Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2873 Martial arts determination

Chapter 2873 Martial arts determination

However, Fang Yi did not lose his composure despite his longing.

Stronger than Han Poshan, but he failed in the end, so what about me?Fang Yi couldn't help asking himself.

If he remembers correctly, Han Poshan's cultivation has at least reached the legendary seventh realm or above. With such a cultivation, he can only fall here in the end, so what chance does he have of surviving?

Thinking of this, Fang Yi couldn't help frowning.

Although he is not a person who is afraid of death, he will not blindly die.

The situation in front of me seems to be like this.

However, if he were to give up like this, to be honest, he would be a little bit unwilling.

Fortunately, compared to Han Poshan, he at least has the water temple, and his life can at least be guaranteed. If that's the case, then he might as well give it a try.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but be certain.

But at this time, in the surrounding void, one after another sword shadows condensed again, and the sound of the sword's cry also became louder, like rolling thunder.

not good!Sure enough, it came again! !

Fang Yi's eyes darkened, and he couldn't care less about it at the moment. With a wave of his hand, a roaring wind instantly swept up Han Poshan's body and disappeared.

Anyway, after all, I had dealt with Feijian Villa before, and with this sword picture, Fang Yi might as well be a good person, pass by Feijian Villa one day, and return the body to the Han brothers and sisters.

After doing all this, Fang Yi did not wait for the countless sharp swords to attack this time, but attacked first.

These sharp swords became more domineering and more ferocious each time, the so-called strike first is the strongest, no matter whether it is useful or not, it is good to test the weakness first.

It really doesn't work, and I'm thinking about it in the long run.

Fang Yi's strike was like lightning, and a large area of ​​space collapsed as the bright three-color sword shadows passed by, including Zhuo's sword shadows.

However, just like the previous few times, they condensed at a faster speed.

And each group of three handles turned into a set of powerful sword formations, attacking and killing Fang Yi.

Countless sets of sword formations completely enveloped Fang Yi, making it impossible to escape.

good guy! !

Fang Yi couldn't help but secretly startled. This sword array was so powerful that even he felt that his life was under great threat.

They are combined in threes and threes, changing endlessly and evolving in thousands of ways, making it hard to guard against.

After only a few face-to-face encounters, Fang Yi has been injured one after another, and several bright red mouths have appeared on his body. Blood gushes out, staining his clothes red, and he looks extremely embarrassed.

This is because Fang Yi has a strong physical body and amazing resilience. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been pierced by the chaotic sword.

And all around, the endless sword formation is also evolving faster and faster, revealing the meaning of endless killing.

It was also at this moment that Fang Yi felt a hint of retreat in his heart.

Because he was convinced that Han Poshan died under this checkpoint, otherwise, the opponent's body would not appear after the second checkpoint.

Obviously, Han Poshan has not been able to break through this hurdle, so...

Considering that the other party's cultivation base of the seventh realm of legend cannot break through, and oneself is no more than the third realm of legend, how can he be able to break through?

Take ten thousand steps back, even if you break through, who knows how many barriers are left behind?

Therefore, Fang Yi had a faint intention to withdraw.

However, thinking that the Immortal Trapping Sword might be among them, Fang Yi was filled with unwillingness, at least he was not at the end of his rope.

"I don't care! Fight!!"

Fang Yi shook his heart, and a flash of determination could not help but flash in his eyes.

At the same time, with him as the center, ripples began to appear in the surrounding space, and the strange power of space began to spread, making this space layer upon layer, elusive.

Seizing this gap, Fang Yi also began to comprehend the picture of the trapping immortal sword.

Although he understands that this sword map may not help him at the moment, because Han Poshan who owns the sword map has fallen here, but at this moment, he has no better way at all, so he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor .

Time goes by like this.

Fang Yi has also turned into a blood man, covered in bruises.

Fortunately, his physical body was so strong that it was outrageous, otherwise, even ten lives would not be enough to kill him.

Moreover, a layer of golden scales has been attached to his body at this moment, which has to protect him and allow him to sustain it.

However, after a long time, how long it can last, even he himself does not know.

The only thing he knew was that this sword array was extremely strange, and each level seemed to have no change, but simply superimposed the sword shadows together.

But the power is not the same.

The gap between the first checkpoint and the second checkpoint, as well as the second and third checkpoint, is at least a tenfold increase.

Simply unbelievable.

If this growth rate is still maintained, then the fourth hurdle, Fang Yi, can be said to be impossible.

It was precisely because of this that he wanted to give up, because it was simply impossible.

But, is this really the case?Can you pass the third hurdle by yourself?All of this made him full of unwillingness, he clenched his teeth and held on.

At the same time, the sword picture seemed to become more and more clear in his perception.

It turned out that the criss-crossing sword energy faintly contained some great principles. At that moment, he seemed to have realized something. Endless runes surged around him, and a huge sword shadow also condensed.

It is "Trapping the Immortal Sword".

It's just that compared to before, the sword shadow in front of him is undoubtedly more solid and fierce, piercing the sky.

The countless sword shadows around seemed to be touched and roared.

The entire world was instantly enveloped by the sound of swords.

But it's a pity, after all, it was still a bit worse. Although the sword shadow was huge, it was not enough to deter the countless sword formations.

Fang Yi also fell into endless fighting.

One person with one sword, just like this among thousands of swords, the blood mist flew, and the sky was bright red.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Yi has completely turned into a blood man. At this moment, he is like a madman, caught in endless killing.

In his eyes, those sword shadows turned into a powerful warrior.

And he wanted to kill these warriors one by one.

However, these warriors are simply inexhaustible, and Fang Yi's tragic appearance can be imagined.

However, he didn't care about so much at all. He relied entirely on his strong will to support him. As long as he still had a breath, he decided to fight endlessly.

With the water temple, at least he doesn't have to worry about his life.

In this way, the surrounding world only had the sound of endless sword cries, slowly, until the sound of sword cries became weaker and weaker, until it disappeared completely, and the world once again returned to calm.


At this moment, Fang Yi looked extremely tragic, with a trace of bewilderment on his face.

He didn't seem to realize how and how those sword shadows disappeared. In fact, he was able to sustain it entirely with his strong will.

If it is said that the first two hurdles are his comprehension of formations, then the third is his determination in martial arts.

Of course, this requires his strong physical body as the backing, otherwise, no matter how determined his will is, without strong strength, physical body, and terrifying resilience, even ten lives are not enough to die.

But now, looking at the silent void around him, Fang Yi couldn't help grinning.

It's just that the mouth full of blood, combined with his current appearance, is really scary.


(End of this chapter)

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