Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2784 Insights

Chapter 2784 Insights

"Meet the second elder!"

After Kong Qiu landed, he didn't rush to say anything, but bowed to Guo Wannian.

Although he has no friendship with Guo Wannian, even if he and Yun Xiao are walking together, it is tantamount to walking on the opposite side of Guo Wannian, but aside from all this, Guo Wannian is the second elder of Lingxiao Hall after all.

This gift cannot be lost.


Guo Wannian obviously didn't give him any good looks, so he snorted coldly and said, "Are you the only one here? Where are the others? Why haven't you shown yourself?"

"Besides, do you still have me, the Second Elder, in your eyes?"

This is a bit provocative.

It can be seen from this that Guo Wannian's anger towards Yun Xiao doesn't even welcome him and his group.

You must know that although the two have come to the opposite side, it is limited to two people. The others are just vassals, and they will generally restrain themselves.

But Guo Wannian obviously has no such patience at this moment.

"Second Elder is serious!"

Kong Qiu lowered his posture and looked like a junior, "The Second Elder is always the Second Elder, Kong is just right about things and not people."

"It's a good thing and not a person, so you can tell me, was Wen Guang killed by that little thief Yun Xiao?"

Guo Wannian's eyes turned cold, and he scolded angrily.

Kong Qiu seemed to have expected it a long time ago, without changing his expression, he replied: "Return to the second elder, yes!"

"However, this is only on the surface, but it may not be the truth, at least not the whole truth. With the ability of senior brother, if you really want to deal with Young Master Guo, why should you let others talk about it?"

"You can act in secret, the second elder said yes or not?"

This question, in fact, is not what Guo Wannian is puzzled about.

Although Yunxiao is domineering, but that is only among the junior disciples, in front of the high-level, at most, the two are irrelevant, and he is not so stupid as to be so stupid.

But the facts cannot be questioned, because it is under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Hmph! What do you want to say? Do you want to say that the little thief has no one in his eyes and doesn't take this old man seriously?"

Guo Wannian sneered.


Kong Qiu hurriedly interjected, complimenting: "The Second Elder's strength is as high as the sky, second only to the Hall Master and the Great Elder in the entire Lingxiao Palace, and he is indistinguishable from the Great Elder. Who would dare not to take the Second Elder seriously."

This compliment undoubtedly made Guo Wannian feel better, and he didn't rush to attack.

Said: "Since you said that this is not the whole of the facts, then you tell the old man what is the whole of the facts. The old man wants to know whether the facts under the eyes of everyone can be reversed."

Guo Wannian looked like he was waiting to see the monkey show.

But Han Feng, Han Fei and the others were vigilant at this moment, because they knew very well that Kong Qiu really wanted to explain, and there was no need to wait until this moment.

And the fact that they waited, the intention was obvious.

"Whether it will be reversed, Kong is not sure, but what is certain is that someone is behind it."

Kong Qiu replied calmly, and then, his sharp eyes swept towards Han Feng.

He said again: "Outside rumors, the owner of Feijian Villa was severely injured in the Daowen space, and almost died on the spot. Only the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill can heal him."

"For this reason, Miss Feijian Villa did not hesitate to get close to Young Master Guo, intending to obtain the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill through Young Master Guo."

"Kong doesn't know the details, but the result is that the owner of Feijian Villa is standing here safe and sound."

The words are not specified, but the meaning revealed is intriguing.

Guo Wannian is not stupid, how can he be a stupid person to become the second elder of Lingxiao Hall.

In fact, Feijian Villa is too insignificant, he doesn't know anything about Han Feng at all, otherwise, he might have thought of it long ago.

Hearing this moment, sharp eyes swept towards Han Feng like two sharp swords.

"It's you!"

"Nine-turn Resurrection Pill was obtained by you?"

Guo Wannian's pupils shrank sharply, and the biggest doubt about Guo Wenguang's death was that the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill had disappeared.

After Guo Wenguang was killed that day, no one had touched him. It stands to reason that the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill was still on him, but in fact, the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill disappeared.

But now, Han Feng has suddenly improved, and the suspicion has undoubtedly become even greater.

"You guys are talking nonsense. There is no such thing as the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill. My brother didn't take the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill at all."

Concubine Han was obviously in a hurry and tried to separate the relationship.

But unfortunately, no one would believe her words, because she was a participant in the whole thing.

"Yellow-haired girl, you still dare to quibble, if you don't tell the truth, Kong will kill you." Kong Qiu did not forget to shout at this moment, as if intending to scare Concubine Han and let the latter show her feet.

as predicted!

In a hurry, Concubine Han argued, "I didn't, Guo Wenguang didn't give me the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill at all."

Although this was a denial, it also indirectly admitted the fact that he was close to Guo Wenguang.

Coupled with the fact that Han Feng is recovering from injury, everything seems to have explained some kind of problem.

Guo Wannian's expression also turned cold.

As for Kong Qiu, there was a deep smile in the depths of his eyes, and he did not forget to take the opportunity to say: "Nine-turn Resurrection Pill has always been in the hands of Young Master Guo, and everyone knows about it, but after Young Master Guo died, the pill did not go away." Flying with wings, there must be something unknown behind it."

"Eldest senior brother discovered the anomaly, so he caught up with Young Master Guo to try to find out the truth."

"However, Young Master Guo's reactions before and after, as well as his strength, are completely different. In addition to everything in front of him, Kong has a bold guess. Young Master Guo may have already been outsourced."

what? ?

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, even Guo Wannian was no exception, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"How is this possible? The young master's cultivation base has reached the legendary level, who can drop it? And there are two major offerings..."

Someone behind Guo Wannian retorted.

However, before he finished speaking, Kong Qiu stepped forward and said: "Second Elder, don't forget that the two priests had already left two days before the accident, and Young Master Guo claimed that he was sent back to report to the Second Elder."

"But the truth is, the Second Elder must be clearer than anyone else. The two great priests have not reappeared. It is very likely that they have already fallen."

"Yes! Young Master Guo was probably also dropped at that time."

Kong Qiu's eyes were full of brilliance.

Before, he hadn't thought of this level. Now that he was in a hurry, he suddenly realized that this is really a great possibility.

However, who can pretend to be Guo Wenguang without revealing the slightest clue?

You know, in the big formation outside Xianling Pavilion, several people had tried to test the bidders, and Guo Wenguang's bid was not abnormal at that time.

Unless, the counterfeiter is also proficient in the skills of Lingxiao Temple, and his strength is not weaker than Guo Wenguang.

Of course, this is for sure, otherwise why would you drop the bag.

After hearing these words, Guo Wannian's face became extremely ugly at the moment. It has to be said that these words made him a little shaken, and the people behind him were similar, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Concubine Han, who knew all of this, also turned pale and bloodless at this moment.


(End of this chapter)

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