Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2879

Chapter 2879

Ow! !

The fire dragon roared, coercing all directions, the temperature of the surrounding world suddenly rose, and everything it passed was annihilated.

The crowd all fled in fright, and those who reacted a bit slower were immediately caught in the sea of ​​flames, and died on the spot before they could even scream.

The scene also fell into chaos, and it was really embarrassing.

"Stop being arrogant!"

The young man known as Hai Qing's face also sank at this moment, with a hint of anger emerging.

However, facing the fire dragon, he didn't back down, but chose to go up to it. Although his strength was slightly inferior, it was obvious that he couldn't help it in such a situation.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, the two domineering figures collided with each other instantly.

Every collision is like a rock-shattering shock.

The crowd had already turned pale with fright, watching this scene from a distance.

Fang Yi was also among the crowd, watching this scene and those two figures with great interest.

It has to be said that the strength of these two people is not weak, they have both reached the legendary level, especially Zhu Feng, who is one step away from stepping into the second legendary level, and has clearly comprehended the power of the rules of the fire system.

Moreover, it is the purest rule of fire, its strength should not be underestimated.

On the contrary, Haiqing is completely different, and what he comprehends is the power of rules of the pure water system.

It has to be said that Fang Yi was a little surprised to meet two legendary warriors at random, and they all comprehended the pure power of water and fire.

Of course, that's all. With the strength of the two of them, it's obvious that they can't fall into Fang Yi's eyes.

"Tsk tsk! Zhu Feng really lives up to his reputation, he is indeed the youngest elder of the Great Sun God Fire Cult."

"Who says it's not! It's said that it took him less than [-] years to become a legend since he practiced, and he is a rare existence in the entire Buzhou Mountain."

"Yeah! But, who is that person? Why have I never heard of it? Hai Qing? Could it be the Sea Clan?"

"Nine times out of ten, the Great Sun God Fire Sect and the Sea Clan have always been in conflict."


The crowd watched and talked a lot.

Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten. Naturally, he would not care about the Great Sun God Fire Sect and the Sea Clan, but the word Bu Zhoushan aroused his curiosity.

He vaguely remembered that the masked girl once said that the battle between the god of fire and the god of water took place in Mount Buzhou.

After that, the two great gods broke into Tongtian Tower.

Could it be that this is the so-called Buzhou Mountain?

"Look! It's time to decide the winner!!"

At this time, someone in the crowd exclaimed.

It turned out that the battle above the void seemed to be decided. Zhu Feng was full of flames, like a flame giant, rampant.

On the other hand, Hai Qing, although the huge waves rolled up are majestic, they are not enough to compete with Zhu Feng.

After all, there is still a certain gap between the two cultivation bases.

If it weren't for the fact that water has a certain restraint effect on fire, I'm afraid he would have been defeated long ago.

Of course, this gap is very limited. Although Zhu Feng is at the top, it is almost impossible to take down Haiqing. After all, with their level of cultivation, it is not that easy to take down anyone. yes.

Unless absolute suppression can be achieved.

Boom! !

There was another loud noise, the fire dragon collided with the huge waves, the world was shaken, and Hai Qing's huge figure flew out directly.

However, Zhu Feng seemed to be fine, and he couldn't help laughing wildly, "Hmph! I thought I'd improve a bit after seeing him for a few days, but I didn't expect that he was still a piece of trash."

Zhu Fengyu made a sarcasm, but when he saw it, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

Obviously upset at not being able to win the opponent.

"Hugh can speak wild words, Zhu Feng, you are nothing more than that, and you are still far away from taking down Haimou."

Hai Qing was also gnashing her teeth at this moment, her eyes were as deep as a knife.

The two of them know the basics well, and they have fought against each other for several times, and the results are all like this. This undoubtedly makes him very unhappy, but, the strength is not as good as others, and no matter how unhappy, he has to be like this.


When Zhu Feng heard the words, he suddenly smiled ferociously, and then said: "Then you can see how you died."

Boom! !

As if in response to his words, suddenly, there was a muffled thunder sound from the sky and the earth, and in the distance, another long rainbow piercing the sun shot over.

That speed was slightly faster than that of Zhu Feng before.

At the same time, countless flaming sword shadows also fell from the sky, covering the entire battlefield in an instant.

not good! !

Hai Qing's face changed drastically, and he wanted to break through the shadow of the sword, but unfortunately, the next moment, a majestic figure fell from the sky, blocking his way.

That figure was an old man with hooked eyes, looking at Haiqing like looking at a dead person.

The terrifying aura around him was faintly stronger than that of Zhu Feng.

"I've seen Elder Huo!!"

A group of Da Ri Shen Huo Sect disciples hurriedly saluted upon seeing the visitor.

When the crowd heard the words, they all looked at each other, and unexpectedly another elder came. You must know that every elder of the Great Sun Shenhuo Cult is an existence in the legendary realm.

These legendary gods, who usually see their heads but never tails, now suddenly appear two.

How can they not be surprised.

Not to mention Hai Qing, her entire face has become extremely ugly.

Just Zhu Feng alone, he was already extremely reluctant, and now, there is another stronger one, so one can imagine what will happen to him.

"Zhu Feng, is this your reliance? Haimou thought you were capable, but it turns out that it's just a rescue, shameless!!"

Hai Qing couldn't help cursing angrily.

However, Zhu Feng didn't take it seriously at all, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Shameless? That's better than lifeless."

"Tell you, I have already expected that you will come, and I have been waiting for a long time, so come here with your life!"

Zhu Feng shouted loudly, and at the same time as he spoke, his whole body was shot out. The fire dragon roared and incinerated all things, breaking the world to pieces.

At the same time, the old man called Elder Huo also made a move.

He struck decisively and fiercely, countless flaming sword shadows attacked and killed from all directions, making it impossible for people to evade, hard to guard against, and even more difficult to deal with than Zhu Feng.

In just a few breaths, several wounds appeared on Hai Qing's body, dripping with blood.

"It's a pity! The Sea Clan is going to be unlucky!"


The crowd felt a little regretful, and at the same time, their hearts were full of fear. Even the Legendary Realm couldn't guarantee their own safety 100%, let alone them.

Fang Yi couldn't help but shook his head. In his opinion, even if Hai Qing was defeated, he could still escape by relying on the rules of water under his control.

But in the end, he was beaten so hard by the two that he could not fight back.

"It seems that there is another fight between the Great Sun God Fire Sect and the Sea Clan. Once that person is really killed, the Sea Clan will definitely not let it go. At that time..."

"You say, is it true that the Great Sun God Fire Sect and the Sea Clan are descendants of the Fire God and the Water God, respectively, and have been hostile to each other since ancient times?"

"Who knows, let's not talk about this rumor, it is the way of water and fire that they control respectively, so they are destined to be incompatible."


The crowd's discussion came to Fang Yi's ears again, which made Fang Yi startled.

It seems that the legend of the god of fire and the god of water is mostly true, and there are similar legends here, but I don't know how.

"Look! The Sea Clan is about to lose!!"


(End of this chapter)

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