Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2561 Spirit World Situation

Chapter 2561 Spirit World Situation

However, what surprised them even more was yet to come.

I saw that the Abyss Emperor, who had been silent all this time, also bowed respectfully to Fang Yi at this moment, and said in his mouth: "I don't know that you are here, and your subordinates have offended you a lot. Please forgive me."

This faint voice was extremely sincere.

Even a little panic.

But in the ears of the crowd, it was no less than a thunderstorm.

Are you kidding me, who is the person on the other side?The majestic emperor of the eternal court, known as the Emperor of the Abyss.

Such a person actually confessed to Fang Yi at this moment.

This made all the generals of the Black Iron Army feel as if they were in a dream, each and every one of them was beyond shocked.

The messenger of the abyss is the worst, his eyeballs seem to be falling out at this moment, thinking back then, the other party uttered wild words, asking the emperor of the abyss to come to apologize in person.

At that time, he completely regarded the other party as a lunatic.

Not even an idiot, at least an idiot knows how to be afraid.

But now, he suddenly discovered that the whole world is crazy, otherwise, how could it be like this?

"You know it's me?"

Fang Yi glanced at the Abyss Emperor lightly.

Do not!Perhaps it should be said that it is Pluto, the suzerain of the eternal imperial court in the spiritual world. If it weren't for him, how could he recognize Fang Yi.

"Yes! Young Master left something on this trash. Afterwards, Ming ordered someone to inquire about it, and learned that Young Master is looking for disciples from the Nine Provinces, so..."

The Abyss Emperor replied truthfully.

"Yes! Seeing that the young master has not shown up, Ye Mou just dared to provoke him. I hope the young master will forgive me."

At this time, Yasha God General also hurriedly added, with great sincerity and fear.

No wonder, Fang Yi's overbearing, Tian Kuixing's battle, the two witnessed it with their own eyes.

Now, after such a long time, they dare not make mistakes.

What's more, they were able to come to the underworld, all thanks to Fang Yi's original water, so...

"never mind!"

Naturally, Fang Yi would not really care about the two of them. The reason why he did so was just to confirm the identities of the Eternal Imperial Court and the Abyssal Emperor.

Now that the identity has been confirmed, it is naturally unnecessary.

Moreover, he still has something to ask the two of them.

"Come with me!"

With that said, he left first.

The Abyss Emperor and Yasha God General also followed immediately.

The surrounding crowd seemed to have recovered from the shock at this moment, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay, seeing deep shock in each other's eyes.

However, in addition to the shock, it is exciting and exciting.

It's no wonder why they are not excited to be able to surrender to a person who even respects the Emperor of the Abyss?

In contrast, the abyss messenger was ashamed.

"My lord, what should I do with this person?"

At this time, a general pointed to the abyss messenger and asked, looking eager to try.

Today is different from the past. If they were unwilling to submit to Fang Yi before, then at this moment, they are undoubtedly heartbroken.

Therefore, they are eager to express themselves.

Even with that, facing Sun Shao became extremely respectful.

Sun Shao was naturally aware of these changes, and he was very grateful for his original decision.

"Take it down first!"

Immediately, he replied.

Whether this person should be killed or not depends on Fang Yi's will even the Emperor Abyss, how dare he decide on his own.


"I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are safe and sound, son!"

In the main hall, Emperor Abyss spoke first, "Unexpectedly, to be able to meet you again in this underworld, Ming is really lucky."

"Yes! There are legends in the spirit world that Mr. Fang has entered the colorful galaxy, and even that Mr. Fang has ascended. I didn't expect Mr. Fang to come to the underworld."

God General Yasha also echoed, seeing that Fang Yi's whereabouts, they were all quite concerned.

No wonder, after the Tiankuixing battle, Fang Yi almost became No. 1 in the spirit world.

How can they not care.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile. When he mentioned the spiritual world, he couldn't help but think of the Kyushu disciples and some old friends.

Dang even asked, "What's the current situation in the spirit world?"

"Don't worry, my lord, the Kyushu Sect still rules the Chaotic Starfield, and the current Sect Master of the Wanmo Sect is Bai Yingying, and the new Sect Master of the Burning Sky Sect has also become Lord Wu Qiao."

The Abyss Emperor replied, the meaning behind his words could not be more obvious.

Fang Yi nodded slightly, not surprised.

Bai Yingying inherited the Jumo Palace, Fang Yi passed on the exercises from her Shimo Heavenly Book, and Wu Qiaojun inherited the colorful glazed cups and the Sun Heart Sutra in the Fire God Palace.

The rise of these two is only a matter of time.

Moreover, as early as when they left the spirit world and went to the Demon Realm, the Wan Mo Sect had already shown that they wanted to support Bai Yingying.

There is his relationship in this, and naturally the credit of the blood demon ancestor is indispensable.

With these two people around, Kyushu Zong Ding will be safe.

What's more, although the Kyushu Sect suffered a lot in that battle, there are still many outstanding disciples, and I believe they are enough to protect themselves.

"How long have you been in the underworld? Tell me about the situation in the underworld?"

After pondering for a while, Fang Yi went straight to the point.


When the two heard the words, they couldn't help but looked at each other, as if they were a little surprised.

"Young Master, didn't you enter the underworld after the first battle?" General Yasha asked curiously. Obviously, both of them thought that Fang Yi had entered the underworld for a long time.

No wonder, after all, Fang Yi has disappeared in the spirit world for a long time.

"No! This gentleman has entered the space of the divine mirror, perhaps it should be said that it is the bitter sea of ​​Tianshan among the nine mountains and eight seas."

Fang Yi immediately explained his experience briefly.

Hearing that the eyes of the two are shining, they are extremely eager.

Especially the Abyss Emperor, who looked extremely excited, and couldn't help saying: "Sure enough, there is a higher level of space, that's great."

"What's wrong?" Fang Yi couldn't help asking when he sensed something was wrong.

"Let the son laugh."

Only then did the Abyss Emperor say that, it turned out that after he reached the seventh level of fusion in the spirit world, he couldn't go any further.

So, he took the Yaksha god general and ventured into the underworld.

Fortunately, with the source of water, the two were finally safe and sound, and the next step was to establish the Eternal Royal Court.

Relying on the strength of the two, without accident, the Eternal Imperial Court quickly occupied a part of the world. During this period, the Abyss Emperor finally took that step and reached the state of transforming gods by coincidence.

Do not!In the underworld, it should be called the cave realm, the soul cave, which is the spiritual world.

Afterwards, he tried to return to the spirit world, allowing his body and soul to blend together. He never thought about it, but he never went back.

It's no wonder that the spirit world they are in is suppressed by the Dao of Heaven, and those who are strong in the Transformation God Realm can't appear at all, so...

"It is also a coincidence that I came to the underworld. As for how to go back, I still don't know."

"However, this is not in a hurry, let's talk about the situation in the underworld first!"

Fang Yi naturally saw the desire of the other party, but he really didn't know how to go back. Maybe once Di Jian knew, there was Jun Jiuyuan.

"Okay!" The Abyss Emperor nodded and said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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