Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2787 Unexpectedly

Chapter 2787 Unexpectedly

not good!

Han Feng's complexion changed drastically. Guo Wannian was the second elder of the majestic Lingxiao Palace. This seemed like a random blow, but it had the power to destroy the world, far from what the previous burly man could compare.

In desperation, he didn't dare to hold back any more.


Just hearing him sternly shouted, the surrounding situation suddenly changed, and endless runes swarmed.

Above the nine heavens, terrifying energy shrouded, as if the sky had collapsed, forming a giant net that enveloped the surrounding world in it.

Under the giant net, everything seems to be under control.

The crowd seemed to feel something, and they all looked up at the sky with horror in their eyes.

Even if it was Guo Wannian, a look of astonishment flashed in his pupils, and he looked at the huge net in disbelief, because the huge net gave him a feeling of extreme uneasiness.

It seems that there are infinite murderous intentions hidden in it.

However, that murderous intent seemed unable to gather into shape, and Han Feng's body was trembling slightly, as if he was under great pressure.


The guardian formation of Feijian Villa has not been fully activated, it's not because they don't want to, but because they can't.

To fully open it, the person in charge of the formation must have extraordinary strength. Han Feng in his heyday may be able to barely open it, but even so, I'm afraid it won't last long.

And at this moment, Han Feng is just recovering from a serious illness, I'm afraid...

Facts have proved everything.

His face was pale and his whole body trembled, as if he was under great pressure. Endless runes rushed towards him, almost crushing him, and his bones were rattling.

"elder brother!!"

Concubine Han obviously sensed that something was wrong, tears flickered in her eyes, and she looked extremely anxious.

Ren Lao and the others were naturally similar, with pale faces.

Only Fang Yi's eyes were shining brightly. Looking carefully, there seemed to be runes circulating during the period. The runes were different from the runes above the sky, but, as they circulated, they slowly Approach slowly.

"What a great guardian formation, Han Poshan really lives up to its reputation."

"It's a pity that you are still far behind, otherwise, the old man would be a bit afraid."

Guo Wannian sneered, with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

Naturally, he already understood everything in front of him. Although this large formation gave him some uneasy feelings, there was no way to open it with the current Feijian Villa.

He is naturally fearless.

While speaking, he stepped lightly on his feet, hooked his five fingers, and suddenly thrust towards the huge net.


Immediately, terrifying energy poured out, like an erupting mountain torrent, and a huge hand condensed instantly, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, comparable to that giant net.

And, carrying monstrous energy, he went straight towards the giant net.

At this moment, there was an endless thunderstorm above the nine heavens, and the entire sky exploded completely, and the huge net also trembled violently, crumbling to the ground.

Click! !

In the end, with a loud noise, it cracked open.

At the same time, Han Feng was also struck by lightning, and his whole body was blasted out like a boring shell, with blood flowing from his mouth.

"elder brother!"

"The owner!!"

The expressions of all the people in Feijian Villa changed drastically, as if falling into an abyss.

Han Feng's defeat, for them, was undoubtedly tantamount to announcing the end of Feijian Villa and their death, so how could they not panic.

As for Han Feng himself, his eyes were naturally filled with unwillingness.

Blood gushed out of his mouth, but his eyes kept staring at Guo Wannian, as if sparks were about to burst out.

"A mantis' arm is like a car, and an idiot is talking about a dream."

Guo Wannian is condescending, with an appearance of dominating all living beings.

In fact, in his eyes, these people below are indeed no different from ants and can be trampled upon by him.

"Do you still want to resist? This old man will give you another chance to tell the truth, the cause and effect, if you dare to lie a little bit, Feijian Villa, as well as all of you, will cease to exist."

Guo Wannian's expression was extremely cold, and there was hardly a trace of pity on his face.

Some are just a strong killing intent.

And Kong Qiu at the side is also full of smiles at this moment, because everything in front of him is exactly what he is happy to see.

Guo Wannian's anger, and Feijian Villa's arrogance, only in this way, the two will not have any relaxation.

He was really afraid that Feijian Villa would be a soft-boned man who would bow his head and surrender if he was forced by Guo Wannian. In that case, he really didn't know what to do.

And the situation in front of him was undoubtedly what he was most happy to see.

"Big words! You evil thieves in Lingxiao Palace will get your retribution in the end."

Looking at her brother who was bleeding profusely, Concubine Han was also willing to go all out at this moment, and couldn't help but curse.


Behind Guo Wannian, someone had already shouted loudly, as if they were about to attack Concubine Han, a terrifying sharp claw came right after, tearing apart the space.

not good!

The first one to react was Mr. Ren, but unfortunately, he was entangled by Kong Qiu, so he was completely out of control.

"Miss be careful!"

Immediately, he had to remind loudly.

However, Concubine Han has not yet achieved a legend, and her cultivation is no more than the realm of transforming gods. It is self-evident how she can be the opponent of these powerful people in the Lingxiao Temple.

Seeing that giant palm was about to fall, Concubine Han must have died on the spot.

Suddenly, a high-pitched piano sound sounded like thunder on the ground.

Accompanied by the sound of the zither, the situation in the world changed suddenly, and the endless runes that had gradually collapsed gathered together again, and a rune blade also appeared out of thin air, and slashed towards the sharp claw.

boom! !

There was a loud noise, and the rune blade and sharp claws burst together.

Heaven and earth return to peace.

And the eyes of the crowd couldn't help looking at the source of the zither sound. There, a beautiful figure was standing majestically. She was playing the zither with both hands, floating like a fairy, like a mysterious girl who fell from the nine heavens.

She is Ji Wumeng.

This! !

Concubine Han and Ren Lao who knew Ji Wumeng, as well as Han Feng, were all dumbfounded.

Because they all knew very well that Ji Wumeng had no strength at all. Even a few days ago, the other party was just an ordinary person with no real energy fluctuations in his body.

But now, the other party has actually repelled the visitor with a piece of piano, how can they not be surprised?

However, they didn't know that Ji Wumeng had never practiced before. At least she had practiced Siyitu. It was she who saved Fang Yi and Ji Wuxian by exterminating Tianyin and Yushou Tianyin on the Tianwu battlefield.

Of course, that's only in the mortal world. Although Extinct Tianyin and Yushou Tianyin are amazing, they are naturally not worth mentioning in the fairy world.

For this reason, Fang Yi was once distressed.

Because Ji Wumeng has awakened, she must have enough power to protect herself. Although the Wood God Temple can make her invincible, it has no attack power.

At least it's not possible with Ji Wumeng's temporary cultivation.

The only feasible thing is formation.

While studying the guardian formation of Feijian Villa, he unexpectedly discovered that this formation seemed to have a great similarity with Jue Tianyin.

Especially when Han Feng opened up the formation with all his strength just now, he caught a trace of something unusual.

This is the scene in front of me.


(End of this chapter)

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