Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2732 Fierce Battle

Chapter 2732 Fierce Battle

Polong Mountain Range, the largest mountain range around Polong City, stretches for thousands of miles.

When Fang Yi showed up, the real dragon soaring nine days was here.

But at this moment, the area around the Polong Mountain Range is already crowded with people, very lively.

"Grandma's! Where did that kid hide? I thought he was so bold that he dared to openly challenge Lingxiao Temple. I never thought that he was also a coward."

"That's not it! The tone was quite loud, but there was no trace after that."

The crowd shouted and vented their dissatisfaction.

Of course, they were just relying on the large number of people and trying to speak quickly. If Fang Yi was here, with their strength, they might not even dare to take a breath.

Among them, most of them came to watch the excitement. If they really had any unreasonable thoughts about the descendants of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable, they would not dare at all.

Just kidding, aside from Fang Yi's tyranny, Ling Xiao Palace alone is not something they dare to provoke.

Things have gone public and this has become a hot potato.

Of course, some people with real ideas are not excluded, but they are very powerful and good at hiding themselves, so naturally they will not push themselves to the forefront.

Just like Ling Feng at this moment.

He looked down at the entire Polong Mountain Range with sharp eyes, and his brows were deeply furrowed.

"Young master! I didn't expect this kid to be so high-profile, what should we do now?"

Behind him, the middle-aged man from before had a hint of doubt on his face and was at a loss.

Ling Feng was the same. Fang Yi's high-profile almost made his plan come to nothing. If things go on like this, I believe it won't be long before the news that the other party is pregnant with the Nine Dragon Seal will surely spread.

In this way, he will have no chance.

And this is obviously unacceptable to him.

"What the hell is this kid doing? What does he want to do? Could it be that he really wants to be a candidate for the Hall of High Heaven? But he is not a disciple of the Palace of High Heaven, and the higher-ups in the palace will definitely not let him succeed."

The middle-aged man was full of doubts, and Fang Yi's intentions were still unclear.

It stands to reason that under such circumstances, the other party should avoid it. After all, he obtained the treasures of the ancestors of Lingxiao Palace, but the fact is exactly the opposite. The other party showed up in a high-profile manner, and even threatened to train the younger generation for Jiulong Xianzun. The arrogance knows no bounds.


Ling Feng also shook his head, apparently not knowing why.

Moreover, he doesn't care about these things, what he cares about the most is always the Nine Dragon Seal.

Only by obtaining the Nine Dragon Seal can he stand up again, otherwise...

"Have you found out his whereabouts? What did the dragon messenger say?" After a pause, he asked.

"My son, the flying dragon messenger is not too sure, but, with a high probability, that kid should be in Polong City. However, our people have searched all over Polong City, and found nothing wrong."

"Thinking about it, with his strength, it's easy to escape our detection."

The middle-aged people all said in frustration.

This is true, how strong Fang Yi is, combined with the experience of the flying dragon messenger, everything is already obvious.

Even Ling Feng felt a little guilty inside.

In Longling, he had already seen Fang Yi's dominance, especially the power of the other party's transformation into a real dragon, and the power of the Eternal Sword, which made him still have lingering fears when he thought of it now.

correct!Eternal Sword.

Can something be done on this?

Ling Feng's eyes moved.

But subconsciously, he shook his head again. If the rumor of the Eternal Sword came out, then he would have no hope at all.

Right now, it is about Jiulong Xianzun. If outsiders intervene, the high-level officials in the palace will never sit idly by.

But if it was about the Eternal Sword, it would be quite different.

At that time, it will be the real movement of all parties.

"Let's go! Go to Polongcheng to see!"

As Ling Feng said, it seemed that he couldn't wait, because he had a chance only if he made a move before everyone else, even if he wasn't sure, but at this point, he had to try.

However, just as he was about to leave, a loud voice came next to his ear.

"Since you're here, why leave in a hurry."

The sound was like a loud bell, resounding all over the world, and the crowd all turned pale with fright and looked up.

There, a ripple appeared in the space, and a figure with white hair and blue robe slowly stepped out of the ripple, like a great emperor walking in the void.

Seeing this figure, Ling Feng's pupils also suddenly sank, turning blood red.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"It's really you!"

His pupils shrank sharply, and his killing intent also burst forth.

And the crowd, at this moment, were all horrified and puzzled, "Is it him? Is he the descendant of Nine Dragons Immortal?"

Some people's eyes have become extremely hot.

Jiulong Xianzun means endless treasures, how can they not desire.

Someone even couldn't help standing up, "Your Excellency is the heir of the Nine Dragons Immortal? Very good! Hand over the relics of the Nine Dragons Immortal, otherwise..."

"Yes! Hand over the treasure and spare you!"

Someone took the lead, and the crowd also shouted. At this moment, they seemed to have forgotten their own cultivation.

Of course, there are also some strong ones.

Only they dare to face the legendary realm.

However, Fang Yi turned a deaf ear to their confrontation, and kept staring at the void where Ling Feng was.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, the void collapsed, revealing the figures of Ling Feng and the others.

"It's Ling Feng Shangxian, one of the candidate disciples of Ling Xiao Palace, I didn't expect him to come so fast, tsk tsk!"

"No, since he's here, have the other candidate disciples also arrived? This is a good show, that kid is doomed, what a pity..."

Naturally, what the crowd lamented was not Fang Yi's fate, but that the candidate disciples of Lingxiao Hall had arrived, so they could only watch the excitement.

In this area, no one dared to confront Ling Xiaodian directly.

Of course, there are those who are not reconciled.

However, everyone held back for the time being and focused their attention on the two of them.

"Your Excellency is so shameless that you dare to claim to be the heir of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable. I want to see how much you really weigh."

In the crowd, the scene was already like this, and Ling Feng had no way out, so he could only bite the bullet.

Of course, there is still a trace of fantasy in his heart, the fantasy of defeating Fang Yi.

Once he wins this battle, not only will his prestige be greatly increased, but he will also be able to obtain the Nine Dragon Seal, so he will be able to become the Young Sovereign just around the corner.

How does he not desire in his heart.

His eyes also became sharper, like two sharp swords.

In contrast, Fang Yi's face was indifferent, with a faint smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"How many catties are there, you will know in a while."

"But! It's not free for me to train you for Jiulong Xianzun. The price is fairy medicine or fairy pill. If you don't have it, then leave as soon as possible."

Fang Yi said contemptuously.

"You!" Ling Feng was extremely angry, and turned to shout: "If you have the kind, you can get it yourself!"

When he fell alive, he couldn't hold back any longer, and shot away like lightning.

It was as if a huge gap had been torn apart by him in the world, and the terrifying power revealed the power of destroying the world, as if it could destroy everything.

The crowd in the distance all turned pale with fright.

No one thought that Ling Feng would be so domineering when he made a move. It was clear that he wanted the other party's life, and there was no room for negotiation.

However, compared to their terrified expressions, Fang Yi's mouth slightly raised a hint of disdain.


(End of this chapter)

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