Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2585 Rebirth Rules

Chapter 2585 Rebirth Rules

"Brother Fang, you are a stone..."

After a pause, Gu Feng couldn't help but say, "That man seems to value this stone very much."

"Yes!" The black dragon also responded at this time, and asked curiously: "What is this? How can such a strong person value it so much?"

"It's called the Stone of Rebirth. As for its use, I don't know very well."

Fang Yi said frankly, his heart was also full of curiosity.

Rebirth stone?

When the two of them heard the words, they both looked blank.

"Could it have something to do with the Sansheng Stone?" Black Dragon scratched his head and asked tentatively.

"What is the Sansheng Stone?" Now it was Fang Yi's turn to be startled.

"My lord doesn't know?" Hei Long looked surprised, and Gu Feng was the same. He looked at Fang Yi in disbelief, as if he didn't expect that Fang Yi didn't even know this.

With Fang Yi's strength, the news asymmetry is too serious.

"Master Hui, the so-called Three Lives Stone is an extremely mysterious stone in the legend of the underworld. It is also said to be a mirror, but no matter what it is, its function is the same. It can check the past, present and future lives of all living beings."

"I heard that it is in Youdu."

That's it!

Fang Yi was in a trance, the past life, the present life and the next life. This seems to have nothing to do with the stone of rebirth, but the name is similar.


Gu Feng pondered for a moment, looked at Fang Yi, hesitant to speak, but finally said: "Gu Mo once heard that among the three thousand ways, there seems to be a rule called the rule of rebirth."

"Is this rebirth stone related to the rules of rebirth?"

Rebirth rules?

Fang Yi was stunned. There is such a rule?

However, speaking of it, it is definitely not ordinary things that Jun Jiuyou can attach so much importance to. If it is related to the rules of rebirth, it is not impossible.

Moreover, when Jun Jiuyou was in that wonderful state before, the shape presented by this stone seemed to be a confluence of countless regular thin lines.

Is it possible...

"Then do you know what is so mysterious about the rules of rebirth?" Fang Yi immediately asked.


Gu Feng frowned, as if he was lost in thought, and said after a while: "It seems to be related to the purification of the soul. Washing away sins and successfully condensing the Dao will prevent reincarnation and ascend to bliss."


Don't enter reincarnation, be crowned with bliss?


At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help but think of the Bliss School. Could it be that the meaning of the Bliss School is not the meaning of dual cultivation of men and women, but this?

Then this stone is really related to the rules of rebirth?

But what does it matter?It doesn't look like a heaven and earth pattern!However, judging from the group of thin regular lines before, this is probably countless times more complicated than the general pattern of heaven and earth.

Forget it, I can only put it aside for the time being if I don’t understand.

Fang Yi shook his head and put away the Stone of Rebirth.

"Okay! Having said so much, you should adjust your breath first!"

Gu Feng's situation at the moment is still not optimistic, but fortunately, there is no fear of his life, as long as he cultivates for a few more days, he will be fine.

Originally, Fang Yi still had some questions to ask him, but seeing his appearance, he had to wait until he had time.

"Okay!" Gu Feng nodded, and then directly entered into breath adjustment.

"My lord, what are your plans next?"

Heilong asked at this time.


Fang Yi frowned slightly, he was naturally going to find the Jiuzhou disciples, but Jun Jiuyou's blow made him in a bad situation at the moment.

This Yellow Spring Sea is full of dangers, among other things, Jun Jiuyou and the Immortal Corpse King alone are enough for him to drink a pot.

This time, if Jun Jiuyou was not in a special situation, it would not be easy for him and others to escape, let alone snatch the stone of death.

"There's no rush for now, let's heal the injury first!"

After pondering for a while, Fang Yi finally replied.

"That's right!! The injury is the most important thing." Heilong seemed satisfied with Fang Yi's answer and nodded repeatedly.

Then he said again: "Then, during this time, I go out to inquire about it?"

He looked at Fang Yi solicitously, like a loyal follower.


Fang Yi nodded, he also wanted to see how Jun Jiuyou's injury was, "Then be careful yourself, remember, don't appear in front of people blatantly, otherwise..."

"Young master, don't worry, little one understands!"

Heilong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then left the place.

Fang Yi also slowly closed his eyes, and blue energy gushed out, repairing his injury little by little.


"Look! Dig three feet and find them for me."

In another sea area, Jun Jiuyou's anger was like thunder, and his teeth were gnashing.

Maybe it was because the movement was too big, touching the wound, causing him to grin his teeth like a ghost in hell.

On his body, the huge sword mark had been slowly repaired, but the black hole in his abdomen was still expanding in all directions, forcing him to forcefully suppress it.

"Yes! Lord Jiuyou!"

"It's just that Huang Quanhai is infinitely vast. If I want to find a few people, I'm afraid..."

Below, there are several human-like black-robed ghosts standing, with majestic auras, each seeming to be more powerful than the other.

What's even more weird is that the aura on them is very similar to Jun Jiuyuan's, as if they come from the same source.

"No! Those people were severely injured, and they must not be able to go far."

"Heilongyu, Tianchanyu, I have to turn them over and find them."

Jun Jiuyou roared.

"Yes!" The few people below did not dare to neglect, and then left quickly.

The Black Dragon Region and the Tianchan Region, these two regions, have completely changed at this moment, and they are in a mess.

Black Dragon Palace!

All the black dragon's subordinates are like ants on a hot pot at this moment. The news of that whirlpool has already spread, countless ghosts have died tragically, and the whereabouts of the black dragon are unknown.

"What should we do now? Where did Master Heilong go? Could it be that old thief Bichan..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can the old thief Bichan be the opponent of Master Heilong?"

These people obviously don't know what happened in the vortex.

It's also strange that those who entered it all fell with the collapse of the spiritual world. They only knew that the vortex collapsed, but they didn't know the details.

"It's hard to say, Mr. Black Dragon was tortured to pieces by that mysterious person before, maybe..."

At this time, someone interrupted.

The expressions of everyone could not help but become extremely strange.

Nima!Dare to speak ill of Lao Tzu behind his back.

In the dark, the black dragon who had just approached was furious when he heard this, and was about to show up and teach his subordinates how to behave.

But at this moment, there was an extremely majestic aura approaching in the distance.

not good!

Although the black dragon was careless, he was not stupid, and immediately hid himself.

"Who?" In the main hall, the subordinates of the black dragon obviously also sensed this aura, and they all rushed out.

I saw two men in black robes galloping towards them in the distance.

"From now on, the Black Dragon Territory will be under the control of this seat." The man in black robe was extremely domineering, and he snatched the Black Dragon Territory as soon as he opened his mouth.

The black dragon in the dark was gnashing its teeth, eager to kill it.

"Fuck, who are you!" However, someone was one step faster than him. It was a burly man, and he was exactly one of Heilong's favorite subordinates.

Not bad!

The black dragon nodded secretly, quite proudly.

However, the next moment, before he could react, the black-robed man patted down a giant palm, directly killing the burly man.

"Who else doesn't agree?"

The contemptuous voice sounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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