Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2579 Rebirth Stone

Chapter 2579 Rebirth Stone


Heilong's expression changed drastically, his eyes full of shock.

As an old opponent, no one knows better than him the strength of the Bichan Demon King, but in the end, the sudden big hand hit the opponent with no power to fight back.

Looking at the situation, the Bichan Demon King must have been greatly traumatized.

The most terrible thing is that he has no idea where and how that big hand came from.

Even though he had been paying attention to every move of that figure, from the beginning to the end, he never saw him move, not even a little bit.

However, there was no one else at the scene except him.

At this moment, Heilong couldn't help secretly rejoicing that he had listened to Fang Yi's words, otherwise, he would probably be similar to the Bichan Demon King at this moment.

"you you……"

The Demon King Bichan seemed to be extremely weak at this moment, but his originally bright body had become extremely bleak.

Apparently, the blow nearly killed him.

But, so far, he hasn't even figured out how his opponent made a move, and besides fear, there is more unwillingness in his eyes.

The purple-robed man had already chased after him, his pupils narrowed sharply, staring at that figure full of fear.

Fang Yi is similar, maybe even worse.

Because among those present, only he knew how terrifying that figure was, because that figure was none other than Jun Jiuyou who entered the underworld with him.

good!It is Jun Jiuyou, the Taoist companion of the previous blissful Taoist master.

The reason why Fang Yi suspected that this spiritual world had suddenly opened was also because of Jun Jiuyou.

The facts undoubtedly showed that his guess was correct.

All of this was exactly what Jun Jiuyou did.

At this moment, Jun Jiuyou still didn't move, like a statue, but his faint but extremely majestic voice sounded out.

"Junior, there is a way to heaven and you don't go, but there is no way to hell, but you insist on breaking in."

"I see where you are going to escape this time."

Although the voice was indifferent, it was like a high-ranking ruler, the death god's sentence.

Heilong and the others looked at each other, obviously a little confused.

Until Fang Yi's voice also sounded, "Really? Do you still come after knowing why I sensed your breath?"

"Because, since I can sense your breath, you can also sense my breath, but you are indifferent, why?"

Fang Yi grinned.

yes why?

Because Jun Jiuyou didn't want Fang Yi's life?That is obviously impossible. The only explanation is that the other party cannot leave. Looking at the other party's situation at this moment, it is obvious that they are caught in some unknown situation.

It seems that it has something to do with that stone.

Could that stone be the legendary Stone of Rebirth?

Hearing this, Jun Jiuyou's face suddenly changed, and the regular thin lines around her body seemed to have some kind of fluctuation.

"You're very smart, but what's the point? After all, your cultivation base is too low, and it's easy for me to suppress you." Jun Jiuyou sneered.

"That's right! Why don't you try it!"

Fang Yi's eyes turned cold, Jun Jiuyou's words made him more sure of his guess.

At the same time as he spoke, a bright three-color sword light also cut down and went away.

The sword glow opened up the world, exuding incomparable power, the Heilong people were stunned when they saw such a terrifying sword, it was simply beyond their imagination.

No wonder, facing Jun Jiuyou, how Fang Yi dared to hold back, the power of this sword can be imagined.

brush! !

Jianmang dragged a long crack, tore through the space, and headed towards Jun Jiuyou.

Jun Jiuyou's face couldn't help changing, and then, countless regular thin lines gushed out from his body, and suddenly, the distance between the three-color sword light that was about to be cut off and him seemed to become extremely far away in an instant.

That sword also became extremely slow, but fortunately, it still fell extremely firmly.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Don't make a move yet. Take advantage of the fact that he can't move now and defeat him. Otherwise, you will never survive."

The black dragon and the purple-robed man stayed on the spot at the moment, until Fang Yi's angry shout came, and they woke up like a dream.

"Damn it, just die!"

Heilong gritted his teeth, as if he had spotted Fang Yi, and attacked directly regardless of how tyrannical the person facing him was.

The purple-robed man was obviously hesitant. After all, he and Fang Yi Heilong were still in a state of competition, but after a little thought, he also attacked.

Perhaps he also knows that the person in front of him is the biggest threat.

As for Fang Yi and Heilong, let's talk about it later!

Immediately, a big battle ensued.

Needless to say, Fang Yi's strength, although the black dragon is far from being comparable to Fang Yi, but it is still a strong man in the sky, and it is no small matter to go all out.

As for the purple-robed man, he was able to fight peacefully with the Bichan Demon King and his subordinates before, and his strength was even higher than that of the Black Dragon and the Bichan Demon King.

At this moment, the three of them shot with all their strength, even if it was the thin line of rules, they seemed to be about to collapse.

The falling speed of the three-color sword light also became faster.


Jun Jiuyou was furious, with endless killing intent in his heart, but unfortunately, at this critical moment of fusion, he had no time to clone himself.

As Fang Yi expected, that stone was the stone of rebirth, but it was not a complete stone of rebirth.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, he entered the underworld together with the Lord of Ultimate Bliss. By chance, they discovered the real secret of the Stone of Rebirth. After that, he intended to take the Stone of Rebirth as his own.

For this reason, they turned against each other and fought, and finally, the Stone of Rebirth was split into two.

He got half of it, and when he was about to die, the Taoist Lord of Bliss tore apart the space, and fled with the other half without a trace.

Until he entered the underworld again this time, the spiritual world after the fall of the Lord of Bliss was already on the verge of collapse, and his breath began to leak out. Relying on the induction between the two, he finally found this place.

I thought I could get my wish, but I never thought... Fang Yi appeared at this time, how could he not be angry.

"Little thief! This seat will surely tear your corpse to pieces."

Jun Jiuyou was extremely angry, and the rules and thin lines around him also evolved accordingly.

The power of the rules is incomparably mysterious, and it cannot be countered by ordinary power at all, even the three-color sword glow, which is much worse in comparison.

"Black Dragon, attack that stone!"

Seeing that there was no hope of defeating Jun Jiuyou, Fang Yi's pupils shrank. The current situation of Jun Jiuyou obviously had a great relationship with that stone. If so, then...

The black dragon was also extremely smart, and he understood Fang Yi's meaning in an instant. A long knife appeared out of thin air and slashed at the stone, as if to blast the stone into residue.

This move undoubtedly changed Jun Jiuyou's face greatly. He worked so hard for this stone of death.

How can we let the black dragon destroy it.

"Bastard! You are looking for death!" Suddenly, he was furious, and a giant palm of nothingness condensed again, and slammed at the black dragon.

not good!

The black dragon's face was full of fear, and the fate of the Bichan demon king was still vivid in his memory.

Facing this moment at this moment, his heart can be imagined. Fortunately, at this moment, a real dragon's claw blocked him first.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the sky trembled.

Fang Yi only felt as if he was struck by lightning.

And Jun Jiuyou couldn't help showing a paleness on his face, but it was more not because of this palm, but because the regular thin lines that originally connected him and the Stone of Rebirth became messy at this moment, extremely uncomfortable. stable.

good chance!

Seeing this, Fang Yi cut out another sword, regardless of the situation in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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