Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2574 Poor Black Dragon

Chapter 2574 Poor Black Dragon

However, seeing that the palm was about to fall, the black dragon did not see even the slightest change in expression in the opponent's eyes.

Until this moment, he faintly felt that something was wrong.

But unfortunately, it was too late.


The sound of a dragon's chant came faintly, and the next moment, a golden dragon claw suddenly appeared at an unknown time, as if he had fallen from the sky, and directly patted it.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the black dragon only felt a huge force coming.

The figure blasted out like a cannonball in an instant.

How can it be?

He slammed into the stone pillar behind, but the black dragon didn't care about it, but looked at the person in front of him and Fang Yi in horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

"You... who are you?"

There was a drum in his heart, and he became a little stuttering when he spoke.

Usually, it is rare to meet such a strong man, but now, it is good to know that this is only the periphery of Huangquanhai, if it is deep, it will be fine.

"You don't have the right to know who this gentleman is. I ask you, has anyone been here before?"

Fang Yi was straightforward and was too lazy to talk nonsense.

It's just that as soon as he said this, Heilong's face suddenly became a little ugly, and a little complicated.

"Are you a group?"

However, he still didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly replied.

Because just based on the blow just now, he clearly realized that he was definitely not the opponent's opponent. If he was in his heyday, he might still be able to support one or two, but just now, he had only experienced a big battle.

Do not!It's right to be abused. Those who are abused have no temper and are bruised.

"What did he tell you?"

Fang Yi ignored Heilong's words and asked again.

"He...he was inquiring about the whereabouts of Youdu, and I told him that I didn't know, so I could only guide him to the deep sea." Heilong gave Fang Yi a vigilant look, and replied truthfully.

Youdu is a legendary existence, no one knows its specific whereabouts, if anyone really knows, it can only be in the depths of Huangquanhai.

"Really? Where did you lead him to?"

"Also, just now I faintly heard you say that you want him to die quickly, is that the case?"

Fang Yi's soft voice seemed listless.

But hearing it in Heilong's ears, he couldn't help but startled, and became even more fearful and vigilant.

"! I didn't guide him where to go, I just told him that someone might know in the depths of Huangquanhai." Heilong quickly explained.

"Do you think I will believe it?"

Fang Yi's face turned cold, and a cold breath also spread.

"You...what do you want to do?" Heilong's face suddenly changed, "This is the Black Dragon Domain, as long as this king gives an order..."

"Really! Then you can try it." Fang Yi sneered, and as he spoke, he stepped forward step by step.

On the other hand, the black dragon could not help but retreat, and its expression was extremely terrified.

"I... I really didn't guide him where to go, but the depths of Huangquanhai are extremely dangerous. Once you go deep into it, you will almost die."

"Continue!" Fang Yi said with a faint smile.

"Also, Youdu is mysterious and unpredictable. No one knows its location. It is said that only those who have reached a certain level of cultivation can perceive its existence."


These words made Fang Yi a little interested, and asked, "What realm is that?"

"This!" Heilong choked obviously, which obviously embarrassed him. With Fang Yi's strength, he couldn't sense the existence of Youdu, so how could he know.

"Maybe it's the reunification of the cave, maybe it's the manifestation of the saint, I really don't know the specifics."

The black dragon was about to cry.

Thinking of his generation of demon kings, the masters of the Black Dragon Territory, he was abused one after another in one day, how could he not despair.

Fortunately, this time there are no subordinates by his side, so it wouldn't be too embarrassing to admit cowardice.

Caves and heavens return to one?

That is equivalent to the soul of the gods in the spirit world. So, as long as he breaks through, he can sense the location of Youdu?

Of course, this is just what the black dragon said, and it is still unknown how.

Looking at the other party's appearance, I'm afraid that's all he knows.

"One more question, who is he?"


Heilong, who was originally terrified, was dumbfounded. He looked at Fang Yi blankly, as if he was saying, aren't you in the same group?

"I... I'm not sure either."

However, he still said in his mouth.

However, seeing a look of disappointment on Fang Yi's face, he couldn't help but sink in his heart, thought for a while, and said, "His whole body is shrouded in yin, and his specific appearance cannot be seen clearly, but he should be a woman."


Fang Yi's eyes flickered, could it be Fengshen Meng?

Subconsciously, he thought of Fengshenmeng.

Yes!This time, not only he and Di Jianyi or four entered the soul realm, but also Fengshenmeng.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, the blue rune couldn't be faked at all, and the other party's behavior also indicated that it was very likely that it was the first time he had entered Huangquanhai.

Nine times out of ten it is Fengshen Meng.

But, why did Feng Shenmeng enter the underworld?And why are you looking for Youdu?What on earth is she going to do?

Fang Yi couldn't help feeling a little headache.

After entering Tianshan, he found that Fengshenmeng's behavior became more and more incomprehensible to him, and the relationship between the two became more and more strange.

"Where did she go? Are you sure you didn't direct her somewhere?"

Guessing that person's identity is Fengshenmeng, Fang Yi's eyes became more and more fierce.

Heilong's already relaxed expression became tense again following these words, and he looked at Fang Yi fearfully, and said, "I really don't know, she is so good, how dare I lie to her, I have to be truthful." tell each other."

"As for where she went in the end, I have no way of knowing, but she must have gone deep into the Yellow Spring Sea."

Heilong was about to shed tears.

As a generation of demon king, I am afraid that no one is more wronged than him.

Seeing this, Fang Yi knew that there was nothing more to ask, so he couldn't help frowning.

Huangquanhai is vast, and finding someone in it is no less than finding a needle in a haystack, not to mention, Fengshenmeng will not wait in place.

Of course, whether the other party is Fengshenmeng is still just a guess.

"It seems that we can only watch while walking."

Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

Seeing this, Heilong also breathed a sigh of relief, and Gendan was almost terrified.

He was also secretly praying in his heart that the plague god in front of him would leave quickly, if this continues, he would really collapse completely.

Unfortunately, things backfired, the other party didn't intend to leave, and that faint voice sounded again, "The last question, what did you guys talk about earlier?"

Fang Yi looked at the black dragon playfully, and asked casually.

The conversations of the few people in the hall before could not be hidden from his eyes and ears.

"This..., nothing!"

The black dragon was obviously a little nervous, he couldn't speak, and his words flickered.

But the more this was the case, the more curious Fang Yi was aroused. Originally, he was just asking casually. Seeing this, his eyes suddenly turned cold, "Really?"

Is this sound right? Heilong was frightened out of his wits, and hurriedly said: "I said, I said..."

(End of this chapter)

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