Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2852

Chapter 2852

The power of the combined attack of the two legendary five-level powerhouses is self-evident.

Rao Guan could not help but turn pale with fright at this moment.

The same is true for Lu Linglong.

However, with the strength of the two of them, it is obvious that they can't do anything, and, in front of the Legendary Five Realms, they would not dare to borrow ten of their courage.

What's more, they didn't have such a heart.

Boom! !

The heaven and the earth were shattered, like the sky falling apart, the combined blow of the two legendary five-level powerhouses was enough to destroy everything, of course, including the Tiantian Sword Formation.

Although the Tiantian Sword Formation is extraordinary, Fang Yi only has the second level of legend after all, and there is undoubtedly a huge gap between the two.

One person is enough, two people work together, it is obviously not so easy to resist.

I saw the dazzling sword formation, under the huge coercion, erupting with brilliant light, thousands of swords blared together, but in the end, one after another burst, like gorgeous fireworks.

The entire world was completely plunged into a violent air current, and everything was torn apart.

Ji Wumeng was also submerged in the air current and disappeared.

The crowd couldn't help showing a hint of regret.

Obviously, in their view, Ji Wumeng must have fallen into it.

Not surprising, in such a violent air current, not to mention her an ordinary cultivator, even an immortal in the Legendary Realm, would not be able to escape death, so...

However, when all the dust settled and the world returned to its original state, there was nothing left in the field.

Not even a trace of blood or breath remained.


Seeing this, both the burly man and the man in black couldn't help but look surprised.

Because the scene was so clean, it was unusually clean. If the other party really fell, there would be nothing left, but it was indeed the case.

So why?

The crowd undoubtedly held the same doubts and looked at each other in blank dismay.

As for the other space, it was a sea of ​​cyan energy. Ji Wumeng was panting heavily, with a look of lingering fear.

There is no doubt that she has escaped into the Wooden Temple at this moment.

With the Wooden Temple, she finally has some power to protect herself. Of course, this is also thanks to Fang Yi's Sleepy Sky Sword Formation. If not, with her strength, she might not even have time to escape into the Wooden Temple.

"Fang Yi!!"

After calming down a little, Ji Wumeng's worried eyes couldn't help but look at Fang Yi again.

Fang Yi at this moment is still like a statue.

Nothing seemed to affect him.

Fortunately, there is that ice barrier covering his body, otherwise, those greedy crowd would be enough to drown him.

As for now, they can only stand outside the barrier and watch.

Of course, as strong as the burly man and the black-robed man, these two legendary five-level powerhouses were obviously unwilling to just wait and attack the barrier from time to time, and tried to break into it.

It has to be said that the strength of the two is astonishing, and this barrier is a sky-high compared to other people.

However, compared to the two of them, they were able to move forward slowly.

Especially, when the endless ice lotuses became less and less, and there were very few left that were swallowed by Fang Yi, the barrier seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and the speed of the two of them became faster and faster.

"The barrier is about to disappear, everyone hurry up!!"

"When these ice lotuses disappear, that's when the barrier recedes, kill him!!"

The crowd obviously also noticed this, and they all couldn't wait, as if they were afraid of being preempted by others, and they didn't have the slightest awareness of being cannon fodder.

Immediately, everyone flocked away, and terrifying attacks followed one after another.

With Fang Yi as the center, the entire sky is a huge storm, and Fang Yi is the center of the storm, and everything around is annihilated.

"Do not!!"

Ji Wumeng's eyes were full of despair, her whole body was trembling, and in the next moment, she seemed to be unable to bear it and rushed up.

At this moment, she obviously couldn't care less.

Fortunately, the next moment, Fang Yi, who was originally like a statue, suddenly opened his eyes, and a bright three-color light burst out from his pupils. The huge storm seemed to be torn apart by this light. .

Not only that, but the heaven and the earth seemed to be frozen together, and everything seemed to slow down.

Only, ripples rippled from Fang Yi's whole body, spreading towards the surrounding space, layer upon layer.

At that moment, Fang Yi seemed to be separated from this space, independent of this space, overlooking everyone from above, like a great emperor.

"Hmph! The mere space is stacked, break it for me!!"

A look of surprise flashed across the eyes of the man in black robe, but then he sneered.

Accompanied by this sound, an extreme chill also poured out of his body, like an erupting volcano, freezing everything it passed by, and a huge sword of ice also condensed, slashing towards Fang Yi fall down.

The hegemony of this sword made all the surrounding crowd turn pale with shock.

Those whose strength is slightly inferior, but if they are contaminated with this breath, they will instantly turn into ice sculptures, and then burst into a pile of ice slag.

Can't die anymore.

Rao Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across his face. If such a terrifying way of ice had been changed to before, he might really have no other way to do it.

But just now, after Honglian devoured the power of those rules, he faintly realized something.

The Ice God Palace is the pinnacle of the Way of Ice.

However, the red lotus belonging to the Ice God Palace may not be the ultimate in the way of ice, but it is more than enough to deal with the man in black.

I saw a sarcasm at the corner of Fang Yi's mouth, and as his thoughts turned, a strange red lotus bloomed again.

At the same time, the surrounding world was frigid, and everyone felt an extreme, irresistible chill, and even their souls seemed to be frozen.

not good! !

The expression of the man in black also changed drastically, and his eyes were full of fear.

This bone-piercing chill undoubtedly made him a little confused. Fortunately, although this chill was biting, the number was far less than that. Otherwise, even if he had the power to resist, he would not be able to resist.

Even so, he didn't dare to be careless.

He exchanged glances with the burly man, and the latter also rushed over quickly, completely ignoring the fact that two legendary five-level realms encircled a legendary second-level level man, which would sweep away his majesty.

Perhaps in their view, only real benefits are the most real.

Everything else is false.

And such a person is undoubtedly the most difficult to deal with, Fang Yi's brows could not help but frown.

Although he has good strength and is confident of confronting a Legendary Five Realm head-on, if the two attack at the same time, it will obviously be different.

Although, he had killed Yun Xiao, who was also in the fifth level of legend, long ago, but that was completely accidental.

All sorts of coincidences.

It wasn't him who played the key role, but the second elder of Lingxiao Temple.

If it is based on his strength alone, it is obviously impossible.

Not to mention facing two people at the same time now, and there are countless crowds staring at them all around.

"kill him!!"

I was really afraid that something would come. Before Fang Yi weighed the situation in front of him, whether to fight or retreat, the endless crowd around him surged up again.


(End of this chapter)

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