was no conclusion at all about who was stronger between the two.

How can I not be nervous at this moment.

This is related to his future and life.

Fortunately, his nervousness didn't last long, and the palm was about to fall.

Suddenly, a bright three-color light rose from the ground, like a peerless sword, with unparalleled sharpness, everything that came into contact with it was torn apart.

That terrifying giant palm is no exception.

With almost no resistance, it collapsed directly.

puff! !

At the same time, Lu Poshan was also struck by lightning, a mouthful of blood spurted out fiercely, and his figure flew out like a kite with a broken string.

what happened?

The huge crowd didn't seem to have reacted at this moment, each and every one was astonished like stone sculptures.

All of this seems to be slow, but in fact, the appearance of the three-color light is just between the electric light and the flint.

So much so that the crowd had no idea what was going on.

In their eyes, they only saw Lu Poshan attacking Fang Yi with monstrous power, and seeing that the latter was about to be suppressed on the spot, who would have thought that the three-color light suddenly appeared.

After that, Lu Poshan flew out, faster than when he came.

As for how it flew out, and how the three-color light appeared, no one present could see clearly.

No wonder, after all, the gap is too big.

Fang Yi was so old that he was a little bored.

However, in order to learn about the Kyushu disciples as soon as possible, this is the only way to go.

"I repeat again, surrender or die!"

The silent crowd hadn't recovered their senses at this moment, making this faint voice seem extraordinarily loud and harsh.

Fang Yi also opened his eyes, and the whole world seemed to be lit up.

Lu Poshan couldn't help trembling in his heart, facing that abyss-like gaze, at this moment, he suddenly felt an extremely small feeling.

However, as the leader of the Black Iron Army, how could he be subdued in front of countless Black Iron Army.

What's more, the previous palm was just a test, and he didn't try his best.

and so……

"You bastard, Hugh is so arrogant, do you really think that I can't take you down?"

Lu Poshan shouted loudly, and was about to make a move.

But unfortunately, before his words fell, a three-color sword light fell first, and the three-color sword light came so fast that everyone didn't react at all.

The same is true for Lu Poshan, he only heard the faint voice coming from his ear, "I don't know what to say!"

After that, he completely lost consciousness.

In the eyes of everyone, the three-color sword glow suddenly appeared, and Lu Poshan's body was annihilated like flying ash.

The huge crowd seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence at this moment.

No one thought that for them, the incomparably powerful leader of the Black Iron Army, in Fang Yi's hands, would be like a chicken and a dog, slaughtering them at will.

Even Sun Shao is the same, even though he knows that Fang Yi is extraordinary, but this is too...

At this moment, he couldn't help secretly rejoicing in his heart, rejoicing for his decision, otherwise, he would be the one who died.

However, what made him more excited was yet to come.

That faint voice sounded again, "From today onwards, you are the commander of the Black Iron Army."


Sun Shao was ecstatic in his heart, and quickly took orders.

But Wang Hao and the others were completely stunned on the spot at this moment, with pale faces, because Fang Yi directly ignored them and appointed the Black Iron Army to be the commander, which is so overbearing.

The most terrible thing is that they dare not say a word of no.

Even Lu Poshan, who is at the peak of his Faxiang, is so vulnerable in the opponent's hands, let alone them.

and so……

"what about you?"

Finally, Fang Yi looked at several people.

"I have seen your majesty, and my subordinates are willing to submit!" Immediately, all the generals bowed down one after another.

Seeing this, Wang Hao also lowered his head.

Just kidding, with such a tyrannical method, even if they don't want to, no one dares to say no, because it would be tantamount to courting death.

As for these people, Fang Yi didn't care whether they really surrendered or not. He just wanted to find some people to help find out the news, so he didn't bother to waste time and directly suppressed them forcefully.

"I have seen Your Majesty!"

Immediately, countless black iron soldiers also bowed down.

Who would have thought that the Black Iron Army, which is well-known around here, would have changed its master overnight.


"Back to your majesty, the matter has been explained, I believe there will be news soon."

In the largest palace in Black Iron City, Fang Yi was sitting high above, listening to Sun Shao's report.

The so-called matter naturally refers to inquiring about the whereabouts of the Kyushu disciples and Emperor Jianyi and others.


Fang Yi paused, "That's it! The Black Iron Army remains the same, and I will not interfere with you, but you must do well what I have told you."

"Yes!" In the main hall, besides Sun Shao, there were several other generals, and everyone agreed together.

"Okay! Go down if you have nothing to do!"

Fang Yi waved his hand.

Everyone seemed a little surprised. They didn't expect that Fang Yi just asked the Black Iron Army to find a few people. He didn't order anything else, and everything remained as it was.

I thought that the change of ownership of the Black Iron City this time would inevitably be bloody, but I never thought...

Not only were the people not affected, but they were given a powerful protection.

"My lord, I have something to report to you."

At this time, Wang Hao glanced at Fang Yi, thought for a while, and then stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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