Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2746 Cut 1 First

Chapter 2746 Cut One First

"Kid surnamed Guo, how dare you!"

Seeing this, Elder Ren was furious.

Immediately, no longer caring about the short old man, he galloped towards Concubine Han with a figure like lightning.

It's a pity, how could the short old man make him get what he wanted, he shot again and again, and the attacks poured down like a torrential rain, leaving him completely at a loss.

"Ren Jiufang, just because you want to get rid of this old man? You're just dreaming."

The short old man sneered again and again, and became more domineering when he shot.

The two are both in the third realm of legend, and their strength is comparable. It is almost impossible for Mr. Ren to trick him, especially in this urgent state, it is even more impossible.

"Son of a bitch!"

Ren's old-fashioned teeth were itchy, and the veins on his forehead were bulging, but there was nothing he could do.

On the other side, Guo Wenguang had already rushed towards Concubine Han.

Concubine Han's cultivation is still at the God Transformation Realm, so one can imagine the result of being the opponent of Guo Wenguang at the Legendary Realm.

Fortunately, Guo Wenguang didn't seem to be in a hurry to resolve the battle. His eyes were full of obscene light, obviously deliberately playing tricks on Concubine Han.

As for Fang Yi, he was already killed with the tall old man.

It also seems to be retreating steadily.

Not surprising, after all, he is only at the first level of legend, but the tall old man is already at the third level of legend. In everyone's eyes, this is a battle without any suspense.

But in reality, that's clearly not the case.

Fang Yi fought and retreated, seemingly invincible, and fled in embarrassment.

Naturally, the tall old man would not let him go, he pressed on every step of the way, and he had the courage to swear not to turn back if Fang Yi was taken down.

Slowly, chasing and fleeing, the two gradually moved away from the battlefield.

The short old man and Guo Wenguang naturally didn't have the slightest doubt. They each faced their own opponents, especially Guo Wenguang. At this moment, Concubine Han was extremely embarrassed, with her long flowing hair falling down, making her look even more beautiful.

It made him look extremely excited, his Adam's apple rolled, and he was unbearably hungry.


On the other side, Fang Yi, who was far away from the battle, could not help but flash a sharp light in his eyes.

With his strength, he would naturally not be afraid of a martial artist of the third realm of legend. Just kidding, even Yun Xiao of the fifth realm of legend couldn't do anything to him, let alone the tall old man in front of him.

He just wanted to break them all.

With his strength, he is still somewhat sure of the last one from the Legendary Three Realms, but it is almost impossible to face the two of them.

That's why he set up today's game.

While the thoughts were turning, Wan Dao sword shadows also fell, and the Tiantian Sword Formation sealed off the surroundings instantly.

"Huh? Sword array??"

The tall old man immediately caught sight of the existence of the sword array, first he was taken aback, but then his face was full of sarcasm and disdain.

"Ignorant child, I really don't know what to say about you. It's fine if you kill the formation. This is still a trap? Who do you want to trap? Are you bound by yourself?"

The tall old man looked at Fang Yi as if he was looking at an idiot.

No wonder, under such circumstances, Fang Yi would not be surprised if he set up any large formation.

Killing formations, phantom formations, and perhaps auxiliary formations can help a little bit, but the opponent has set up a trap formation, what is it if it is not a cocoon?

"Of course I'm trapping you!"

Fang Yi grinned. At this moment, he naturally didn't need to hide it.

The breath around him also exploded.

As soon as his figure moved, he attacked the tall old man like a beast out of its cage.

what? ?

The expression of the tall old man couldn't help changing, obviously he didn't expect Fang Yi to hide his strength before, but...

"Boy! This old man really underestimated you. Unfortunately, do you really think that you can turn the world around by hiding some strength? It's just a daydream."

"Today, I will let you know what absolute crushing is."

The tall old man scolded angrily, and his whole body's aura rose sharply.

Although Fang Yi concealed his strength, he didn't take it to heart. In the world of warriors, there is one realm and one heaven. In his opinion, a mere legend and one realm cannot be his opponent at all.

Even the aura emanating from Fang Yi's body at this moment is not enough to move him.

At most, it is slightly stronger than the general Legendary Realm.

Therefore, he was still full of disdain, raising his hands and feet, as if the elders were teaching the younger ones.

And this undoubtedly exacerbated his defeat.

Just kidding, Ling Feng and Feilong Messenger work together, it is difficult to escape from Fang Yi's hands, the tall old man is alone, and he is so negligent, it is conceivable.

The smile on Fang Yi's mouth also became stronger.

Seeing that the two are about to touch.

Suddenly, Fang Yi's aura changed drastically again, becoming extremely terrifying, and the vast meaning of destruction twisted into a black real dragon roaring out, devouring the sky and the earth.

The sound of the dragon chant echoed, shocking the nine heavens.

Fortunately, there is a large formation covering the sky, otherwise, it will be able to sense all this within a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

But at this moment, only the tall old man was extremely shocked, his pupils were wide open, as if he had seen a ghost, and his entire face was bloodless.

"No! Impossible, you are only at the legendary level, how could..."

"Are you surprised?"

There was a ferocious smile on the corner of Fang Yi's mouth, like a ghost from hell.

"So what about the Legendary Realm? Killing you is just a matter of effort, so die!"

When the words fell, the black real dragon had already devoured it, and everything it passed was annihilated, and everything was completely reduced to dust.

Even the tall old man's attack was no exception, like flying ash.

"Do not!!"

The tall old man howled unwillingly, trying to escape.

But it's a pity that Fang Yi's attack came so suddenly that he couldn't react in time. In addition, the surrounding area was already surrounded by the trapped sky sword array, and he couldn't escape with his wings.

what! !

There was a shrill scream, and under Fang Yi's sight, as the black real dragon swallowed, the tall old man turned into ashes little by little.

The vast immortal essence in the body was also swallowed by the black real dragon.

In the end, everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Only Fang Yi's breath became stronger than before.

"That's right! The energy of a legendary warrior of the three realms is really extraordinary." A look of joy flashed across Fang Yi's eyes. At this moment, he only felt that his body was filled like a balloon, as if it would explode at any moment.

no!Let's break through first!


At the same time, on another battlefield not far from him, Concubine Han was already in a terrible state of distress, her clothes were already torn, revealing her body like white jade, which aroused his imagination.

Guo Wenguang's saliva almost flowed out, his Adam's apple rolled uncontrollably, full of greed.

"I've heard for a long time that Miss Feijian Villa is a stunning beauty. Seeing her today, she really lives up to her reputation."

Guo Wenguang's face was full of obscenity, pressing every step of the way, his eyes were like blades, tearing Concubine Han's clothes piece by piece.

Concubine Han's expression was flustered, like a wounded deer, completely lost.

In the past, her father was in charge of the Feijian Villa. After her father disappeared, her elder brother presided over the overall situation. She has always been the most beloved eldest lady in the villa.

This time, her brother was wounded, and she hurried over after hearing the news of the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill.

Has there ever been such a moment?

How can I not panic in my heart.

"You... what do you want to do, go away!!"

"What do you want to do? Guess what?" Guo Wenguang smiled obscenely, with the greedy look in his eyes, and he walked towards Concubine Han step by step without trying to hide it.


(End of this chapter)

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