Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2713 Gravity Chamber

Chapter 2713 Gravity Chamber

Boom! !


The scene was already in chaos, and countless dragon souls came roaring, vowing to tear these invaders into pieces.

Stern howls followed, and the blood mist and broken limbs filled the sky like a sudden rain of blood, creating a hellish and terrifying scene.

"This... so many!!"

The King of Darkness was full of fear, a little at a loss.

Compared with the previous dragon soul, the scene in front of him is undoubtedly more terrifying and shocking.

However, fortunately, these dragon souls seemed to be sticking to the Heavenly Palace and would not rush out, which finally gave the crowd some chance to kick their breath.

"What should I do? These dragon souls are too powerful to be destroyed!"

"Damn it, why are there so many dragon souls? Haven't all the Nine Dragon Immortals already fallen?"

The crowd was full of unwillingness and resentment.

"Look!! Someone rushed over!"

On the battlefield, countless dragon souls roared, and among them, there was a figure that rushed past the dragon group. What was even more strange was that those dragon souls did not pursue them.

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking. These dragon souls didn't seem to be just guarding the heavenly palace, but more like a checkpoint.

As long as it can rush over, the Dragon Soul will not pursue it.

The crowd obviously also discovered this, and hope was rekindled from their lost expressions.

"Everyone rush over, this must be the checkpoint left by the Nine Dragons Immortal, as long as you can rush through, you will have a chance to get everything left by the Nine Dragons Immortal."

As soon as these words came out, the crowd immediately boiled, and countless people scrambled to rush forward.

The Lord of Darkness was obviously a little moved.

Fang Yi is no exception.

The two looked at each other, and then rushed into it with the crowd.

Moan! !

The countless dragon souls roared to the sky and the earth, and the mighty sound shook the four directions. During the time when countless warriors died, there were also a few warriors who successfully rushed through the dragon group and disappeared into the palace.

And this undoubtedly greatly stimulated the crowd, even if the future is dangerous, they are desperate.

Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

He has long been used to the so-called people dying for money and birds dying for food, so naturally he doesn't have any compassion, he just feels a little pathetic.

Immediately, he also attacked and killed all the way.

It has to be said that the madness of the crowd saved him a lot of trouble.

According to the strength of these dragon souls, if they wanted to rush over, they would need at least the strength of the legendary realm, but because of the influx of the crowd, Fang Yi easily passed through them.

Even with that, the Lord of Darkness passed through smoothly.

Of course, Fang Yi's help is indispensable, otherwise, he would never be able to succeed alone.

"so close!"

However, even so, he also had a look of lingering fear.

"Let's go!" Fang Yi lazily ignored the battle behind him, and walked straight into the heavenly palace, followed by the king of darkness.

But the next moment, the two felt a huge force coming, like mountains.

Kaka! !

The ground began to crack, spreading around like a spider web, and the two's feet were deeply embedded in it, as if they were connected with the earth.

"What's going on here?" The dark king's pupils changed drastically, his whole body was bent, and there were bursts of bones colliding in his body.

"It's gravity!"

A look of disbelief flashed across Fang Yi's face, "The gravity in this heavenly palace has suddenly increased tens of thousands of times,"

what! !

Hearing this, the Dark Lord turned pale.

At this moment, under this gravity, he couldn't move an inch, just like a snail suffering from torment.

Especially when he saw the wreckage not far away that had been crushed into meat paste, his expression became even more ugly. It was obvious that these were some warriors who had broken into here before.

It's a pity that at this moment, his face has changed beyond recognition, like a mass of meat paste, and his identity cannot be distinguished at all.

And in the farthest distance, there are still two figures staggering forward.

One of them, suddenly it was one of the two previous legends, the cold middle-aged man, Fang Yi was a little surprised that these people arrived one step ahead of him.

You know, after Fang Yi entered this space, he didn't stay in the slightest.

However, this space is extremely weird, and the location I randomly teleported to is extremely far away from the Tiangong. It is not surprising that these people are one step ahead of themselves.

"It's you!"

The cold middle-aged man also recognized Fang Yi at a glance, and his pupils were full of greed.

Fang Yi couldn't help being surprised.

You know, even though he just pretended to be simple, he is not recognizable by ordinary people, but the cold middle-aged man...

It seems that the legendary state really cannot be deduced by common sense.

Right!The Legendary Realm has already been called the Supreme Immortal, how can it be compared with ordinary people.

The King of Darkness was obviously a little panicked at the moment. He had just entered, and before he could figure out what was going on, he unexpectedly encountered a formidable opponent.

What's more terrible is that, still in such a situation, the weight of the mountains is so heavy that he can't even move, let alone other things.

As for Fang Yi, although he believed that Fang Yi was great, the situation was far better than him.

But Fang Yi didn't really step into the legend after all. In this case, it's still unknown how.

Moreover, in the previous battle, Fang Yi relied more on the water escape technique.

Of course, that's because Fang Yi was facing Dragon Soul, Ling Feng, and Hei Xuan, and there was no other way to face these three except the water escape technique.

But in such a bad environment, it is obvious that the weird movement skills cannot be used.

At least the Lord of Darkness thinks so.

The cold middle-aged man was obviously the same, with a hideous look on the corner of his mouth.


He couldn't help walking towards Fang Yi step by step.

He walked extremely slowly because of the special gravity, but compared to the Dark Lord, the speed was extremely fast, because his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and it was extremely difficult to take a step.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, didn't react at all. In the eyes of outsiders, it seemed that he was also struggling to preserve his strength as much as possible.

However, the disdain in his eyes was fleeting.

"Boy! Hand over that sword, I will give you a way to survive, otherwise, next year today will be your death date."

The cold middle-aged man made no secret of his greed, and the ferocious look at the corners of his mouth became more and more intense.

Fang Yi looked at him playfully, and said slowly: "I originally wanted to save your life, after all, you and I have no grievances, but unfortunately, you are looking for death!"

The indifferent voice was like a death sentence.

The next moment, Fang Yi also took a step.


Bang bang bang! !

Immediately afterwards, he stepped out step by step, faster and faster, as if he was not hindered in the slightest, and the huge gravity seemed to have no effect on him.

"No! is this possible?"

The cold middle-aged man's face changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost, and his eyeballs seemed to be falling out.

Naturally, gravity would not be useless for Fang Yi, but his powerful physical body was no match for ordinary fighters. Strictly speaking, under such circumstances, his advantage was greater.

If he was in the outside world, facing the cold middle-aged man, his strength would be on par with the opponent.

Even if he could overwhelm the opponent, he would definitely not be able to kill him.

Just kidding, how can it be so easy to kill someone whose cultivation has reached the legendary level? Even Ling Feng can't kill the opponent, and it's even more impossible for Fang Yi to break through the legendary level.

But now, let's not talk about it.

The cold middle-aged man couldn't run away even if he wanted to, so he had to wait to die.

"Do not……"

Looking at Fang Yi who came for the attack, a look of despair and unwillingness appeared on the cold middle-aged face.

Maybe he never dreamed that he would fall here.


(End of this chapter)

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