Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2576 Strange Soul Cave

Chapter 2576 Strange Soul Cave

"Red Frog, is that you?"

Among the group of Yin spirits, the leader was a red man with pimples all over his body, looking extremely disgusting.

Especially his eyes were protruding, blood red, as if they could bleed.

Behind him, there are many ghosts with strange shapes. At this moment, these people actually surrounded Fang Yi and the two of them, as if they were going to take them down.

"Red Frog, have you eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard?"

"Just relying on you guys who are falling apart, do you think you can stop this king and buy time for that old thief Bichan?"

The black dragon looked contemptuous, and looked at the group of people as if they were looking at idiots.

His mind is also clear, and he can see the purpose of these people at a glance.

However, what surprised him was that a mere red frog, who gave the opponent the courage, dared to block his way.

"Oh! In normal times, Chi would not dare to dare, but today... I heard that Master Heilong has been abused very badly. I don't know how much fighting power he still has."

The man known as the red frog replied in a strange way at this moment.

The irony is self-evident.


The ghosts behind him also laughed wantonly.

Immediately, the black dragon's face became extremely ugly, with bursts of red and white, and at the same time, his heart was burning with anger. This incident, but it just happened, has already spread to the mouths of everyone in the Tianchan Region.

How is he not angry.

It's just that at this moment, he has no time to take care of these, his eyes are cold, and the killing intent is revealed.

"Just relying on you trash, you are going to act presumptuously in front of this king, go to hell!"

As he said that, his breath exploded, and a black dragon's claw slammed towards several people. The terrifying power rolled up the turbulent waves and crushed them straight away.

Seeing this, the red frog's expression changed drastically.

However, he obviously expected it long ago, and the three people behind him greeted him at the same time.

I saw them opening their mouths, each of them vomited black mist, and a foul smell followed, and the surrounding space was completely covered by black mist, making it hard to see clearly.

Obviously, these people didn't even think about defeating the black dragon, they just wanted to hold him back.

Heilong also saw it early.

It's just that at this moment, the anger in his heart can't be calmed down, and he can't wait to tear several people into pieces.

It's also strange, anyway, it is also a generation of demon kings, ruling the huge black dragon domain, the existence of Dongtian Ruyi, although he has just stepped into Ruyi, how can he tolerate others' provocations.

Especially these people, their strength is far inferior to him, and they are still subordinates of his deadly enemy.

As you can imagine...

A chase battle ensues.

The Red Frog and the others were extremely smart, they didn't fight the Black Dragon at all, relying on the cover of the poisonous mist, they were able to do their best.

It has to be said that the black dragon was injured one after another, and its strength was greatly reduced. The plan of several people did play a great role. If it wasn't because of Fang Yi, they might have succeeded.

As for now...

Fang Yi was a little impatient, and the pungent stench of the poisonous mist displeased him very much.

I saw him poking around casually. The red frog, who was doing well at first, suddenly seemed to feel a great threat, and his face changed drastically.

However, before he could react, a giant palm directly sent him flying.

Bang bang bang! !

With several loud bangs in succession, a Yin spirit exploded, and the black mist dissipated, revealing the huge vortex again.

what's the situation?

When did such a character appear beside Heilong?

The complexions of the Yin spirits changed drastically, they were frightened, and they all looked at Fang Yi with great fear.

However, Fang Yi naturally had no time to pay attention to them, and went straight to the whirlpool.

Heilong also seemed to have calmed down at this moment, glared at the few people fiercely, and said: "A bunch of trash, this king will settle the debt with you when I come out."

As he said that, he also chased after him, and disappeared into the whirlpool with Fang Yi.


"What is this place?"

Looking at all the novelty around him, Heilong was stunned.

The world in front of me is a colorful space, and there are countless starry sky above the space.

In the underworld, there is no starry sky at all, so that the black dragon has no idea what the starry sky means or what it is. In his eyes, all of this is so novel and weird.

"This should be the spiritual world left by a certain power!"

Fang Yi was also a little weird in his heart.

Especially looking at the starry sky, since there is no starry sky in the underworld, how can the strong in the underworld condense such a spiritual world?

Could it be that the owner of this spiritual world has ever been to the spiritual world?

Or maybe he came from the spirit world?

"What? The spiritual world?" Heilong heard the words, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Is the soul cave?"

he asked tentatively.

"That's right!" After hearing this, Fang Yi realized that in the underworld, the spiritual world is called the Soul Cave. Although the name is different, the essence is the same.

Heilong nodded suddenly, without thinking too much, and looked around carefully.

"This soul cave seems to be collapsing."

Looking at the dilapidated everything around, the black dragon muttered, but then, he seemed to have discovered something, and murmured: "It's strange, the things that appear in this cave of souls seem to be in pairs."

"And, half intact, half broken."

The black dragon's eyes were puzzled.

Fang Yi also nodded subconsciously. In fact, he had discovered this a long time ago. All the objects in this space are in pairs, even the stars in the sky are the same.

Although half of it has completely collapsed, it is not difficult to see its original appearance from the ruins and silhouette.

It's as if there is a mirror everywhere, outlining this space, which looks extremely strange.

"Go in and have a look! Otherwise, that old thief Bi Chan will preempt him."

Heilong obviously couldn't wait. If his old opponent had any chance, it would not be good news for him.

Because of this, he deliberately asked Fang Yi to invite him.

Because in his opinion, even if Fang Yi is cheap, it is better than his opponent. If that is the case, it is hard to say whether the Black Dragon Domain can be kept, so...

However, Fang Yi was not in a hurry, he looked around this space with some hesitation.

Because he was faintly aware that certain auras in this space gave him a feeling of deja vu, but he couldn't remember the specifics for a while.

brush! !

However, at this moment, a ray of light rose up in the space ahead, extremely gorgeous.

"It's a treasure, a treasure is about to be unearthed!"

The black dragon was full of excitement, as if he couldn't hold back anymore, he was about to rush away.

However, as soon as he took a step, he stopped again, looked at Fang Yi seeking, and saw that he was indeed frightened by Fang Yi, and he dared not act rashly in everything.

"Let's go! Go and see!"

Fang Yi couldn't help turning his gaze to where the glow was, feeling a little curious.

The black dragon was overjoyed when he heard the words, and he didn't stop any longer, turning into a streamer and shooting away.

Fang Yi's figure also left.


(End of this chapter)

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