Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2824 Mutation

Chapter 2824 Mutation

Nine Dragons Seal! !

With the appearance of the Nine Dragon Seal, the surrounding space seemed to become oppressive, and the hearts of the crowd became extremely tense. They all stared at Fang Yi and that Fang Yuxi.

In this way, under the eyes of the crowd, the Nine Dragon Seal burst out a bright light.

The dazzling rays of light brightened the surrounding space, and set off the statue even more majestic and unattainable.

But, other than that, there was still no reaction.

It seemed that it was really just an ordinary statue that couldn't be more ordinary.

However, to be able to stand here and be valued so much by the Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable, how could it be so simple?

Could it be that this is really just the respect that Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable has for Emperor Ling Xiao?

Do not! !

Subconsciously, Fang Yi shook his head. He didn't believe that Jiulong Xianzun was a person with nothing to do. The other party's actions must have some intentions.

The crowd also didn't believe it, their faces were full of bewilderment.

"What's going on? What is the purpose of this statue standing here? Could it be that there is nothing?"

"No, this is the core of the secret realm. It is impossible for Jiulong Xianzun to leave only a useless statue. If this is the case, wouldn't he have played with Lingxiao Temple for 10 years?"

"Yes! Absolutely impossible!!"

Apparently, the crowd wasn't giving up either.

I just hate that the force of the rules blocked their way, otherwise, they would have flocked to find out.

The same is true for Yuan Tong, a trace of bewilderment flashed across his greedy eyes.

There is still a trace of trance, and there is a trace of enlightenment in the look of looking at the surrounding void.

As if he figured out something.

Naturally, Fang Yi had no time to take care of these. At this moment, his mind was all focused on the statue. He thought that the statue would definitely react when the Nine Dragon Seal came out.

Unexpectedly, there was no movement.

Could it be that I guessed wrong again, the opening of this statue has nothing to do with the Nine Dragon Seal?

Do not! !

Fang Yi shook his head, this is a little unreasonable, the power of the rules, when encountering the Nine Dragon Seal, he will automatically retreat, obviously, this is left by the Nine Dragon Immortal for himself or for his descendants.

Only with the Nine Dragon Seal in his body can he pass through it safely.

In addition, if the comprehension of the rules of force is deep enough, you can easily pass through.

wrong! !

Suddenly, Fang Yi seemed to think of something. If this secret realm was really left by the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable for himself and his descendants, then the only token might be the Nine Dragon Seal.

The rules of strength cannot be counted, because there must be many people who understand the rules of strength in the vast Three Realms.

In this way, this statue is even more inseparable from the Nine Dragon Seal.

Only the Nine Dragon Seal can touch it.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten. Since Yulong Jue urged Jiulongxi not to respond, there is no doubt that the key to everything lies in Jiulongxi itself.

It's all on the dragon of the nine dragon rules.

If it was changed to before, Fang Yi was really helpless about it. Fortunately, a few days ago, he just comprehended a dragon of rules and controlled a dragon of rules.

Now, I can barely try it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but move his mind, and the sound of dragon chant followed.

The Nine Dragon Seal was shining brightly, and a regular dragon roared away, soaring across the world, like a master over this world.

Moan! !

With the appearance of the dragon of rules, there seemed to be thousands of dragons roaring nine days away.

The vast rule of force also became extremely active as if it had been sensed, and then it vented towards the dragon of rule.

what happened? ?

Fang Yi's eyes were shocked, because he could clearly sense that the dragon of rules was expanding rapidly, and the power of rules was surging like a tide.

What's worse, all of this is completely out of his control, like the instinct of the dragon of rules.

It seems to be the instinct of the power of the rules.

When the two touch each other, it is natural.

not good! !

In a short while, Fang Yi's complexion couldn't help changing drastically, because he could clearly sense that the dragon of rules had reached saturation, and if it continued like this, it might explode directly.

In this way, he will inevitably be hit hard.

groan! !

Seeing that the dragon of rules was getting closer and closer to the critical point, suddenly, the dragon of rules raised its head to the sky and roared, as if calling for something.

At that moment, Fang Yi only felt that the Nine Dragon Seal in his hand trembled sharply.

Yin Yin Yin! ! !

The next moment, there was a sound of shocking dragon chants, and regular dragons roared from the Nine Dragon Seal, and nine regular dragons shook the world.

This is……

The crowd was all terrified, as if they had seen a ghost.

"The Seal of Nine Dragons, it really is the Seal of Nine Dragons, it contains the power of Nine Dragons, as expected!!"

The crowd exclaimed, apart from fear, there was longing on their faces, longing for the Nine Dragon Seal, the legendary holy object of Lingxiao Temple.

No one knows how powerful the Nine Dragon Seal is, and it has always been just a legend.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I can imagine the desire in my heart.

Compared with the crowd, Yuan Tong was more excited, especially when Nine Dragons roared out, the huge statue trembled slightly, and Yuan Tong's excitement became more intense, and he couldn't help trembling slightly.

As one of the high-level officials in Lingxiao Temple, he naturally understood what this statue meant.

In the countless years of history of Lingxiao Temple, there are many strong men who have comprehended the way of strength. They all came to this statue, but in the end, none of them took the last step.

Finally, they came to a conclusion that only the Nine Dragon Seal can break the secret.

Of course, if it can be stronger than Jiulong Xianzun, maybe it can break through.

However, Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Dao, and one more step into the realm of dominating the world of the Three Realms. Such a person, it is rare for thousands of years to appear. Now, in the vast Three Realms, I don’t know if there is such a person, so what to say? Unravel the mystery of the statue.

What's more, everything here is only known to the high-level officials of Lingxiao Temple, and outsiders don't know about it.

and so……

After countless years, is the mystery of the statue finally going to be unraveled?

Yuan Tong was so excited that he wished he could put on his wings and find out, but it was a pity that the power of rules...

wait! !The suppression of the rule of force seems to have weakened a lot.

Perhaps it was because the attention was always on the nine ruled dragons that Yuan Tong didn't notice at all that the rules of force between heaven and earth were fading rapidly.

All of this seems to have something to do with the dragon of the nine rules.

Because the power of the rules around them is venting towards them, like a torrent.

good chance! !

Yuan Tong laughed wildly in his heart. Naturally, he would not miss such an excellent opportunity. In his mind, as long as he could win the Nine Dragon Seal, everything would be his.

Including the secret in that statue.

Involuntarily, his figure also suddenly sped up, shooting towards Fang Yi like an arrow.


(End of this chapter)

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