Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2626 3 Avenues

Three Avenues

What a powerful feeling!Is this the Heavenly Soul Realm?

In the Water God Temple, Fang Yi's soul and body have been fused, sensing the majestic energy in his body, a look of joy can't help but appear on his face.

Do not!Not only the Heavenly Soul Realm, but this should be considered Dao Rune, right?

Fang Yi secretly guessed.

In fact, whether he is now a sky soul or a dao pattern, even he himself is not sure.

Strictly speaking, he has only just broken through the Heavenly Soul, but because of the strange seed in the inner world, he has comprehended the power of space rules first, so once he steps into the Heavenly Soul, he can easily exert the power of rules.

In the eyes of outsiders, there is no doubt that this is the method of the strong Daowen.

But in fact, the energy in his body is far from reaching the peak of the Heavenly Soul, but only at the early stage of the Heavenly Soul.

However, these are not important, what is important is strength.

Moreover, the so-called dao pattern and manifesting the sage, strictly speaking, are not considered to be a realm. They still belong to the peak of Huashen Tianhun and Dongtian Guiyi, but they just comprehend the power of rules.

Before achieving Legend and Immortality, he was still at the God Transformation Realm and the Heavenly Cave Realm.

Of course, even so, the difference in strength cannot be counted.

It is precisely because of this that people in the world are used to distinguishing them from their respective realms, and list Dao Run and Manifestation separately.

Time passed slowly.

Fang Yi sat cross-legged in the water temple, consolidating his cultivation.

I don't know how long it took, but his breath became more and more ethereal, and the surrounding world seemed to change accordingly, becoming more and more illusory.

After that, it even turned into countless regular thin lines.

Just at that moment, Fang Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and within the pupils, three-color divine lights shot out, as if they could penetrate everything in the world.


He only heard him murmur softly, looking at the countless regular thin lines around him, a look of excitement appeared in his pupils.

The reason why he is excited is naturally because of these thin rules.

Because of the way of water!

Yes, it is the way of water.

As early as the breakthrough, in his induction, the three major temples had become a little different, but at that time, he didn't have time to investigate.

Later, during the battle with the Night Demon King, he discovered the difference in the Fire Temple.

The so-called Temple of Fire, Endless Flame, is actually outlined by countless regular thin lines.

At that moment, he had a guess that the so-called three great temples probably represented the three avenues, the way of fire, the way of water, and the way of wood.

really!Now, if you feel it carefully, the entire water temple has turned into countless regular thin lines.

Especially the hall floating on the vast ocean, which is completely outlined by water, where countless regular thin lines gather, densely packed, as if it contains infinite mysteries.

Even Fang Yi is far from being able to touch it.

The other two temples are also similar.

These three temples clearly represent the three regular avenues.

Once I can fully comprehend these rules, then, not to mention becoming a legend, I am afraid that I will gather the real Dao, and it will not be a problem to become a Dao powerhouse.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's heart became extremely excited.

Even a little impatient.

However, looking at the dense and regular thin lines, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

I am afraid that it is impossible to fully comprehend these thin lines of rules with his current cultivation base, so he can only take his time.

Fortunately, for a cultivator, time is not a big problem. What's more, the time in the Water God Temple is ten times that of the outside world, which means that he has ten times more time than others.

However, in addition to the three major temples, there is also the way of destruction and the way of space.

Unknowingly, even Fang Yi didn't expect that he touched so many powers of rules.

Moreover, the power of the rules of the three temples should be extremely complete.

Originally, he was still worried about where to get the heaven and earth dao pattern, but he never thought that he was guarding the treasure house without knowing it.

Happiness came so fast that Fang Yi didn't know what to do.

However, problems also emerged.

How should I choose, which one to choose first?

From Mr. Mo's mouth, Fang Yi has long learned that the Three Thousand Ways does not mean that the more you comprehend, the better, but that you focus on one, and the more refined the better.

Even if you want to comprehend more, that's something for the future, and it's not suitable for now.

Fang Yi felt a little embarrassed.

In the end, he made an unexpected decision. Put the three major temples aside for the time being, and focus on the way of space and the way of destruction first.

In fact, this decision is also considered normal.

After all, he has three great temples in his body, even if he doesn't comprehend them, he can still use them at critical moments.

As for the way of destruction, the previous dominance made him experience its power, so it is naturally impossible to give up, and the intention of destruction in his body is also the best choice.

As for space, it is also the easiest to get started, and can quickly improve its strength.

At the same time, it is also the most difficult one to improve, ranking among the six top laws, and it is even more impossible for Fang Yi to give up.

Moreover, he still has two space dao patterns at the moment, so let's understand it first.

After making up his mind, Fang Yi cleared his mind and closed his eyes again.


"Tsk tsk! Dude, really defeated the night devil king?"

A few days have passed, and the battle of Night Devil Castle has already spread, but the black dragon still looks unbelievable. Seeing Fang Yi appearing at this moment, he couldn't wait to ask.

"What do you say!"

Fang Yi smiled. For the black dragon, he was very grateful that the other party followed him back then.

Therefore, it is very casual to speak.

The same is true for Heilong, who has already figured out Fang Yi's nature.

"However, you were clearly successful before, and I heard..." Heilong said, frothing all over his mouth, and recounted the previous battle.

Especially about the night devil king who suddenly became extremely powerful and swept away the three powerful men who manifested their sages.

But in the end, he was defeated by Fang Yi.

No wonder the black dragon couldn't believe it. In fact, no one could believe it. The entire Temple of Destruction and even the surrounding area were talking about it.

Especially the disciples of the Temple of Destruction, they all cheered happily.

Maybe they don't know Fang Yi's identity very well, but it doesn't matter at all. Worshiping the strong is a common feature of all living beings, not to mention that this strong man is now a member of the Temple of Destruction.

As for why he was a member of the Temple of Destruction and how he joined, no one cared at all.

Even those who used to have doubts in their hearts have put away their doubts early at this moment.

"Okay! Look at how excited you are, how are you doing as a destructive monarch?"

Fang Yi smiled and asked again.

"Hey!" Seeing the question, Heilong also laughed, "It's a blessing to you, my buddy is saying the same thing now, who dares to say no to this king?"

Heilong had a smirk on his face, and his complacent expression was self-evident.

I am also secretly rejoicing in my heart, rejoicing for my decision at the beginning, otherwise, where would the scenery today be.

"Don't be proud, I'm to blame for not reminding you that your own strength is the foundation. Once I leave, you will have to support yourself." Fang Yi smiled and said.

"You want to go?" Heilong became anxious when he heard this.

"It won't be that fast, but who knows what will happen in the future."

It is obviously impossible to leave in a short time. At the very least, the Kyushu disciples must be safe, and Fengshenmeng, where she has gone, must be clarified.

In addition, how to leave is still a problem.

However, leaving is inevitable, and it is for his own good to put some pressure on Heilong earlier.

"Report to Mr. Fang, Master Black Dragon, the True Yang Dharma Protector has arrived." At this time, a disciple outside the main hall came to report.


(End of this chapter)

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