Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2763

Chapter 2763

Regarding this, Fang Yi was also full of doubts. Would the people behind him really let him go so easily?

However, doubts are doubts, now that the auction is over.

Then, of course you have to leave.

The crowd also walked out of the Fairy Spirit Pavilion one after another.

Fang Yi fell behind the team because of the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill, and his eyes wandered around, trying to find the person behind.


Suddenly, he discovered that there was some kind of formation fluctuation outside the Fairy Spirit Pavilion.

And very mysterious.

Sure enough, the people behind it couldn't be so willing to let him and others leave. Is this trying to capture everyone in one go?

No matter!Then play with you!

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth curled into a sneer. He could only pretend that he didn't know anything about this situation, otherwise, it would make the people behind him even more suspicious.

As for whether he will fall into someone else's trap after entering the big formation, he is not worried at all.

Just kidding, how can it be so easy to distinguish the body of Prisoner Tian Changing Mirror, not to mention, there is the second elder of Lingxiao Temple behind him, how dare the person behind him be presumptuous.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

"You have already got the things, now, should you fulfill your promise?"

Fang Yi walked towards the door, but Concubine Han couldn't wait.

It's no wonder that she has her elder brother in her heart and always remembers this matter. Now that she has the Nine-Return Resurrection Pill, how can she bear it.

"You are impatient!"

Fang Yi glanced at her with a smile, then his eyes flickered, and said, "Are you really eager to get the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill?"

"What do you think?" Concubine Han asked without answering, as if she knew what she was asking.

"Never mind!"

Fang Yi smiled, "Since you desire it so much, then I will give you the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill first."

With that said, Fang Yi generously replaced the crystal clear bottle.

And this undoubtedly made Concubine Han stunned on the spot, staring blankly at Fang Yi, wondering what kind of medicine Fang Yi sold in the gourd, whether to take it or not to take it.

"You... what do you mean?"

"What? Haven't you been longing for it all the time? Why don't you dare to take it?"

Fang Yi asked with a smile, "You can take it if I give it to you. It's just for you to keep it temporarily. After leaving the Fairy Pavilion, I will leave with Mr. Ren as soon as possible."

When Concubine Han heard this, she subconsciously glanced around and asked in a low voice, "Is there an ambush?"

She is not stupid at all.

Fang Yi handed over the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill at this time, the situation must be extremely serious, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to entrust the pill to her and let her send it out.

But the other party attracted the ambush here.

"You really have a bit of a brain, you know so much nonsense."

With a smile on his face, Fang Yi looked like a normal person, and went straight to the outside of Xianling Pavilion.

Behind her, Concubine Han's expression seemed a little dull, and the gaze she looked at Fang Yi became a bit intriguing. Perhaps, at this moment, in her mind, Fang Yi became more and more blurred.

"Miss! You..."

Elder Ren also leaned forward at this time.

Of course, there is still a distance between them. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Concubine Han is naturally not suitable to restore her original appearance.

"I'm fine, let's go out first!" Concubine Han replied via voice transmission.

"Wait! The situation outside has become a bit complicated. The old slave left some people outside, but they have lost contact. This auction may be unusual."

Elder Ren obviously noticed something, after all, he is also a warrior of the legendary three realms.

His face was full of worries.


Hearing this, Concubine Han's face couldn't help changing, "Then do you have any good suggestions?"

"It's best to wait and see what happens!" Elder Ren replied, "However, according to my observation, these people should not be targeting us, so there is no need for Miss to worry too much."

Not against us?Could it be against him?

Concubine Han subconsciously thought of Fang Yi. It seemed that this was the only possibility. Otherwise, how could the other party take the initiative to hand over the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill.

"That's the best, no matter who you are targeting, go out first!"

"I don't believe that there are so many bidders, can they still catch all of them?"

A hint of stubbornness flashed across Concubine Han's eyes, as well as a strange expression.

Mr. Ren seemed to think that this was reasonable, and he didn't stop him any more, and the group of people also headed out the door.

Through the gate, people come and go on the bustling street outside, everything seems to be the same as before, there is nothing strange, and there is no danger at all.


Concubine Han secretly said, and stepped out of the door.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him changed drastically. One moment ago, it was still a busy street, but the next moment, he came to an empty space surrounded by fog.

Formation?Was there really a large formation outside the Fairy Pavilion?

who is it?How dare to set up a bureau outside Xianling Pavilion, this is simple and bold.

Concubine Han's expression tightened, and she looked around vigilantly. Behind her, the figures of Ren Lao and others had long disappeared. Obviously, this formation should allow everyone to enter a different formation space.

"Fortunate ones, welcome to the realm of fairy spirits. This is the space left by the owner of the fairy pavilion. Any warrior who has contacts with the fairy pavilion has the opportunity to enter. There are various treasures left by the owner of the fairy pavilion. As long as you defeat the fairy puppet, you will have a chance to get it."

In the foggy space, a loud and sacred voice suddenly sounded.

Fairy Realm?Master of the Fairy Pavilion?

snort!Is it true that everyone in the world is an idiot?If there is such a good thing, if Xianling Pavilion doesn't publicize it, how can it be so vague.

This is clearly a carefully set up game to achieve a certain purpose without making people suspicious.

After all, there are so many bidders, there must be a reason.

And this is not only an excuse, but also makes the entrant feel like winning a lottery, not to mention if they get something from it.

Even if he didn't, he just pretended that he was not strong enough to defeat the puppet.

It really is a good calculation!

Concubine Han secretly said, and at the same time, not far from her, a figure slowly gathered together. The figure seemed to be completely formed by the thick fog around it. There was only an outline, and the appearance was not clear.

This is the so-called puppet?

Concubine Han's eyes were filled with astonishment, but there was still a trace of fear.

And that puppet, once formed, attacked and killed her involuntarily.

shuttle! !

It was extremely fast, and its shots were extremely majestic. It was packed with monstrous energy, and it almost crushed Concubine Han into scum.

Concubine Han's complexion also changed drastically. Although she has not yet become a legend, she is still a warrior in the Transformation God Realm, which is not bad. However, facing this puppet, she feels very difficult.

In particular, the strength of this puppet seems to be bottomless, no matter what she does, she will always be better than her.

"Feijian Villa, I didn't expect them to join in the fun."

"It's not surprising. I heard that Han Feng was injured in the Dao pattern space, and it was extremely serious."

"It seems that there is nothing suspicious, and the exercises are also suitable, let them go!"


Above the foggy space, a dialogue unknown to outsiders sounded.

At the same time, Concubine Han was also sent flying by the puppet.

"Failed to break through the level, and will be sent out soon."

The loud and holy voice sounded again, and before Concubine Han could react, the scene in front of her changed again, and she had already returned to the busy street.


(End of this chapter)

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