Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2744 Goal

Chapter 2744 Goal

"Old Ren, is that person really trustworthy?"

Leaving the restaurant, one old and one young came to a guest room, and the young gentleman couldn't wait to ask, his bright eyes were faintly filled with anticipation.

Obviously, he still had hope for Fang Yi.

Perhaps it was because knowing that it was extremely difficult to obtain the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, one could only pin one's hopes on other people.


However, Elder Ren also shook his head slightly, with doubts on his face.

"The old slave is more curious about his purpose than whether he can get the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill. Why did he help us? Obviously it can't be a whim."

"Then, there is another purpose."

"What is his purpose? If there is no accident, it is the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill itself, so..."

Seeing it, Mr. Ren didn't hold out any hope.

Because this is a very clear thing, no one will help a stranger for no reason, saying that it is okay to cooperate or to use each other.

The other party obviously wanted to use the two of them.

But, where is the confidence of the other party?As for the preparations for obtaining the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, I still don't know anything about it.

Originally, Mr. Ren only thought that the other party was a second son who didn't do anything practical.

But after some conversation, he found that this didn't seem to be the case.

Well, this is even more intriguing.

"If that's the case, then what shall we do?" The young man asked anxiously with a worried expression on his face, "Nine-turn Resurrection Pill cannot be lost, I will never let my brother have trouble."

The young master's eyes were full of determination, as if thinking of something sad, his eye circles were a little red.

"Miss, don't worry, this old servant will definitely do his best to obtain the elixir."

Seeing this, Elder Ren quickly comforted him.

It turns out that the young man in front of him is suddenly a woman disguised as a man, named Concubine Han.


Fang Yi naturally knew nothing about the conversation between the old and the young, but since he took the initiative to seek cooperation with the two, he had already thought of any possibility.

It is undoubtedly a good idea to use two people to cover themselves.

The two of them have an urgent need for the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill, which I believe the people behind it will know after a search.

In this way, no one will associate the two with themselves.

The only problem right now is—the immortal stone, there are enough immortal stones to be able to take the immortal stone of the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill.

Since Xianling Pavilion is as great as the two said, the auction, regardless of whether it is a round or not, will be held as scheduled.

And to successfully shoot the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill, you must need a lot of fairy stones.

However, Fang Yi has just entered the Immortal Realm not long ago, so how could he have a large amount of Immortal Stones? The only feasible way is the jade slip.

right!The jade slip given by Mr. Ren.

It records the information of the competitors in the auction.

Maybe Mr. Ren never imagined in his dreams that Fang Yi's original intention for obtaining this information was not to learn about the personalities of these people, but to draw their attention.

"Guo Wenguang, the young master of the Flying Dragon City Treasure Merchant Association, is suspected to be the illegitimate son of a certain big boss in Lingxiao Palace. He is in charge of the entire Treasure Chamber of Commerce with amazing financial resources."

"Disadvantages: domineering, lustful..."

There are not many targets on the jade slip, either Fang Yi is too strong and Fang Yi is not fully sure, or the financial resources are not enough, and it is useless to attack.

Only this piece of information really caught Fang Yi's eyes.

With strong financial resources and a cultivation base that is only at the level of legend, he is the most suitable target. The only difficulty is that the two priests around him seem to have reached the third level of legend.

It might not be so easy to avoid these two Legendary Three Realms and attack Guo Wenguang.

However, it is obviously not easy for those who dare to covet the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill.

"You are the one!"

After thinking about it, Fang Yi finally made up his mind.


"Young master, I have already inquired about it, and there are not many who can compete with us this time. Young master, you can put your heart in your stomach."

In a certain luxurious hall, a seemingly flamboyant and lazy noble son is lying halfway on the grand master's chair at the top.

Hearing the report from the person below, he gave a casual "hmm" as a response.

"That's good! Master Nine Turns Resurrection Pill Ben is determined to win it, and he will release the news for him. Whoever dares to compete with him will be his enemy."

"My son will never forgive me lightly."

Your son is the young master of Jubao Chamber of Commerce, Guo Wenguang.

He has always been domineering, even though he knew that the auction was initiated by Xianling Pavilion, he still did not change his past style.

"Young master, this seems to be against the rules, right? Immortal Pavilion has always strictly prohibited off-site methods. If it gets out, I'm afraid..." The person below frowned and reminded cautiously.

"Idiot! I let you pass it on secretly, so what if Xianling Pavilion knows about it? How can I rely on this young master?"

"And this is Feilong Domain, the site of Lingxiao Temple, so what about Xianling Pavilion?"

Guo Wenguang scolded angrily, his face full of contempt.

"Yes Yes!!"

The people below didn't dare to neglect any more, and hurriedly took orders to leave.

In the luxurious hall, Guo Wenguang was the only one left at this moment, and his demeanor also changed, becoming a little fierce, as if he were a different person from before.

"People in the world only know that the young master is arrogant and domineering, but they don't know that the young master is only doing things for the sake of cheapness."

At this moment, two figures came out from the depths of the hall.

They were two old men, one tall and one short. Their auras were from the same source, unfathomable, giving people a feeling like an abyss.

Seeing the two of them, Guo Wenguang also changed his normal routine and quickly got up to greet them.

"I have seen two priests."


The tall old man nodded slightly, with a look of satisfaction on his brows.

The short old man also said: "The young master doesn't need to be so polite. Since the old master entrusted the young master to me, I will do my best."

"Thank you, both of you, for enshrining."

With a look of respect on Guo Wenguang's face, he said again: "Thanks to the care of the two priests these years, this junior has been able to make some achievements, but my father has not healed from his old illness, and now the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill may be of some use , this junior must get it this time, and then I will trouble the two priests to bring it to my lord father."

"Where! The young master is full of filial piety. If the old master finds out, he will be very pleased."

The tall old man nodded and smiled, his face full of appreciation.

"However, I'm afraid this auction is not that simple. The young master needs to be careful. The Nine-turn Resurrection Pill may be precious to others, but it may not be so unobtainable to the old master."

The short old man also added a sentence at this time.

"Oh? Did Mr. Zhu discover something? What's so unusual about this auction?"

A look of surprise flashed across Guo Wenguang's eyes, and he asked.

"I'm not sure, I just saw some familiar figures, maybe... But, the young master doesn't have to worry, even so, with the two of us around, nothing will happen."


The tall old man also echoed.

"That's good!" Guo Wenguang seemed to be relieved, but in fact, he didn't show the slightest worry from the beginning to the end.

Maybe it's because he knows his backer.

Or maybe, he was already arrogant and domineering, but he deliberately restrained himself in front of the two of them.


But at this moment, the tall old man suddenly shouted, his sharp eyes swept towards a certain place in the void.


(End of this chapter)

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