Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2805

Chapter 2805 Nine Dragons Secret Realm

"My lord, that's the way it is, what do you think we should do?"

In Feilong City, in a certain luxurious hall, an attendant was reporting to the young man above respectfully.

The expression is also a look of waiting to obey orders.

On the other hand, the young man above was gnashing his teeth, his expression was extremely ugly, and there was a venomous gleam in his eyes, as if he wanted to cut someone into pieces.

The young man's name is Wei Zhiyuan, and he is one of the true disciples of the Lingxiao Palace who have the best chance of competing for the position of the young suzerain besides Yunxiao.

A few days ago, he followed Guo Wannian to Feilong City, trying to pull Yunxiao off his horse.

But then, he heard that the Great Elder was involved in this matter.

With the support of the Great Elder, he suddenly felt hopeless, so he hid with excuses and did not attack Feijian Villa with Guo Wannian, but he kept hiding in the dark, looking for opportunities to take advantage of.

As a result, it is conceivable that Yunxiao actually fell, which he never expected.

It also made him ecstatic.

Because Yun Xiao's fall meant that his chance had come.

But what he didn't expect was that Guo Wannian claimed that Fang Yi was the real heir of Nine Dragons Immortal Zun at this time.

Once this matter is confirmed, his chances will undoubtedly become extremely slim.

Therefore, this is absolutely unacceptable to him.

"Your Excellency, you can actually rest assured that most of the senior officials in the sect hold opposing opinions. No matter whether he is the descendant of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable or not, he is not a true disciple of Lingxiao Palace. There is no doubt about it."

"Therefore, Lord Palace Master will never rest assured that he will hand over the position of Young Suzerain to a stranger."

The people below obviously also saw Wei Zhiyuan's thoughts, and hurriedly said flattery.

Needless to say, what he said made sense.

In fact, it's no wonder that even if it were any other force, they would definitely not be at ease in handing over the position of the young suzerain to an outsider.

Wei Zhiyuan couldn't help but nodded, but then said: "Not necessarily! At least that old fox Guo Wannian will support him."

"He beheaded Yun Xiao, and he cannot escape the blame. He is throwing the blame at this moment. Only in this way can his punishment be mitigated."

The people below are silent, obviously also understand this.

However, he didn't understand one thing, and immediately asked: "My lord, Yun Xiao was really killed by the second elder? But there are rumors that he was killed by the mysterious strong man in Feijian Villa."

"That mysterious strong man, is it true that he is the heir of Nine Dragons Immortal?"

The people below looked curious and doubtful.

The Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable is famous and is a legend of the Lingxiao Temple. His deeds and his successors naturally attract much attention.

"Hmph! It's nonsense."

"What is the successor of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable, just rely on that person? Kill Yunxiao? It's just a dream."

Wei Zhiyuan looked disdainful.

Although he was hiding in the dark that day, with Yuan Tong, Guo Wannian, and Yun Xiao around, he naturally didn't dare to get too close and could only observe from a distance. Therefore, he was not very clear about the situation that day.

I just saw Yunxiao and Guo Wannian palming each other, after which Yunxiao flew out, and after that, he fell completely.

Although the fall was somewhat inexplicable, with Yun Xiao's strength, it wouldn't be so vulnerable.

But, he couldn't think of any other possibility.

Let him admit that Yun Xiao died at the hands of Fang Yi, he would rather believe that everything was done by Guo Wannian, and Fang Yi may have only played a disturbing role in it.

In his mind, although Fang Yi is amazing, he is obviously inferior to Yun Xiao.

At most, it is equal to him.

Relying on a large formation, he might be slightly stronger than him, but it is obviously not enough to kill Yunxiao, at least he thinks so.

"Since that's the case, then we don't have to pay attention to it."

"With the strength of an adult, and the voice in Lingxiao Palace, no one can match it, let alone a kid who doesn't know where he came from."

The people below were slightly disdainful, and said again.

Wei Zhiyuan also snorted coldly, and said: "Just rely on him? How can I take him seriously? The trouble is the second elder. With the support of the second elder, some people can be pulled."

"Especially after this time, the First Elder and Yun Xiao joined forces and lost to the Second Elder. Although the Palace Master reprimanded the Second Elder on the surface, but within the sect, the Second Elder's prestige will definitely increase greatly. On the contrary, the First Elder will inevitably decline. "

"In this way..."

As Wei Zhiyuan spoke, his brows were full of sorrow, anger and unwillingness.

The people below couldn't help but nodded, obviously agreeing with the words.

"Then what should we do now?"

Immediately, he asked again.

Wei Zhiyuan didn't answer in a hurry, but pondered for a moment before saying, "No! You can't let the second elder grow up, you must unite with the first elder to prevent this matter from continuing, otherwise..."

"But the attitude of the lord..."

As Wei Zhiyuan spoke, his face was full of doubts again.

For the First Elder and the Second Elder, he can be vacillating while he is at ease, but he can't act like this for the Hall Master, otherwise, once he leaves a bad impression on the other party, it will be difficult to do anything in the future.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand the attitude of the Hall Master.

"My lord, there is the latest news."

Just when Wei Zhiyuan was undecided, another attendant came quickly, with an anxious expression on his face.

"What's the matter? Say it!"

Wei Zhiyuan seemed to have sensed it, and asked immediately, and his sharp eyes could not help but sweep over.


The person who came responded, and quickly said: "My lord, there is news from the sect that the master of the hall is going to open the secret realm of Nine Dragons and let a group of true disciples enter it."

"Not only that, but the Hall Master will allow the person from Feijian Villa to enter together."

what? ?

Wei Zhiyuan's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a flash of disbelief flashed across his eyes.

The previous person also looked stunned, and said: "How could this be? The Nine Dragons Secret Realm was left by the Nine Dragons Immortal, and it is rumored that there is an inheritance of the Nine Dragons Immortal, and Yunxiao entered it last time, and his strength has greatly increased. Many people have speculated that he may have obtained the inheritance of the Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable, but unfortunately, he has never produced the Nine Dragons Seal."

"Moreover, this secret realm is also the root of Lingxiao Palace. Only the true disciples of the sect can enter it. Don't even talk about it for others, but this time..."

Hearing these words, Wei Zhiyuan's face became more and more ugly.

Immediately, he shouted to the people: "What does the palace master mean? Allowing an outsider to enter the secret realm of Nine Dragons, is it possible that he really recognized his identity as the heir of the Nine Dragons Immortal?"

"And those high-level people in the sect, what do you mean? No one objected?"

Faced with Wei Zhiyuan's accusation, the visitor couldn't say anything, so he could only say: "Subordinates...subordinates don't understand, but this time, there are unusually few voices of opposition from the senior leaders of the sect, as if acquiescing to this matter..."


When Wei Zhiyuan heard this, Lei Ting was furious, "These old guys, all of them, are they all old and confused?"

The former person was immersed in it at this moment, and said: "Not necessarily, since the reactions of these old guys are surprisingly consistent, it must not be so simple, maybe..."


(End of this chapter)

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