Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2710 Wooden Sword

Chapter 2710 Wooden Sword


Fang Yi couldn't help cursing inwardly, he managed to calm down the dragon soul, but in the end...

However, facing Ling Feng and Hei Xuan at the same time, Fang Yi had no other choice but to give in. Although he was strong, he was obviously not strong enough to compete with them.

Let alone two, even one is enough, so...

"Boy! Who are you? Are you related to Mount Misu?"

Ling Feng shouted again.

Naturally, Fang Yi had no time to pay attention to him. He had never heard of Mount Misu. Could it be another mountain among the nine mountains and eight seas?

But even so, he had no intention of caring, and his figure receded like lightning.

However, Hei Xuan and Ling Feng didn't seem to have expected that Fang Yi would be so self-conscious and take the initiative to give up the dragon soul, so naturally they didn't bother to pursue it. Of course, they were more worried about the dragon soul being surrendered by the other party.

In addition to the two of them, the other two legendary powerhouses also rushed up.

After a period of breath adjustment, the breath of the two of them obviously recovered a lot, so they couldn't bear it anymore.

"Young master! Is it so cheap for them?"

The King of Darkness also greeted him at this moment, a look of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

He can clearly remember everything before. The reason why the Dragon Soul was subdued was entirely due to Fang Yi, but now these people... how could he be reconciled.

"Not urgent!"

However, Fang Yi didn't care at all, instead a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Do you really think this dragon soul can be subdued so easily? Let's wait and see!"

Before the words were finished, a terrifying beast roar came, shaking the heavens and the earth.

The terrifying dragon soul seemed to have recovered from a trance, and became even more ferocious and tyrannical.

ah ah! ! !

At the scene, a mournful howl followed.

The sky was full of broken limbs and blood mist, what a tragic scene.

The Dark King's face could not help turning slightly pale, and he felt a little lucky in his heart. If he also rushed up, the consequences would definitely not be much better than these people.

In fact, except for Hei Xuan and Ling Feng, everyone else was thrown away.

Including the other two legends, the two of them were injured in the first place. Although they have been adjusted, it is obviously impossible to recover completely. I'm afraid the two of them must be in danger.

"No!! This dragon soul is going crazy! Why was it suppressed just now?"

The crowd was full of puzzlement.

But involuntarily, all eyes turned to Fang Yi.

Fang Yi was also a little distressed at the moment. Originally, he was only one step away from success, but the terrible thing was that these people didn't give him a chance at all.

The rules of rebirth can assimilate the soul, and he borrowed this to assimilate the dragon soul.

However, under the situation in front of him, he believed that these people would not allow him to assimilate at all, so he could only settle for the next best thing.

Fortunately, during the previous assimilation process, he had already left a mark on the soul of the dragon soul.

For the rest, you just need to slowly figure it out.

Ling Feng and Hei Xuan were obviously not reconciled, and a group of disciples from the Lingxiao Temple and the Yaozu also rushed forward, obviously wanting to completely subdue the dragon soul with crowd tactics.

But everyone obviously underestimated the strength of this dragon soul.

Perhaps it was because of the previous battle between Fang Yi and Dragon Soul that they got a wrong judgment, so that they suffered heavy losses at this moment.

"Boy, my Lingxiao Temple and you Misu Mountain can be regarded as having some friendship. Help me subdue this dragon soul. Except for the Nine Dragon Seal, everything belongs to you, how about it?"

At this moment, Ling Feng turned to Fang Yi for help.

Perhaps he has seen that, except for Fang Yi, no one can restrain the dragon soul.

"The people in Lingxiao Temple are always so hypocritical, can you be an idiot for others?" Hei Xuan smiled sarcastically, and then said to Fang Yi: "Little brother, since you can restrain this dragon soul, you must have a relationship with my monster clan." Great relationship, how about you and I cooperate once?"

There was an intriguing smile on the corner of Hei Xuan's mouth, which was quite meaningful.

It seems that he has recognized the true dragon of destruction.

Not surprising, he is a demon clan after all, he is undoubtedly more sensitive to and understands the breath of the real dragon than other people.

Fang Yi didn't make too much fuss, since he decided to make a move, he had already anticipated the possibility of exposure. In fact, he still hasn't figured out what is going on with Dark Dragon's intention of destruction.

In the underworld, he learned of seven destruction dragon scales.

But in fact, the meaning of destruction he controlled did not come from any dragon scales, but a pure will.

More pure and more terrifying.

"It's all right!"

Fang Yi paused, and said generously, "However, whoever can subdue it will be left to you."

As he said that, the endless meaning of destruction roared out again, turning into a huge dragon of destruction.

Naturally, Fang Yi would not cooperate with the two of them. However, this dragon soul is full of weirdness everywhere, and there is everything about the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable in the legend, so Fang Yi naturally cannot let it go.

Therefore, he still made a move and let the two fight for themselves.


Following the appearance of the Destroying True Dragon, the dragon soul visibly trembled, appearing extremely fearful.

The eyes of Ling Feng and Hei Xuan couldn't help but brighten. Naturally, the two of them would not miss such an excellent opportunity. They shot almost at the same time, and two terrifying attacks struck instantly.

But what they didn't expect was that the dragon soul suddenly woke up, and the huge dragon tail swept towards them like a pillar of heaven.

what happened?

Fang Yi's complexion also changed drastically, the suppressing effect of the real dragon's breath on the dragon soul seemed to have been greatly weakened.

Could it be that after experiencing it once, the effect becomes more and more limited?

This is not good news.

However, Ling Feng and Hei Xuan obviously didn't think so. It was just that Fang Yi did it on purpose and used the power of the dragon soul to get rid of him. Immediately, the murderous intent in the eyes of the two of them was revealed.

"Good boy, I said that you are so kind, you originally wanted to take this opportunity to harm me."

"court death!"

Hei Xuanlei was furious, and attacked Fang Yi while speaking.

On the other side, the dragon soul slapped the two of them flying, its ferocious eyes swept towards Fang Yi again, and its sharp claws also slapped fiercely.

Plus Li Yi.

At this moment, Fang Yi can be said to be under the enemy's back, and it is impossible to escape.


The King of Darkness didn't know whether it was due to instinct or some other reason, maybe even he himself didn't understand, but anyway, he rushed forward and tried to help Fang Yi.

Unfortunately, with his strength, it is obviously useless.

As for Fang Yi, his complexion couldn't help but change drastically at this moment, an extremely dangerous aura approached, he hadn't felt this aura for a long time, and it was so strong.

It made him hesitate for a moment.

Just kidding, those are two legendary second-level powerhouses, plus a dragon soul, one can imagine.


This was almost the only way Fang Yi could think of.

However, just when he was hesitating whether to escape into the water temple, in the spiritual world, the wooden sword trembled slightly, as if he was provoked and extremely angry.

what happened?

Fang Yi's pupils shrank. Since he got the wooden sword, he has been unable to use it.

Now it looks like he wants to attack and kill himself.

"Just trust you once!" Fang Yi didn't hesitate too much. With a big palm, the wooden sword appeared out of thin air and slashed at the three of them.


A bright white light shines through the sky and the earth, and the whole world seems to be moved by it.

Endless power of rules came from all directions, and the power of rules in the entire world seemed to be called by it, rushing towards the three of them.


(End of this chapter)

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