Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2742 Cooperation

Chapter 2742 Cooperation

Flying Dragon City, as the center of Flying Dragon Realm, is much larger than Polong City.

The towering towers are extremely mottled, imprinted with the traces of time.

At the gate of the city, there was a crowd of people coming and going.

Inside the city, it was a different scene. Tall and majestic buildings were scattered all over the city like stars, connected by wide roads, and it was very lively.

And in a certain high-rise of these buildings, a group of people are talking about it.

"Have you heard that the whereabouts of the Flying Dragon Messenger are unknown, since the Battle of the Dragon Mountain Range, he has completely disappeared."

"Really? It's no wonder that Feilong City has been heavily guarded during this period of time, and the Feilong messenger has never appeared. Could it be that it was given by the descendant of the Nine Dragons Immortal..."

The speaker seemed quite scrupulous, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Impossible! The descendant of Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable has been dealt with by Yunxiao Shangxian, how is it possible..."

"Yes! And when the Flying Dragon Messenger left that day, although he was seriously injured, his life was not at risk."

"Speaking of which, it seems that not only the Flying Dragon Messenger, but Lingfeng Shangxian also disappeared. Could it be that he was also killed?"

This is a restaurant, there are many diners, everyone is suspicious, but they can't come up with a reason.

"Forget it! It's not our turn to care about these immortals, but he heard that a new envoy has arrived in Feilongyu, and he is also one of the true disciples of Lingxiao Palace, named Kong Qiu."

"What? Kong Qiu is an immortal? It is said that he is already an immortal of the legendary three realms, even stronger than Ling Feng. Unexpectedly..."

The crowd is still discussing, full of interest.

Only in the corner, a young man with a crown like jade, and an old man opposite him seemed indifferent to this, with a worried look on their faces.

"Old Ren, can the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill really save brother?"

Uncertainty was written all over the young man's face.

"Young master, don't worry, the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill will surely heal the young master, but the price is extremely expensive. With our financial resources, I'm afraid it will be..."

The old man called Ren Lao had a worried look on his face.

Nine-turn Resurrection Pill is a life-saving elixir. Although it is not as miraculous as the legend, it is not much worse.

But because of this, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to obtain it.

No need to think about the upcoming auction, it must be a battle between dragons and tigers, no matter whether it is the strength or financial resources of the two, it is difficult to win in this competition.

"For the sake of my brother, I must get the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, no matter how high the price is."

There was determination in the young master's bright eyes.

Elder Ren shook his head slightly, looking at the young master with concern and a hint of helplessness.

And all of this fell into the eyes of Fang Yi, another part of the restaurant.

At this moment, he was frowning in thought, as if thinking about countermeasures.

The timing of this auction was so coincidental that he had to be skeptical and make full preparations. Although he had the Water Temple, he was invincible against almost any strong person.

However, this is the fairy world, and there are countless powers of all kinds.

Those real bosses may not be able to see through the existence of the Water God Temple, and if they do, then the predicament he faces will undoubtedly be even greater.

Therefore, the water temple can be used as little as possible.

And this auction is likely to be a trap, he must think of a perfect plan, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

You know, this time is different from the Polong Mountain Range.

He provoked the Polong Mountain Range, and at the beginning, Lingxiao Palace didn't pay much attention to it, but now it is different. After the battle of Polong Mountain Range, if the opponent really set up a trap, it must be a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

and so……

But, what is the surefire solution?

Not participating is the real surefire solution, but now that the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill is at hand, Ji Wumeng is likely to wake up because of it, so how can Fang Yi give up willingly?

Unless, it seems a good choice to let other people replace oneself, one old and one young in front of one's eyes.

Fang Yi thought to himself, and couldn't help but glance at the old and the young.

When the young master arrived, he was so preoccupied that he didn't notice Fang Yi's gaze at all.

As for the old man Ren, who was extremely vigilant, he caught Fang Yi's gaze in an instant, and his sharp eyes could not help but sweep over, like a falcon.

Fang Yi smiled lightly, and in the end, he simply walked over.

Only then did the young master come to his senses, and his bright eyes couldn't help looking at Fang Yi with a vigilant gleam.

"You two, below Yi, I wonder if you can sit down?"

This is the Immortal World. Few people know Fang Yi. Even if someone has seen him, they don't know his name, so there is no need for him to hide his name.

As for appearance, at this moment, he has already turned into a purple-robed youth.


Ren is too old to be straightforward, and said directly.

He seemed to be full of hostility towards Fang Yi, and it was no wonder that striking up a conversation for no reason was an offense to many practitioners.

Even some withdrawn and bad-tempered practitioners may not necessarily take action directly.

The young master did not intend to refute what the old man said, and his eyes were also alert.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smiled in amazement, but he didn't care. He still said to himself, "Perhaps, I may not be able to help you."


Hearing this, Ren Lao didn't react at all, but the young man's bright eyes lit up, and he asked anxiously: "Can you really help us win the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill?"


Mr. Ren only had time to speak at this moment, and quickly stopped him.

Hearing that, the young master also felt that she had lost her composure, it was because she was too nervous about the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill.

When I heard that Fang Yi could help, I was very excited.

"Your Excellency, please go back! We don't need your help, thank you!!" Elder Ren refused directly, and his eyes became a little unfriendly.

Intrigues and deceptions are commonplace in the cultivation world, and someone like Fang Yi who is courteous for nothing has no good intentions, so he doesn't even think about it.

However, the young man seemed to be hesitant.

It's just that Mr. Ren was so decisive, but he didn't speak. Instead, he looked at Fang Yi curiously.

Fang Yi shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile: "Don't rush to refuse, Fang has no malice towards you, while helping you, he is also helping Fang himself, cooperation and mutual benefit, why not do it?"

"What a cooperation and mutual benefit!"

Elder Ren sneered, and asked instead: "Then I really want to know, how do you want to cooperate?"

The young master is also full of expectations.

"It's simple, Mr. Fang helped you to shoot the Nine-Return Resurrection Pill with all your strength." Fang Yi replied.

"What about after that? What is your purpose? Or, after the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill is successfully obtained, who should it belong to?"

Old Ren sneered.

The so-called old people are old and ghosts are old spirits. Ren Lao has lived a long time, so naturally he will not believe Fang Yi's words.

Even the young master looked suspicious.

It was Fang Yi, but he didn't care. He smiled lightly and said, "Isn't it too early to say it now, fellow Taoist? How difficult is it to shoot the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill?"

"Instead of discussing the distribution issue after this discussion, it's better to think about how to make the right shot, isn't it?"

This! !

Hearing this, Mr. Ren didn't know what to say.

But no, my worries seem to be too much, whether I can get the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill is still unknown.

In other words, even if he can shoot, the other party is only one person, and it seems that he is only at the level of legend, with his own strength...


(End of this chapter)

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