Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2869 Ancient Formation Tianzong

Chapter 2869 Ancient Formation Tianzong

"Besides, what else do you know?"

Immediately, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

To be honest, Fang Yi had no interest at all in the Taoist who reached the sky. In this vast Three Realms, in the endless years, there are countless strong people born. If you have to pay special attention to each one, then Fang Yi will Nothing to do.

However, it is different at this moment. Taoist Tongtian really controls the way of formation, so he has to let Fang Yi take care of it, because he also has a strong interest in the way of formation.

It's just a pity that I have never been in touch.

He has always been eager to know what kind of relationship and connection there is between the formation and the formation avenue.

Now the opportunity is likely to be in front of him, and he naturally doesn't want to let it go.

"That's it!"

The masked girl didn't seem to expect Fang Yi to be so interested in this, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "My knowledge is also very limited. Daoist Tongtian was a figure in the prehistoric period, and it has been hundreds of millions of years."

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help showing a look of disappointment on his face.

He didn't doubt that the masked girl deliberately concealed it. After all, Taoist Tongtian is indeed a person who is too old.

It is such a character, there is still a legend about him in the fairy world, if it were someone else, it would have been buried in the dust of history.

It's just that I just learned about the news about Formation Dao, and then...

Inevitably a little lost in my heart.

However, the masked girl's conversation suddenly changed, and she continued: "However! I once heard Aunt Xue say that Taoist Tongtian is most famous for his sword array, which seems to be called Zhuxian Sword Array, which is called Wuxian If they are not executed, the powerhouses of the three realms will be terrified when they hear about it."

"And this set of sword formations is said to be composed of four swords. It seems to be Zhuxian, Trapping Immortal, and what else..."

The masked girl pondered, as if she was thinking about something.

But Fang Yi couldn't calm down anymore, and two rays of light shot out from his pupils.

Zhuxian Sword Formation?

Zhu Xian sword?Trapped in the fairy sword?

Isn't this...isn't this the guardian formation in Feijian Villa?When the big formation was opened, a sword was faintly condensed, and the word "Trapping Immortal" could be vaguely seen on it.

In addition to this, Feng Yiyi also comprehended a set of formations from the Tianzong of the ancient formations, and also condensed a sword. Fang Yi clearly remembered that it was the word "juexian" on it.

Immediately, he couldn't help but blurted out: "Excellent Immortal!"

"That's right! It's the Absolute Immortal Sword, and the Immortal Killing Sword. A total of four immortal swords form the Immortal Execution Sword Formation."

The masked girl answered with a look of fascination.

It can be seen that she must be extremely yearning for this so-called Daoist Tongtian and the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

As for Taoist Tongtian, I don't know how many billions of years ago he was. The only thing that can make her yearn for so much is undoubtedly the legend about Taoist Tongtian.

It is conceivable that just some legends can make her yearn so much.

At this moment, Fang Yi has no interest in paying attention to the masked girl, and countless puzzles emerge in his mind.

If what the masked girl said is true, then what role did the Tianzong play in the ancient formation during this period?

Why did the Absolute Immortal Sword appear in the inheritance place of the Tianzong of the ancient formation?

Could it be that the ancient formation Tianzong is related to Taoist Tongtian?

Not to mention, this possibility cannot be ruled out. If Taoist Tongtian really controls the formation method, then it is not surprising that the ancient formation Tianzong is related to him.

But, has Daoist Tongtian ever been to the space he belongs to?

So, are the Temple of Water and the Temple of Fire related to him?

No wonder Fang Yi was so skeptical, because the masked girl had told the legend about the god of fire and the god of water before, and finally said that the two entered the Tongtian Tower and never came out again.

If all this is true, then in the end, is it possible that they have entered the space they belong to.

And, left the Temple of Fire and the Temple of Water in that space, and then fell?

And Daoist Tongtian, did he also join their battle, and finally entered the space he belonged to together, and left behind the ancient formation Tianzong?

It has to be said that Fang Yi's brain hole is a bit big.

However, in this way, it perfectly explained the origin of the Fire God Temple and the Water God Temple, and at the same time found clues for the origin of the ancient Tianzong.

This is not Fang Yi's random speculation, but has a certain basis.

The four sword formations seem simple, but they seem to cover everything.

And that time fragment, with Fang Yi's current experience, he can be regarded as well-informed!

But so far, except for the speed of the time fragment he owns, he has never encountered or even heard of the existence of other time fragments.

It can be seen that time fragments are precious.

However, it is absolutely unreasonable for such a precious item to appear in a lower realm.

If everything is really related to Taoist Tongtian, then everything can be explained.

Involuntarily, Fang Yi suddenly remembered, the place of inheritance of the Tianzong of the ancient formation, the starry sky outlined by the formation, and the figure sitting on the bright moon, could it be related to Taoist Tongtian?

"What are you thinking? Are you frightened by the legend of Taoist Tongtian?"

Just as Fang Yi was deep in thought, the masked girl's disdainful voice sounded.

"Don't worry! I don't know how many billions of years have passed, and I don't know how many times the heaven and earth have gone through. Taoist Tongtian has long been an ancient man, so don't worry about breaking into his Tongtian Tower."

"Furthermore, this Tongtian Tower is already half-abandoned, no one can control it, and naturally no one can do anything to you."

The masked girl continued.

It can be heard that she seems to know quite a lot about the Tongtian Tower.

Fang Yi couldn't help but looked up and looked around, subconsciously asked: "Tongtian Temple? Can't they control it? What's their relationship with Tongtian Daoist?"

"They" undoubtedly refers to Tongtian Temple.

This is where Fang Yi is more curious.

If what the masked girl said is true, and the Taoist Tongtian is enshrined in the Tongtian Temple, why does it have no achievements in the Dao of Dafa?

On the contrary, it is not as good as the Tianzong of the ancient formation in the lower realm. Could there be something hidden in it?

as predicted!

The girl in the mask snorted coldly, and then said with a sneer: "What is Tongtian Temple, it's just because of the inheritance of Taoist Tongtian, and the use of Tongtian Tower."

The masked girl was full of disdain.

However, despite what she said, it can be seen that she is still extremely afraid of this so-called Tongtian view.

It's not surprising that Tongtian Temple can gain a firm foothold in Jiuchongtian and is highly respected. It's not as simple as she said.

Fang Yi naturally wouldn't believe what she said.

He just smiled as a response.

But in my mind, I became more and more curious about the so-called Tongtian Daoist and Tongtian Temple.

The eyes looking at this space became brighter and brighter.

"Go! Find the exit!"

Immediately, with a soft drink, he turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared into the depths of space.

"Hey! You wait for me!"

In the hazy space, the two figures shuttled back and forth so quickly.


(End of this chapter)

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