Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2587 City of Destruction

Chapter 2587 City of Destruction

"Fang Daoyou don't need to worry, maybe... maybe they found a hidden place to hide."

Sensing Fang Yi's expression, Gu Feng quickly added.


Heilong also said hastily, "The Yellow Spring Sea is endless and vast. If you want to hide, it will be difficult for anyone to find."

"Which forces were there that attacked them at the beginning?"

However, Fang Yi didn't pay attention to what the two said, but looked at Gu Feng, and his face became extremely ugly, as if he could bleed.

Gu Feng couldn't help but 'thump' in his heart, feeling a bad premonition faintly.

Heilong couldn't help shivering, his eyes showing fear.

"Specifically, Gu... Gu is not very clear, it seems that the temple of destruction that the black dragon mentioned before is one of them."

Gu Feng said hesitantly.

He seemed a little hesitant, and a little worried.

Although Fang Yi's strength is tyrannical, there are many people in Huangquanhai who are more tyrannical than him. Moreover, Fang Yi is single and weak. If there is any conflict with these people, the consequences...

"What? Destroy the temple? Destroy the monarch is suspected of inheriting the inheritance of the underworld dragon, and his strength is unparalleled. He, he..."

When Heilong heard this, his face was also pale.

Because both of them saw a strong killing intent in Fang Yi's eyes.

His words were more like reminding Fang Yi.

It's a pity that the Kyushu disciples are Fang Yi's rebels. He is determined not to let anyone provoke him, and he will not listen to their words.

"Destroy the Temple! Very good!"

Fang Yi gritted his teeth, full of murderous intent.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Gu, for telling me that Fang owes you a favor." Soon, Fang Yi calmed down again, suppressing the anger in his heart.

He is not an impulsive person.

Moreover, even if he is impulsive right now, he can't find a target to vent, and he just heard about the destruction of the temple.

He has no idea what the strength is or in which direction.

"Fang Daoyou, you are being polite. Gu's life was saved by Fang Daoyou, as well as the Heaven and Earth Dao Rune. It is Gu who should say thank you."

Gu Feng said sincerely, then thought about it, and said: "There is a saying that Gu doesn't know whether he should say or not, and if he said something wrong, please don't be offended by Fellow Daoist Fang."

"Although Gu doesn't know the relationship between Fellow Daoist Fang and the disciples of the Nine Provinces, he still needs to think twice before doing anything. With the strength of Fellow Daoist Fang, he will come to Japan."

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Gu, for reminding me!"

Fang Yi smiled, how could he not hear the other party's kindness.

However, no matter who dares to harm the Kyushu disciple, he must make the other party pay several times the price.

What about destroying the temple?

Even if he can't erase the other party all at once, he will slowly eat away at the other party.

"Okay! That's all for now. Fellow Daoist Fang is an extraordinary person. I believe he will naturally understand the truth. Gu won't bother you."

With that said, Gu Feng entered into breath adjustment again.

His injury was not healed as quickly as Fang Yi, and he was still a little reluctant at the moment.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, was almost cured.

"Young master, what are you going to do next?"


In the endless sea of ​​yellow springs, two figures galloped like lightning.

"Heilong, why are you following me?"

Needless to say, those two figures were Fang Yi and Hei Long. As for Gu Feng, he was still recuperating in that trench at the moment, and his injuries were heavier than both of them.

Of course, he also had his own plans, so the two set off early.

To Fang Yi's surprise, the black dragon followed him all the time.

"I can't even go back to the Black Dragon Territory, where else can I go? I can only follow you." The Black Dragon smirked, looking a bit rascal.

Fang Yi was speechless, glanced at him, and said, "Then do you know where I'm going?"

"I don't care where you go! Anyway, I know there is no harm in following you. I'm even willing to give away the Dao Rune of Heaven and Earth. Maybe..." Heilong smirked.

Fang Yi couldn't help being taken aback by that appearance.

Of course he knew that the reason why the black dragon followed him was naturally not only because of this.

It's just that he didn't expect that this black dragon would...

"Haha! Good! I promise you that any benefits in the future will naturally be indispensable to you." Fang Yi laughed loudly, and then turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.

"Wait for me!"

As soon as the black dragon moved, he quickly chased after it.


"Give me a full [-]-point energy, and don't let some irrelevant people get in."

In the endless sea of ​​blood, a huge city floats in it, looking extremely strange and illusory, like a city of hell.

At the gate of the city, there are a group of soldiers in armor, all with solemn expressions.

"It's the monarch's big birthday in two days. What kind of fork happened to make the monarch unhappy, but you can ask."


All the soldiers did not dare to be negligent, and carefully checked every ghost that came in and out.

"Tsk tsk! This is the city of destruction? Sure enough, it is not comparable to this king's Black Dragon Domain." Not far away, the Black Dragon smacked his lips and said enviously.

Beside him, Fang Yi's face was a little gloomy, with a faint killing intent.

The City of Destruction is the headquarters of the Temple of Destruction and the location of True Monarch Destruction.

Regarding the Temple of Destruction, the Black Dragon actually knew very little. It was only because he had transformed into a dragon that he paid more attention to the Underworld Dragon and learned of the existence of the Temple of Destruction.

Can be specific, but know nothing.

As a result, the two spent several years on the road while inquiring about it.

A few years seems to be a long time, but it is not worth mentioning to the endless Huangquanhai and practitioners.

The City of Destruction is hundreds of millions of miles away from the Black Dragon Realm, and it is already extremely impressive to be able to arrive so quickly. What makes Fang Yi depressed is that there is no space teleportation array in the Underworld.

Fortunately, it's finally here!

"Brother, what should we do now? Go straight in? Look at this, the guards are quite strict!"

After several years of getting along, the two have become very familiar with each other, and the address has become casual.

Fang Yi frowned, seemingly hesitant.

These days, when he came to the City of Destruction, he naturally had to inquire about the strength of the City of Destruction. The City of Destruction was already inside Huangquanhai, and it was not comparable to the surrounding Black Dragon Domain and Tianchan Domain.

The cultivation base of the Destroyer Monarch has even stepped into the Holy Realm.

Coupled with the Legion of Destruction, the two of them alone, blindly intruding into it like this, is undoubtedly looking for death.

However, it is not Fang Yi's style to retreat just like that.

Although he has been on the road for the past few years, his cultivation base has not dropped at all, and he is only a short distance away from breaking through to the Heavenly Soul Realm.

Do not!In the underworld, it is called Dongtian Guiyi.

Above the Dongtian Guiyi, one is manifesting the sage, that is, the strong Dao pattern in the spiritual world.

Once he breaks through to the unity of the cave and the sky, relying on the power of the rules of the inner world, Fang Yi has the confidence to compete with the powerful.

Therefore, he is not afraid, and it is even more impossible to retreat.

"It's not advisable to startle the snake for the time being, get an invitation first!" Fang Yi said after pondering for a while.

"Okay! This king also means the same!"

The black dragon chuckled, and his bright eyes looked at the crowds coming one after another not far away.

"You are the one!"

At this time, a young man with purple air who was slowly approaching aroused the interest of the black dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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