Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2596

Chapter 2596

"Yes! If you have something great, take it out and have a look!"

"that is!"

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and glared at Ye Xingchen one by one.

However, Ye Xingchen didn't care about it. Instead, he looked very pleased with himself, as if he was waiting for this moment to offer a congratulatory gift under the eyes of everyone.

Heilong's face couldn't help becoming weird, with a strong look of playfulness.

It seems that the scene has been foreseen for a while.

Fang Yi was also speechless, he never expected that Ye Xingchen would be so deadly.

But that's right, the congratulatory gift originally prepared by the Night Demon King was 'Dragon Scale of Destruction'. Although it was a fake and a trap, it was impossible to detect it on the surface.

Ye Xingchen was so confident, obviously he was instructed by the Night Demon King.

as predicted!

I only heard Ye Xingchen say: "That's natural, the congratulatory gift brought by my son is not comparable to you people." After speaking, he opened his hand, and a brocade box appeared in his hand.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help being a little curious, and looked at it with unison.

It's the same even if the monarch is destroyed.

He also wanted to know what kind of medicine the night devil king was selling in the gourd, and the kid in front of him was so high-profile, which made him even more curious.

"I've seen Lord Destroyer!"

Facing everyone's expectant eyes, Ye Xingchen did not rush to open the box, but instead bowed to the Destroyer Monarch, seemingly quite respectful.

"Nephew, you are welcome!"

No matter who destroys the monarch, although he is very unhappy with the Night Demon Realm, under such circumstances, he will naturally not show it, instead he looks like an elder.

"The younger generation wishes Master Huan Huan great blessings and good fortune. This is a congratulatory gift specially prepared by Master for His Excellency."

"However, before presenting the congratulatory gift, Master has something to tell the younger generation to Mr. Destroyer."

Ye Xingchen said respectfully, secretly delighted.

Because before departure, the master had already told him that once the Destroyer Monarch received this gift, he would definitely treat him with more courtesy and treat him as a guest of honour.

It can't be said that there is a big reward, so...

"Oh? What are you talking about? Nephew, please tell me!"

The Destroyer Sovereign couldn't help but frown, his face full of doubts.

Ye Xingchen's actions were undoubtedly out of his expectations, and he was greatly surprised.

"Yes!" Ye Xingchen responded, and then said: "Master said, the five great demon kings of the Darkness Region, under the rule of the Darkness Emperor, unite as one, and the scope is wide enough, and there is no intention to expand it."

What do you mean?

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was stunned.

Isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open?

It is almost a consensus that the five demon kings are fighting among themselves, and no one will obey the other. It is ridiculous that the other party said that they are united.

There is also unintentional expansion, which is even more nonsense.

However, compared to the confusion of the crowd, Fang Yi couldn't help but sneered, which was clearly to dispel the vigilance of the Destroyer Monarch.

Even, there is a faint sense of cooperation in it, what is under the rule of the Dark Emperor?

It is rumored that the Dark Emperor will have left the underworld long ago, and it is precisely because of this that the five great demon kings will not accept anyone, because no one can want to become the new Dark Emperor.

And the words of the Night Demon King vaguely implied that he wanted to become the Great Emperor of Darkness, rule the Dark Territory, and seek help from the Temple of Destruction.


Ye Xingchen said again: "Master also said that if there is a chance, I hope to meet Mr. Huei, and the two sides may have a chance to cooperate."

"And this congratulatory gift is the sincerity of Master."

With that said, Ye Xingchen presented the brocade box with both hands.

I have to say, if these words are matched with that dragon scale, it can be said to be a perfect trap.

No matter how powerful and cunning the Destroyer Monarch is, he will definitely be fooled.

Because compared to the Dark Realm, the Temple of Destruction is not a bit worse, and it is not impossible for the King of Night Demons to seek cooperation from the Dark Realm if he really wants to rule the Dark Realm.

There are no eternal enemies in this world, only eternal interests.

Adding a 'Dragon Scale of Destruction' is enough to make the Destroyer Monarch believe in the sincerity of the other party.

But unfortunately, the congratulatory gift has been exchanged, so...

At this moment, everyone in the hall was undoubtedly a little surprised, because they knew something about the Temple of Destruction and the Night Demon Realm. Who would have thought that the Night Demon Realm would take the initiative to show their favor.

The destruction of the monarch also did not expect.

However, he was still in a good mood, because he could vaguely hear the meaning, and it all depended on this congratulatory gift, the sincerity of the night devil king.

"The night devil king has a heart!"

As he spoke, he took the congratulatory gift with his own hands, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

On the other hand, Hei Long had a playful look on his face, and the smile on his face could hardly be suppressed, especially when he saw Ye Xingchen full of anticipation, as if he was waiting for a reward.


The brocade box was slowly opened, and all the eyes of the crowd focused on it.

I saw a lifeless head lying quietly inside it.

"It's Concubine Hua!"

I don't know who exclaimed.

The huge hall was plunged into a strange atmosphere at this moment, and everyone's expressions became extremely strange. Looking at Ye Xingchen, it was like looking at a dead person.

However, with Ye Xingchen's back facing the brocade box, he didn't realize it, and still looked complacent.

It's just that the eyes of the surrounding people are sensed.

As well as destroying the monarch, the suddenly cold face couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"What... what's wrong?"

"Are you overwhelmed by Master's congratulatory gift? I have already said that your congratulatory gift is not worth mentioning."

Even though he felt something was wrong, Ye Xingchen said arrogantly without seeing the contents of the brocade box clearly.

"you wanna die!"

Protector Xuanyin was furious, and saw an afterimage passing by, and there was a loud 'boom', and Ye Xingchen's figure was blasted out like a cannonball.


His two attendants reacted instantly, and were about to draw their swords, but unexpectedly, a sword shadow fell first.

The two had no time to react and were killed on the spot.

"You... what are you guys doing?"

Ye Xingchen's face was pale at the moment, the blow just now obviously caused him a lot of damage.

However, what scares him more than this is undoubtedly the attitude of destroying the temple. After all, this is the base camp of destroying the temple.

"My son kindly presented you with a congratulatory gift, but you actually..."

"You bastard, are you provoking Lord Destroyer? Do you really think I'm destroying the temple?"

Protector Xuanyin was furious, as if he was about to tear Ye Xingchen into pieces.

But at this time, the Destroyer Monarch finally spoke, his voice was extremely cold, "Did you prepare this gift?"

"I, I..." Ye Xingchen was full of fear, not knowing how to answer, because everything in front of him was completely different from what the Night Demon King said.

And he didn't know what the congratulatory gift was.

Until the Destroying Monarch slowly turned the brocade box around, the head came into his eyes.

"No...not me..."

Seeing that head, Ye Xingchen shook his head again and again, his expression extremely terrified.

"You won't say that this gift is not yours, will you? But you clearly said that you have always carried this gift with you, and no one else knows about it except the Night Demon King."

At this time, Heilong's abrupt voice came.


(End of this chapter)

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