Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2876 Trapped Immortal Sword

Chapter 2876 Trapped Immortal Sword

Boom! !

At this moment, there was a great earthquake, and the endless space in the entire Tongtian Tower trembled, as if the sky had been turned upside down.

"What's going on? Is Tongtian Tower going to collapse?"

"Look!! What is that??"

The crowd who had poured into the Tongtian Tower with Fang Yi before were all shocked at this moment, looking up at the endless void.

However, in a certain corner of the void, they saw an astonishing scene.

I saw a giant sword piercing the sky appear out of thin air, the bright light and that incomparable aura pierced a big hole in the entire sky.

The terrifying atmosphere enveloped the entire world, and everything was like ants compared to it.

"What kind of sword is that??"

At this moment, the crowd's eyes were burning and their faces were pale.

The same is true for the masked girl, perhaps even worse, because she is closer to the sword, and can more clearly sense the unparalleled breath from the sword.

It made her terrified.

Even the purple-clothed person with her body is full of vigor and longing in the eyes at this moment.

Because of the two ancient writings on the body of the sword: "Trapping Immortals"

"Trapping Immortal!! Is this really the Trapping Immortal Sword??"

At this moment, Fang Yi is undoubtedly the most excited. Looking at the incomparable giant sword in front of him, his pupils are burning with fire, and his heart is beating wildly.

The Immortal Trapping Sword, one of the four legendary swords, is really here, how could he not be excited.

Both hands trembled slightly.

It's no wonder that after hearing the legend about Tongtian Daoist, he was extremely eager for the four fairy swords, and now that he has successfully obtained them, one can imagine his heart.

You know, just the big formation of Feijian Villa has already shown such a powerful power.

If he added the picture of the Immortal Trapping Sword and the real Immortal Trapping Sword, he couldn't believe it.

The heart is also looking forward to it.

Immediately, he couldn't wait to reach out his giant palm, wanting to collect the Immortal Trapping Sword.

However, at this moment, thunder rolled between the sky and the earth, and a terrifying energy swept over, like a landslide and a crack in the ground, accompanied by a mighty and majestic voice.

"Leave this sword and spare you!"

The voice was extremely loud, as if it came from the nine heavens, coercing all directions.

In the huge Tongtian Tower, the countless people were all trembling with fear, because the terrifying breath was enough to crush them into pieces.

Even Fang Yi felt he couldn't move at this moment, and an unprecedented sense of crisis spread from his heart, as if life and death were completely out of his control.

This feeling, even when he was facing the Lord of the Lingxiao Palace, he had never felt it before.

And the Lord of the Lingxiao Palace is already the peak powerhouse of the Nine Realms of Legend.

So who will come?

At this moment, Fang Yi fell into an abyss.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Immortal Immortal Sword hadn't been obtained yet, he probably wouldn't even think about it, and went directly to the Water God Temple, because he still has this self-knowledge.

Facing the strong in the legendary realm is fine, but facing the strong in the Dao realm, he will never have the slightest chance of fluke.

However, the Immortal Trapping Sword was right in front of him, so how could he give up.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth and tried to break through the blockade of that breath with all his strength.

However, above the void, a sneer came.

"Ants! Just relying on you? Just trying to break the blockade of this seat? It's wishful thinking. However, this seat would like to thank you. If it weren't for you, when would this seat find this sword, hahaha!!"

The voice laughed wildly, extremely proud.

Accompanied by this voice, a stalwart figure also condensed. It was a middle-aged Taoist priest with slender cheeks and sharp eyes. He was looking at Fang Yi with an ant-like gaze, and that The handle is trapped in the fairy sword.

His eyes were burning hot.


But then, he seemed to have discovered something, and his eyes couldn't help scanning to another place below.

His face also became a little dignified.

Fang Yi was also aware of this. Although he was a little confused, he couldn't care less. Taking advantage of the distraction of the other party, the three-color sword shadow roared away, trying to break through the blockade.


The middle-aged Taoist priest obviously noticed this immediately, sneered, and stretched out a palm at the same time.

A terrifying strong wind suddenly swept out, as if it was going to completely crush Fang Yi into slag.

Fang Yi couldn't help but change his face drastically. The huge difference in cultivation was simply not something he could make up for with his little strength. What's more, the difference between the two was no less than the sky and the earth.

Even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he cannot be the enemy of this palm.

Even, there is a possibility of death at any time.

If it wasn't for the Immortal Trapping Sword, he would have escaped into the Water God Palace long ago, but at this moment, seeing the Immortal Trapping Sword right in front of him, how could he be reconciled.


However, just when he was extremely desperate, suddenly, from the ground, another terrifying breath gushed out, directly meeting that palm.

The breath was so cold that it made one's soul tremble.

Compared with the blow of the middle-aged Taoist priest, it was not weak at all.

In fact, these two auras are too strong, and Fang Yi has no way of distinguishing which is stronger and which is weaker, and he has no time to distinguish.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it's no wonder he didn't collect the Trapping Immortal Sword.


Above the void, the middle-aged Taoist was furious, but he didn't dare to be careless with that icy air.

However, he did not forget to slap his palm casually, stopping Fang Yi's actions again.

"Ice God Palace, I didn't expect it to be you, don't you want to get involved too!"

After the middle-aged Taoist struck, his eyes like sharp blades could not help but sweep towards the source of that icy cold air, where the man in purple was standing proudly.

What? ?Ice Shrine?

Fang Yi, who was originally concentrating on collecting the Immortal Trapping Sword, could not help but subconsciously glance away when he heard this.

It's just that at this moment, he naturally has no time to take care of these things, he just wants to collect the Immortal Falling Sword as soon as possible, and his body suddenly becomes one piece, heading towards the Immortal Falling Sword.

The middle-aged Taoist was furious and was about to strike again.

However, the man in purple had already attacked first, and he couldn't help saying coldly: "So what? Although the fairy world is big, there is no place where my Ice God Palace can't get involved."

These words were extremely arrogant, and the middle-aged Taoist gritted his teeth in anger.

Especially seeing that Fang Yi is about to collect the Trapping Immortal Sword.

" have such a big tone, the Immortal Trapping Sword is something I can see through the sky, even if it is your Ice God Palace, I can't get my hands on it."

The middle-aged Taoist shouted angrily, and Jiutian was shaken by it.

not good! !

The face of the man in purple changed slightly, because he had already noticed that the middle-aged Taoist would inform the other masters of Tongtianguan.

And once these people arrive, then...

Although Fang Yi didn't understand this, he knew very well that now was the best opportunity, so he tried his best to break through the blockade of the middle-aged Taoist, and grabbed the Immortal Trapping Sword.

"You bastard! Leave the Immortal Immortal Sword behind and spare you from dying, otherwise, there will be no place for you to go to heaven or earth."

A terrifying avenue swept across the body of the middle-aged Taoist priest, and everything surrendered to it.

For a moment, Fang Yi almost burst apart.

Fortunately, the man in purple made a timely move.

At the same time, Fang Yi held the Immortal Trapping Sword in his hand, and slashed out with all his might.

Suddenly, the void was pierced, revealing a huge opening. Fang Yi didn't care so much, plunged into the opening and disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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