Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2843 Chapter 2842 Rules Behemoth

Chapter 2843 Chapter 2842 Rules Behemoth

The temperature between the sky and the earth is getting lower and lower, like an ice cave.

The space seemed to be frozen.

Ji Wumeng has obviously reached her limit, and with her cultivation, it is extremely rare to be able to support this far.

Fang Yi couldn't help nodding his head, and with a thought, a soft breath enveloped him instantly.

Let his expression also can't help but relax.

However, there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes, perhaps because he couldn't hold on any longer.

"Don't be discouraged! You have only cultivated for so long, and to be able to achieve such a result is already extremely impressive, even Wuxian is far behind."

This is not a word of consolation, but the truth.

Ji Wumeng's progress is indeed huge.

Of course, with the assistance of the Wood God Temple and Fang Yi's guidance, her situation is naturally not comparable to that of Fang Yi and Ji Wuxian back then.

This is simply a sky and a ground.

Ji Wumeng obviously understood this too, but she didn't say anything, just smiled wryly.

His eyes also became stronger.

Then, she raised her head and looked into the depths of the distance, where the cold light roared, and the space shrouded in crystal frost, "Have you arrived yet?"

"It should be almost there!"

Fang Yi replied, his eyes couldn't help looking into the distance, there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.


"What's going on? How did the surrounding space become like this?"

The two moved on.

However, earth-shaking changes have also taken place in the surrounding space. Originally, there was only a faint layer of frost in the air, but as it went deeper, the frost became thicker and thicker.

Almost filled the entire space.

In the end, the space seemed to be split horizontally by something, forming a huge glacier.

Can't see the edge.

It turned out that the two were flying in the void, and just like that, they came to the glacier inexplicably.

"It seems that this is the so-called ice field!"

Fang Yi muttered to himself, and his eyes became brighter and brighter. Unlike Ji Wumeng, he had a certain understanding of the power of rules.

In his induction, the glacier in front of him was completely outlined by the power of strong rules, which was extremely mysterious.

Those with excellent savvy, relying on this glacier, will probably be able to gain a lot.

Even Fang Yi felt a little anxious in his heart.

However, it is obviously not the time right now, Ji Wumeng is still on the sidelines, with her cultivation base, she cannot survive in such a bad environment, unless she escapes into the two great temples.

However, looking at Ji Wumeng's appearance, it was obvious that he had no such plan.

And Fang Yi also didn't have such thoughts.

Because the power of rules he has comprehended is enough, and the way of ice is also a branch of the way of water, he who owns the water temple does not need to be limited to this glacier at all.

Of course, more importantly, he is eager to find clues about the Ice God Palace.

Because Ji Wuxian.

Now that he has come here, how can he have the heart to comprehend the power of these rules.

"Where should we go next?"

Looking at the endless glacier, Ji Wumeng was obviously in trouble, and couldn't help looking at Fang Yi.

Fang Yi smiled, and asked without answering, "What is the constant change in the surrounding space along the way?"


Ji Wumeng was extremely intelligent, and when he heard about it, his eyes brightened.

Fang Yi couldn't help laughing, he didn't answer directly, he was just training Ji Wumeng, Ji Wumeng was once protected by Ji Wuxian, so he didn't have any idea about these things.

Fortunately, she has a good talent, and with a little mention, she can understand why.

Since the rules of ice are raging in the ice field, the deeper you go, the lower the temperature will undoubtedly be. With Ji Wumeng's cultivation base, although he can't perceive the intensity of the power of rules, it is not difficult to perceive the temperature.

Immediately, the two continued on, heading towards a colder place.

The world is pure.

The vast glaciers make the whole world appear extremely white and pure, and even the soul seems to have been baptized in some way.

Ji Wumeng was intoxicated by it.

Boom! !

hoohoo! !

However, just at this moment, there was a burst of excited fighting sounds in the distance, as well as bursts of terrifying beast roars.

"What's going on? There are monsters here?"

Ji Wumeng looked a little nervous. Although they encountered many dangers along the way, they had never seen any monsters.

During these times in the Dao Run space, they also learned something about the Dao Run space.

It is said that uncivilized beasts rarely appear in the dao pattern space, and if there are, they are likely to be powerful starry sky behemoths.

Strictly speaking, Fang Yi has never actually seen the giant starry sky beast.

On entering the Tianshan Mountains, he encountered only a juvenile starry sky behemoth, and he had never seen a real adult.

However, he has seen one of the demon pills of the starry sky behemoth, and that is the red planet of the demon clan alliance in the chaotic star field.

A demon pill is as big as a planet, so the body can be imagined.

Therefore, Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

Because he could clearly hear that the roar of the beast came from instinct, without the fluctuation of spiritual wisdom, it was an uncivilized monster, and definitely not a monster with successful cultivation.

However, although the breath is strong, it still seems to be much worse.

Could it be that it was a juvenile again?

Fang Yi thought to himself.

However, he didn't stop at his feet, he still walked in that direction, and Ji Wumeng followed closely, cautiously.

Boom! !

hoohoo! !

The fighting and beast roars were getting closer and more intense, and as they got closer, the scene ahead finally appeared in sight.

I saw huge monsters like ice sculptures galloping on top of the glacier.

Their heads are extremely large, like unicorns, and their bodies are crystal clear, like ice sculptures, faintly exuding colorful lights, giving people a sense of sacredness.

There are four heads in total, encircling a man and a woman in the center.

And the man and the woman were already suppressed at this moment.

However, both of them are not weak, especially the man who has reached the third level of legend, and the woman who is also at the second level of legend. Although the two are invincible, their lives will not be in danger for a while.

"Isn't it a starry sky behemoth?"

Fang Yi's expression was startled, and there was still some disappointment in his eyes.

To be honest, he was really curious as to what kind of adult starry sky behemoth had reached.

As for the four giant beasts in front of them, although they are huge and look like hills, they are obviously much worse than the starry sky giant beasts, but their bodies seem weird.

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning, because he could sense that the bodies of these giant beasts seemed not to be made of flesh and blood, but a very mysterious power of rules.

As if to confirm his thoughts, at this moment, the huge sword in the man's hand slashed at one of the giant beasts.

The giant sword crossed the sky without any deviation, and slashed straight at the huge head of the giant beast.

However, an unexpected scene appeared, the giant sword directly split the giant beast's head, but in the next second, the giant beast's head returned to its original state, leaving no trace of it.

It seemed that the giant beast didn't really exist at all, it was just a phantom.


(End of this chapter)

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