Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2882 Neptune Star

Chapter 2882 Neptune Star

Tianhe Secret Realm?what is that?

A look of surprise flashed across Fang Yi's eyes.

Seeing this, Hai Qing patted her head, and hurriedly said: "It's all because Hai was confused for a while, and forgot that Fang Daoyou is not familiar with Buzhou Mountain. The so-called Tianhe Secret Realm is actually a secret realm left by Master Water God."

"It is said that the inheritance of Lord Water God is in it, and there is another saying that the Temple of Water God is also in it."

While Hai Qing was talking, her eyes were bright and extremely hot.

Fang Yi was slightly taken aback.

Water Temple?Isn't it on me? It seems that the so-called rumors...

However, the inheritance of the water god aroused Fang Yi's curiosity. For such a strong person, his inheritance is naturally no small matter.

Of course, this is not what makes Fang Yi more interested. What makes Fang Yi more curious is how the former water god, who is also the owner of the water temple, used the water temple?

And, what did you learn in the water temple?

That's what he wanted to know.

Because, he can take this as a lesson, so as to get twice the result with half the effort.

"How is it? Is Fellow Daoist Fang interested? If so, why not go with Haimou, maybe you can get some opportunities."

Hai Qing obviously wanted to invite her.

It's no wonder that Fang Yi is powerful, and it is undoubtedly of great benefit to him to have such a helper.

However, there was one thing that puzzled Fang Yi, and he suddenly asked: "Fang is not a member of the Hai Clan, if you go with me, I'm afraid..."

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Fang is worried about this!"

When Hai Qing heard this, she suddenly smiled in surprise.

"It's also my fault that Hai didn't make it clear. The Hai clan is distributed inside and outside Tianhe, and the forces are intricate. However, the opening of the Tianhe Secret Realm requires the concerted efforts of all major forces."

"Therefore, all major forces have their own quotas, and they can send people in at will, not limited to the Sea Clan."

"There also happen to be several places in my clan, so it's nothing to give Fellow Daoist Fang one."

Hai Qing said with a promise.

Although he is not Zhu Feng's opponent, he is not worth mentioning in front of Fang Yi, but in this huge Buzhou Mountain, he is also the top group of existences.

Just kidding, everyone who can reach the legendary level is a big boss.


Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but nodded.

I have to say that he was really moved, especially after hearing about the battle between the God of Fire and the God of Water, he became more and more curious about these two great gods.

"If that's the case, then Fang will be impolite!"

Immediately, Fang Yi replied directly.

"Hahaha!! Easy to say!" Hai Qing was overjoyed when he heard that. After all, anyone would be happy to have such a support.

"Since that's the case, it shouldn't be too late. Let's set off now. Arriving early will also allow Fellow Daoist Fang to learn more about our opponent."

Hai Qing seemed a little impatient.

Fang Yi smiled, nothing happened, he didn't mind if it was earlier or later.

Immediately, the two rushed out and disappeared into the sky.


Tianhe, also known as Yinhai, is also one of the nine mountains and eight seas, and it is close to Buzhou Mountain.

Of course, it is said to be close, but in fact it is separated by hundreds of millions of miles.

However, this is nothing to Fang Yi and the two who have already achieved legends. What's more, there are teleportation arrays between the Tianshan Mountains and the planets.

However, compared to Tianshan, the warriors here are obviously much stronger.

Not surprisingly, the Legendary Realm of Tianshan Mountain has become a legend, but here, although the Legendary Realm is still rare, you can still see some occasionally.

This is the case on the surface, not to mention the hidden strong man behind.

"This is Tianhe?"

Looking at the endless silver ocean in front of him, Fang Yi's eyes were slightly curious.

In the process of rushing for the past few days, he also got a little understanding of Buzhou Mountain, knowing that most of the so-called Hai people live in Tianhe.

Moreover, the Sea Clan is just a general term, and there is no clear specification.

Strictly speaking, they cannot be called the Sea Clan, but the Water God Clan is more appropriate, because these so-called Sea Clan can be traced back to the water gods in ancient times.

Most of them are descendants of the former subordinates of the water god.

Not only limited to humans, but even more, they are all monster races.

For this reason, there are also constant disputes within the Sea Clan, and humans and the Monster Clan naturally become hostile. Fortunately, there are also several forces within the Monster Clan, who dislike each other.

Otherwise, humans like the Sea Clan alone would not be enough to fight against the Monster Clan.

And most of the humans in the Sea Clan do not live in Tianhe, but in a star field at the junction of Tianhe and Buzhou Mountain, and the largest base is Neptune Star.

At this moment, the blue planet closest to Fang Yi.

"That's right! Tianhe is in front of us, and the Tianhe Secret Realm is within Tianhe. However, before that, we must go back to Neptune Star to get the quota."

Hai Qing replied.

"Okay!" Fang Yi nodded, looking at the endless ocean, he became more and more curious.


"Meet Elder Haiqing!!"

Neptune Star, a huge planet, is many times larger than the Kyushu where Fang Yi is located.

Under the leadership of Hai Qing, the two came to a huge building complex, and the guards around saw them and saluted one after another.

It can be seen that Hai Qing's status is not small.

Not surprisingly, those who can achieve legends, no matter which faction they belong to, are the absolute backbone.

Some weak sects worship them like gods.

"Fang Daoyou, you wait here for a while, Haimou will report first, and he will come right away."

Bringing a stranger back to ask for a quota for no reason, even Hai Qing had to vent to the people in the clan first.

Fang Yi had expected this point, so he didn't take offense, and nodded casually.

Afterwards, Hai Qing gave a few more words to his servants before leaving.

Fang Yi was bored, and his spiritual thoughts could not help spreading out.

To be honest, although he is a little idle, he also wants to see how the strong Haizu is, and how strong the Haiqing line is, so...

However, to his disappointment, there were not a few decent strong men to be found in this huge building complex.

In Fang Yi's perception, only three of them, including Hai Qing, could reach the Legendary Realm.

And, not so much.

The strongest one is no more than the Legendary Three Realms, and he is also an extremely old man. It is the person Hai Qing is going to meet, and he should be a senior in the Hai Clan.

In addition, there is a woman who is adjusting her breath with her eyes closed.

However, neither the old man nor the woman knew anything about Fang Yi's investigation. From this we can see the gap between them and Fang Yi.

And Fang Yi couldn't help frowning.

Is this the so-called Sea Clan?

It is too inconsistent with the imagination!

Along the way, Fang Yi has heard a little bit about it. The Hai Clan is one of the best existences in Buzhou Mountain, but now...

It seems that the interior of the Sea Clan is more complicated than imagined. Not only among the Monster Clan, but also among the humans of the Sea Clan are not monolithic. The Haiqing lineage is probably already in an extremely weak situation.

Perhaps, this is why the other party strongly invited me!


(End of this chapter)

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