Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2849 The Way of Ice

Chapter 2849 The Way of Ice

Seeing this scene, Fang Yi frowned slightly.

Although he is not a good person, but he can't do nothing, and Luo Guan gave him a good feeling before, although he tried to escape at the last moment, but in that situation, it is almost the same as anyone.

The so-called human nature, so...

That's it!

Fang Yi sighed and was about to make a move.

Shuo Shuo! !

However, just at this moment, in the distance, bursts of piercing sounds came.

Within sight, one after another majestic figures shot towards him like thunder, rolling up monstrous power, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

hoohoo! !

And those ice beasts also seemed to have a sense, roaring wantonly towards the crowd coming from a distance, and the tyrannical air also permeated.

"so many people?"

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking. In this vast glacier, it was rare to meet a figure before, but now...

Feelings, the movement of these ice beasts is too great, attracting all the warriors around.

"Junior Sister, we are saved!!"

Different from Fang Yi's seriousness, Luo Guan and the two were undoubtedly overjoyed, as if they had seen a life-saving straw.

Although they may not know these people, the presence of these people will undoubtedly relieve their pressure. In this way, they will have a chance to escape.

How can I not be excited.


And those crowds, looking at this huge herd, apart from being terrified, were also a little anxious, with greed in their eyes.

No wonder, an ice beast means the existence of a heaven and earth dao pattern.

Even stronger.

However, whether it can be obtained is unknown.

However, the growth of warriors has always been full of hardships, and no one will shrink back easily, not to mention, they are here for this.

kill kill kill! !

The scene fell into chaos in an instant, and the screams of killing rushed to the sky.

The crowd had a tacit understanding and did not invade each other. They took the ice beasts as their primary target, because they all knew that there were so many ice beasts here, no one could have them all to themselves.

Even without the cooperation of other people, they can't do anything by themselves.

The end will only be the same as that of Luo Guan.

However, as the crowd joined in, the situation of Luo Guan and the two of them obviously improved a lot at the moment, at least they were out of danger temporarily.

However, the number of people is limited after all.

In fact, there were not many people coming here, and Fang Yi could even see that these people had been aware of the situation here early in the morning, and did not dare to come alone. They gathered a group of people before they dared to test it out.

Although the engulfed energy is extraordinary, its quantity is obviously not even a little bit worse than that of the ice beasts.

At the beginning, with the help of that momentum, maybe we can make a difference.

However, as time goes by, failure is only a matter of time.

And judging from their style, it is obvious that they don't seem to be fighting a protracted war. They are only planning to make a surprise attack and retreat immediately if they succeed.

It has to be said that this strategy is correct in the face of the herd.

No one can afford to waste them.

As Fang Yi expected, the group was led by two cold-breathing men, both of whom had reached the legendary five realms.

It is not weaker than Yunxiao.

In the blink of an eye, the two ice beasts had already been frozen by them, turning into two ice sculptures.

The two each took one, and then quickly escaped from the herd of beasts, choosing a place with fewer herds of beasts to attack, which was obviously a guerrilla war.

As for other people, they obviously don't have the same ability as them, and it is already extremely good to be able to protect themselves.

Most of them were attacked from the front and back, and were accidentally knocked into the air.

Flesh and blood flew.

Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head, a little disappointed, naturally not because of these fates, but because of the means of these people.

I thought that these people were in the ice region and had some special way to deal with these ice beasts, but it turned out that it was not like that.

Most people just blindly attack.

Except for the two Legendary Five Realms.

The two of them obviously have a certain understanding of the way of ice, and what they used to defeat the ice beast is exactly the way of ice.

However, judging from the situation of the two of them, every time they defeat an ice beast, they consume a huge amount of energy.

With their strength, I am afraid that the number of defeated ice beasts will not exceed three at most.

After three heads, they will inevitably retreat.

It has to be said that Fang Yi was a little disappointed. He thought he could get some inspiration from them, but in the end it was useless.

Do not!Strictly speaking, not at all.

At least, the way of the ice of the two confirmed his guess, as long as they comprehend the way of the ice profound enough, they would definitely be able to kill these ice beasts.

It seems that after all, we still have to start with the way of ice.

Fang Yi muttered to himself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help letting go of his mind, and instantly filled the surroundings.

Those ice beasts suddenly turned into endless power of rules, and appeared in his induction. Their structure was complex and orderly, and it was like a mess when he first sensed it.

But if you feel it carefully, there is its own law in this chaos.

They are like balls of wool, dancing in Fang Yi's perception.

In this way, Fang Yi immersed himself in it, completely ignoring everything outside, quietly standing on the battlefield, standing among the beasts, like a real statue.

And it's the biggest statue.

"Who is he? What is he doing?"

The crowd undoubtedly noticed him, especially when they saw that the herd ignored him, they all showed horror.

However, they obviously didn't have time to pay attention to these, because the herds of beasts had already come from all directions.

The situation on the court has also become more and more tragic.

Just as Fang Yi expected before, with the momentum at the beginning, the crowd was able to resist the herd for a while.

But after this momentum, what awaits them is self-evident.

In fact, they themselves don't know, but they just want to fight hard. If they are lucky, they can get an ice sculpture, which will make a lot of money.

If you are unlucky, as long as you can save one life, it is worth it.

At least I have accumulated some experience for the next time.

In the world of warriors, in the later stages, every step is so difficult, and the crowd has long been used to it.

Ahhh! !

There was a miserable scream.

Some of the less powerful ones have already been submerged in the herd of beasts first, and even those with strong strengths have been somewhat exhausted after a big battle.

Even for those two Legendary Five Realms, the pressure they faced increased sharply after everyone was exhausted, and it was almost impossible for them to make a difference.

Not to mention the two of Luo Guan, they were almost exhausted before.

Fortunately, the two of them were also considered witty. When the crowd attacked, they had already fought and retreated, so at this moment, they were almost out of the encirclement of the herd.

However, looking at the motionless figure among the herd of beasts, they hesitated a little, wondering whether they should leave or not.



(End of this chapter)

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