Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2765

Chapter 2765

"Finally there is no danger!"

After leaving the Fairy Spirit Pavilion, Fang Yi went straight to the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, and did not leave in a hurry.

Although the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill has been obtained, there are still some things that have not been collected completely, and are still in the Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce, so...

"Welcome Young Master!"

Outside the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, seeing Fang Yi coming, some servants had already greeted him respectfully.


Fang Yi nodded, "Where are the first shopkeeper and the second shopkeeper, and what happened to the things they collected?"

"Return to the young master, the two shopkeepers are both in the chamber of commerce, and the younger one will report it."

Saying that, a servant quickly ran down.

The rest of the people invited Fang Yi into the luxurious back hall.

Shaoqing, the first shopkeeper Gu Sifang, and the second shopkeeper came in a hurry, both of them had expressions of excitement and excitement on their faces.

Obviously, they have already been informed of the results of the auction.

Being able to successfully shoot the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill naturally has their share of credit. If the old master is Longyan Joy, their benefits will naturally be indispensable, so why don't they like it.

"Congratulations to the young master, you have successfully won the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill. If the old master learns about the young master's filial piety, he will definitely appreciate it."

Gu Sifang complimented quickly.

The second shopkeeper also echoed again and again, with a flattering smile on his face.

"It's easy to say! This matter is also inseparable from the credit of the two of you. At that time, my son will naturally be rewarded heavily."

When the two heard this, they were naturally overjoyed.

"Okay! How about the things I asked you to collect?"

After a pause, Fang Yi asked again.

"As soon as the young master's order came, the little ones tried their best to collect them, but the time was too short. So far, only three pieces have been collected."

"But young master, don't worry, the old slave has asked the people below to step up the collection. It won't take long, and they should be able to collect some."

Gu Sifang quickly replied, and at the same time eagerly put on a storage ring.


In such a short time, three space dao patterns have been collected?This fairy world, it seems that it is as expected, there are far more heaven and earth dao patterns than the lower realm.

But it's not surprising, this is the fairy world anyway, known as the world of rules, how can it be compared to the lower world.

"That's right! The two of you do your best to serve my son, and I will reward you a lot in the future."

"It's not impossible to help you become legends."


Become a legend!This is something they both dream of.

Do not!It is something that all warriors dream of. Isn't training just for this day?

"Thank you, young master, the old slaves will definitely die after dying."

The two shopkeepers almost knelt down to Fang Yi, with that excited expression, even Fang Yi felt a little guilty, "Okay..."


Just when he was about to say something, his face suddenly changed.

"What's wrong? Young Master!"

The two shopkeepers were puzzled and looked at Fang Yi blankly.

A look of surprise flashed across Fang Yi's eyes, and there was still doubt, wondering if he had shown his feet somewhere, because he had already sensed that Yunxiao was coming.

as predicted!

The next moment, a loud voice exploded from the sky above the Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce.

"Guo Wenguang, get out of here!"

"'s the Immortal of the Clouds!!" Gu Sifang's face changed slightly, and it could be seen that he was extremely afraid of this disciple of the Lingxiao Palace.

If he is like this, others can imagine.

In the arena, the only one who could remain indifferent was Fang Yi.

Why did the other party come here suddenly?Could it be that something was discovered?But it doesn't look like it, if the other party really finds out his identity, I'm afraid he won't talk nonsense at all, and will directly make a move.

Moreover, the other party called Guo Wenguang directly, obviously, he did not know his identity.

Maybe I just noticed some clues.

That being so...

Fang Yi had a thought, and said loudly: "Who is barking in front of my Jubao Chamber of Commerce? Don't you know whose property this is?"

He deliberately raised his voice, and at the same time reminded the other party of the backstage of the Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, he was not afraid of the other party, it was nothing more than putting on airs.

"Bastard! A prodigal son dares to be presumptuous in this seat's face. If it wasn't for the sake of the second elder, this seat would have crushed you long ago."

Yun Xiao was furious, as the eldest disciple of Ling Xiao Palace, who among his peers would dare to disrespect him.

Even if this second son, he would not dare to make mistakes when meeting him in the past, so today is good.

"Hmph! The eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace is indeed very powerful."

"Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you. I think I have nothing to do with you. You suddenly came to my Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce and disrespected me. What is your intention?"

Fang Yi sneered.

Guo Wenguang, the second son, doesn't know what kind of scene Yunxiao will face, he can only rely on his own imagination.

However, these words undoubtedly made Yun Xiao even more angry.

Among his peers, Guo Wenguang was the only one who dared to talk to him like this, how could he tolerate it.

"Presumptuous! It seems that you are used to being arrogant and domineering, no matter! Today, I will discipline you on behalf of the second elder."

Yun Xiao's eyes turned cold, his fingers hooked, and he grabbed Fang Yi directly.

Concubine Han's matter made him want to try it out, so he will not be polite at this moment.

Fang Yi also saw this, knowing that he couldn't avoid it, and didn't bother to get entangled. At the same time, he still had other thoughts in his heart.

In this way, the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill has been obtained, and three space dao patterns have also been obtained.

It's time to leave.

Even if he doesn't leave, he can't be Guo Wenguang for the rest of his life, so... this matter should come to an end, and Yun Xiao's pursuit is just the opportunity.

An opportunity for a golden cicada to escape its shell and blame the other party.

Involuntarily, the corner of Fang Yi's mouth could not help but sneer.

"Just you?"

"Do you really think that you can do whatever you want because you are the eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace? This young master really wants to see if you are as good as the rumors say."

Fang Yi sneered, and also went up to meet him.

He is extremely fast, not much slower than Yun Xiao.

"Huh?" And this undoubtedly surprised Yunxiao a little, it seemed that the strength of the Second Prince was obviously beyond his expectation.

But, that's all, as the eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace, how could he really put Guo Wenguang in his eyes.

"I don't know how to live or die, lie down for me!"

The sound of Yun Xiao was like thunder, and the giant palm suddenly changed, becoming as majestic as a prison, covering the sky and covering the sun.

The entire Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce seems to be under its cover.

The two shopkeepers were already trembling with fright. It's not surprising that the two of them had turned into gods. In front of the legendary realm, the aura they emitted was not something they could bear.

"But Er'er!"

However, facing this palm, Fang Yi chuckled lightly.

Also clapped a palm.

Boom! !

Immediately, the world was startled, the ground shook, and the two giant palms hit each other head-on, causing the entire Feilong City to tremble violently, as if a sudden earthquake of magnitude ten.

This is because Yun Xiao tried his best to suppress it and didn't want to spread too much.

However, Fang Yi obviously didn't need this. In fact, he hoped that more people would see and see Yun Xiao beheading Guo Wenguang with his own hands. After that, there would be nothing to do with him.

That is the matter between Yunxiao and the second elder of Lingxiao Palace.

And he can take advantage of this time to be quiet for a while.


(End of this chapter)

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