Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2729 World Realm

Chapter 2729 World Realm


Wan Pojun was slightly astonished, but quickly realized, and hurriedly said: "Shangxian asks, the villain will know everything."

He was terrified, seemingly terrified.

Seeing this, Fang Yi didn't know what to say. He didn't know when he had become a terrifying existence, which made him feel a little dazed.

Sighing slightly, he then said, "Get up! Don't be afraid, I don't intend to make things difficult for you."

Hearing this, Wan Pojun seemed relieved, and looked at Fang Yi in a daze, but he still didn't dare to stand up.

Seeing this, Fang Yi didn't need to talk too much, but asked directly: "I ask you, do you know where there is the fairy pill and the strength of Lingxiao Palace."

This! !

Wan Pojun couldn't help being stunned, the previous question was nothing more than that, at least it was more normal if he didn't know if he knew it or not.

But the last question, what is this for?Could it be that the other party is going to make a move against Lingxiao Palace?

If so, then...then...

Wan Pojun couldn't imagine it.

"What? Don't you know?"

Fang Yi frowned slightly, slightly displeased.

Wan Pojun immediately came back to his senses, and hurriedly said: "Go back to the immortal, the fairy pill is a special medicine for the immortal, and ordinary people may not be able to know it. In the entire Feilong domain, I am afraid that only the flying dragon envoy has it. No matter how far away, there is only Lingxiao Hall."

"However, it is said that some large chambers of commerce occasionally appear, but they are extremely rare."

What Wan Pojun said was not much different from what Yunlei said, and Fang Yi was not disappointed, but his brows were more tightly frowned.

"As for the strength of Lingxiao Temple, back to Shangxian, it is impossible to touch it with the strength of the villain. The only thing the villain can touch is the flying dragon messenger, and it is not easy to see it."

Wan Pojun showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

Obviously, his words were not false, and Fang Yi naturally saw this, but because of this, his expression became a little gloomy.

And this undoubtedly frightened Wan Pojun, as if he was afraid that Fang Yi's unhappiness would kill him.

Immediately, he quickly added: "However, the villain has heard of some, and there are no more than one hand in the Lingxiao Palace similar to the Flying Dragon Envoy. In addition, there are several candidates for the Young Sect Master and Elder. They are all Legend Realm powerhouses.”

"As for the Hall Master of Lingxiao Hall, it is said that he is even more powerful in the Dao Realm."

"However, the villain only heard about it."

Wan Pojun finally said, with a hint of pleading in his tone.

No wonder, seeing that his cultivation base is only at the beginning of the state of transformation, he is naturally a heavenly man in front of a warrior like Yunlei, but he is not even an ant in front of Fang Yi.

"very good!"

Fang Yi nodded slightly, he was quite satisfied with Wan Pojun's answer.

But inside, there is something difficult.

Undoubtedly, those who are strong in the Great Dao Realm are far from what he can currently compete with. In addition to the ambassadors, elders, and candidates for the young suzerain, it is obviously impossible for him to make a difference by himself.

He has already experienced the strength of the flying dragon envoy. Although it is not scary, it cannot stand up to many people.

As for the candidates for the young suzerain, Ling Feng seems to be one of them in Longling. The opponent's strength is relatively weak among the candidates for the young suzerain. If not, he would not risk entering Longling.

And the so-called elders are probably even stronger.

As such...

It seems that this matter still needs to be discussed in the long run, and we should not act rashly.

"I ask you, have you ever heard of the Ice Queen, or the Ice God Palace?"

After pondering for a while, Fang Yi turned to ask. In fact, he had asked Yun Lei the same question, but unfortunately, Yun Lei's knowledge was extremely limited because of his limited cultivation.

"Ice Queen? Ice God Palace?"

Wan Pojun didn't seem to expect Fang Yi's topic to change so quickly, his expression was startled at first, but then horrified.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but feel happy, because he could tell from the other party's expression that the other party must have heard of the Ice Queen.

as predicted!

Wan Pojun paused for a moment, and replied: "Back to Shangxian, the villain has indeed heard about it. It is said that the Ice and Snow Queen is one of the most powerful men in the Three Realms, living above the Nine Heavens, in the Ice and Snow Kingdom."

"Although the number of Ice God Palace disciples under him is not many, they are all extremely good."

It's her!

Fang Yi couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked: "What does it mean to live above the nine heavens, the Kingdom of Ice and Snow? Be more specific."


When Wan Pojun asked, he seemed to be unable to react in time. He gave Fang Yi a weird look, and then said, "Back to the Shangxian, it is said that there are nine levels in the sky. We are in the first level, which is the same as the second level and the third level." Weigh the lower three days, and the fourth to sixth are called the middle three days, and the seventh to ninth are the upper three days."

This is not the first time Fang Yi has heard of this statement.

As early as when he was in Longling, he had vaguely heard it mentioned, but he didn't quite understand the meaning.

Now after listening to Wan Pojun's explanation, he suddenly understood.

"As for the nine days beyond, that is the boundless chaos. The legend of the Ice and Snow Kingdom is the ice and snow world opened up by the Ice and Snow Queen."

Wan Pojun continued.

But as soon as these words came out, Fang Yi's expression couldn't help but change.

What's the meaning?A world of ice and snow created by oneself?Create a world by yourself?What kind of existence is this?

At this moment, Fang Yi was completely stunned.

Could it be the legendary World Realm powerhouse?

Emperor Jianyi once said that after a strong person in the Dao realm condenses the nine Dao realms, he will join the Dao, integrate the spiritual world and the inner world, create a realm of his own, and achieve the world realm.

And the so-called world of ice and snow that Wan Pojun said was very similar to it.

Could it be that the Ice Queen is really a world powerhouse?

Then I want to take Ji Wuxian back from her, don't I...

Fang Yi felt unprecedentedly frustrated and powerless. He had just stepped into the Legendary Realm, and he was still far away from the World Realm.

At this moment, he almost wanted to give up.

But looking back on the past, everything that happened in the past is vivid in my mind, from an ordinary boy to the present.

He has only used it for thousands of years.

And with the help of the Water God Temple, it seems that it is not impossible to cross the Legendary Realm and the Great Dao Realm.


Fang Yi strengthened his inner thoughts, regained his confidence, and his gaze became firmer than ever. No matter how far ahead, he believed that he would eventually reach the peak.

What's more, he has crossed the distance between immortals and mortals.

"Very good! I am very satisfied with your answer, and I will do one more thing for me, and tell Lingxiao Temple that the descendant of the Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable has come out."

Since it can't compete with the Lingxiao Temple, then the Nine Dragon Seal may come in handy.

what? ?

When Wan Pojun heard this, a look of shock flashed in his pupils, and he looked at Fang Yi in disbelief.

"!! Are you the descendant of Nine Dragons Immortal?"

"What do you think?"

Fang Yi didn't answer the question, but there was an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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