Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2871 The figure in the formation

Chapter 2871 The figure in the formation

Fang Yi is not sure if there is any danger in the dense fog.

However, there was something in it that echoed the Trapping Immortal Sword, so he had no reason not to investigate it, so he resolutely stepped into it.

As for the masked girl, being so provoked by Fang Yi, she was a little unconvinced immediately, and plunged into it.

But as soon as she entered, she regretted it, because there was no Fang Yi around.

Some are just sharp and sharp swords.

This seems to be a world of swords, an ocean of swords.

What's more terrible is that as she entered, those sharp swords seemed to sense something, and all the swords blew together, as if their own territory had been violated.

"No! That's not the case, misunderstanding! It's all misunderstanding!!"

Sensing the hostility coming from the blade, the masked girl obviously panicked, expressing her unintentional offense.

It's a pity that those sharp swords didn't seem to hear it.

shuttle! !

Suddenly, a sharp sword came piercing through, carrying endless killing intent.

Shuo Shuo! !

At the same time, Fang Yi was no exception. His situation was similar to that of the masked girl, and even more dangerous, because the countless sharp swords seemed to become more fierce and powerful.

He came towards Fang Yi's endless hole, as if he wanted to tear Fang Yi into pieces.

Fortunately, Fang Yi's strength is very strong, and his agility is also unrivaled. He can handle these sharp swords without any embarrassment.

However, what puzzled him was why there were so many sword shadows here.

This looks like a sword array.

Could it be that it is the big formation that the masked girl said?

It's just that, no matter how you look at it, this big formation is just a formation shrouded in a dense space, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the entire Tongtian Tower. Could it be that this is another formation?

How many formations are there in Tongtian Pagoda, and what is hidden in it?

Are these formations left behind by Taoist Tongtian? What is their intention?

All these mysteries made Fang Yi a little confused.

However, what is certain is that this Tongtian Pagoda must be extremely difficult, and no matter what the purpose of this large formation in front of him, he can't help but shrink back.

Perhaps only by breaking through this large formation can one understand everything and leave this space.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help turning cold, and he didn't just retreat blindly, but took the initiative to strike and defeat the sharp sword.

Those sharp swords seem extremely fierce and fierce, but if Fang Yi wants to make a move, it is not too difficult to defeat them.

However, what Fang Yi didn't expect was that those sword shadows were defeated and quickly regrouped.


Fang Yi thought to himself, if this continues, even if he has supernatural powers, he will be exhausted one day.

At that time, the only thing to do is wait for death.

It seems that to break this formation, attacking alone is not enough, and we need to start with the way of formation.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi couldn't help but close his eyes, let go of his mind completely, and merged into the sharp swords around him, into the big formation.

The body instinctively avoided the sharp sword coming from the attack, like a ghost, which seemed extremely strange.

Time goes by like this.

I don't know how long it has passed, there are more and more sharp swords around, and the attack speed is getting faster and faster, like lightning bolts, across the sky.

The entire void seemed to have turned into a pool of thunder.

And Fang Yi, that ghostly figure, shuttled through the thunder like this, like a great emperor who controlled thunder.

Until, the whole world couldn't see anything clearly, only the waterfall-like thunder poured down, destroying everything in the world.

Suddenly, at this moment, Fang Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

From within his pupils, there seemed to be endless runes surging, and those runes were like a sharp sword, merging with those sword shadows.

In the end, all the sword shadows collapsed like gorgeous fireworks, and the world returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Only that stalwart figure stands between the heaven and the earth.

"Is it broken?"

Fang Yi's face was a little dazed, and everything in front of him undoubtedly showed that he had succeeded.

However, the feeling of being enveloped by the big formation is still there, so this is enough to show that the big formation has not been broken, and what has been broken may only be the tip of the iceberg of the big formation.

as predicted!

The endless sword shadows in the surrounding void condensed again, and each pair of handles formed a set of sword formations. In Fang Yi's eyes, they seemed to be no longer two swords, but two people, and they were two powerful people who cooperated seamlessly. Musha.

They are struggling to fight towards Fang Yi.

Between heaven and earth, there was a faint sound of killing and shouting, and the sound of swords was loud.

Compared with before, those countless sword shadows only knew how to kill blindly. At this moment, these sword shadows seem to have some kind of spirituality, and it is undoubtedly much more difficult to deal with them.

Rao Fang Yi, shuttled among the thousands of swords, looked a little embarrassed.

Even if he was careless, he was scratched by a sharp sword.

Fortunately, he is very strong, his physical body is strong, and his recovery speed is unparalleled. Otherwise, if he was replaced by other warriors of the same level, he would have been torn to pieces.

Compared to him, the masked girl is still trapped in the shadow of the ten thousand swords at this moment.

Fortunately, she has a strange identity, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, after all, her strength is too weak, and her successors are weak. If things go on like this, there will be more disasters, which is not difficult to see from her pale face at this moment.


"It still doesn't work! It seems that we still have to start with the formation method."

It was another battle and trial, and Fang Yi was sure again that blind attacks could not resist these sharp swords at all.

It seems that these sharp swords are designed to comprehend the way of formation.

Could it be that this is some kind of test set by Taoist Tongtian?Or is it some kind of training mechanism left for former disciples?

If this is the case, even if you break through here, I'm afraid there will be nothing.

The only advantage may be that the comprehension of the way of formation can be deeper.

However, at this moment, Fang Yi has no such leisure, he just wants to explore the secrets here and leave here as soon as possible.

But the current situation is clearly out of his control.

In desperation, he had no choice but to follow the steps and comprehend those sword shadows.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Yi faintly had a certain understanding. In fact, he was able to comprehend these sword shadows so quickly, which was inseparable from his foundation.

He has comprehended the four major sword formations, which are the foundation of all formations, and any mysterious changes are covered in them.

In addition, he has a certain understanding of the Immortal Trapping Sword, so...

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they might not be able to comprehend it in a lifetime.

"Break it for me!!"

As for Fang Yi, just hearing him yell at this moment, endless runes swarmed from his body, and the countless sharp swords collapsed again.

Even the space collapsed together, like falling glass.

Out of expectation, a figure appeared in sight.

That figure was a middle-aged man, who was sitting cross-legged above the void at the moment, motionless, like a statue, and he couldn't feel the slightest fluctuation of breath.

It was obviously a corpse.


(End of this chapter)

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