Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2884 Sea Emperor Art

Chapter 2884 Sea Emperor Art

"Huh? Who are you?"

Hai Xing's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a killing intent emerged.

He is very clear about who is here, and it is precisely because of this that he dares to be so unscrupulous, but now, a stranger suddenly popped up and blocked his attack, how could he not be angry.

"Friend Daoist Fang!!"

At this moment, Hai Qing hastily greeted her, as if she had been rescued.

"it's him?"

Hai Xing seemed to understand something, his face became more and more ugly, and his eyes became extremely sharp, "Your quota is given to him? Very good!!"

"Starfish, what do you want to do?"

Seemingly realizing something, Hai Qing immediately shouted.

"What? What do you say?"

Hai Xing sneered, "Didn't you give him the quota? If I kill him, the quota will be vacated, right?"

The corners of Starfish's mouth were ferocious, full of cruelty.

To Haiqing, he still has some scruples. After all, they belong to the same line, so it's not nice to say it.

It's almost the same in secret.

Being so aboveboard, he has to take some influence into consideration.

But Fang Yi was different, Fang Yi was just an outsider, and it was simply fantastic that an outsider wanted to occupy the seat of the Sea Emperor lineage.

"Starfish, how dare you!!"

When Hai Qing heard this, she was undoubtedly furious.

But it's a pity that his strength is not as good as others, and Hai Xing didn't even look at him at all.

He said coldly: "Look at me, dare you!!"

As he said that, his whole body breathed forth, stirring up the wind and clouds, and the general trend of the world was moved by it, as if at this moment, he had already become the master of this world.

I have to say, compared to Haiqing, he is indeed much stronger.

This move alone is far beyond Haiqing's reach.

This is not difficult to see from Hai Qing's pale face at this moment.

Boom! !

The world was in a state of great turmoil, and the thunder was endless. With Fang Yi as the center, the surrounding world seemed to be sealed off, and Fang Yi was like a trapped beast.

At least, in the eyes of Hai Xing and the others.

But in fact, Fang Yi's heart was not disturbed, and he didn't even lift his eyelids.

Just kidding, no matter how strong Haixing is, it is nothing compared to Haiqing and others, but in Fang Yi's eyes, he is nothing, as long as Fang Yi is willing, he can kill the other party in an instant.

Of course, Fang Yi wouldn't do that, after all, this is the Sea Emperor lineage.

Moreover, there is no need for him to make a move, because some people can't hold it anymore.


At this time, only a soft drink was heard, and a woman was walking towards this side.

That woman Fang Yi is not unfamiliar, she is one of the only three legends in this huge building complex, and Fang Yi has sensed her existence before.

Unexpectedly, the other party also got involved at this time.


Seeing the visitor, Hai Xing didn't seem surprised, but his expression was a little weird.

However, the woman called Haiyan didn't give him any good looks, and said coldly: "What? Do you really think there is no one in our team? Do you want to fight here?"

The woman's voice was icy cold, as if a layer of frost had fallen in the air.

Seeing this, Hai Xing seemed a little embarrassed, and explained: "It's not what you think, and I don't intend to make trouble. It's him, and Hai Qing actually gave up the quota of Tianhe Secret Realm to an outsider."

Hai Xing pointed directly at Hai Qing and Fang Yi.

When the woman heard the words, she couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across her eyes, but she quickly replied: "So what? This is our quota, and you can give it to whoever you want, and it's not your turn to dictate."


Hai Xing is still doing well, the purple-robed youth Hai Lin obviously couldn't bear it anymore.

After all, that quota is related to whether he can enter Tianhe Secret Realm.

However, Hai Xing directly stopped his next move, took a deep look at the woman, and said, "Since you said so, fine! I'll give you face."

"However, after entering the Tianhe Secret Realm, I can't guarantee whether he will be safe or not."

Hai Xing's words were obviously full of warning.

Even a fool can understand it.

"Haixing, what do you want to do? Let me tell you, he is my friend, so you can't let yourself be presumptuous."

Hai Qing shouted.

"Really? Let's wait and see!" Hai Xing sneered, and turned to look at Fang Yi. The ferocious look on the corner of his mouth was like a ghost from hell.

Then, with a wave of his sleeve, he turned and left.

The purple-robed man did not forget to give Fang Yi a hard look, as if he was about to kill someone.

"It's unreasonable, it's just too crazy!!"

Looking at the backs of the group going away, Hai Qing was still extremely angry, gnashing her teeth.

Haiyan's face was also extremely gloomy.

As for Fang Yi, he naturally wouldn't have any reaction. Just kidding, the threat from a second-level legend is simply a joke to him.

However, out of politeness, he still looked at Haiyan and thanked him.

However, Haiyan didn't seem to appreciate it at all, and said: "You don't need to thank me! I will give you a piece of advice. It's still too late to regret it. Once you enter the Tianhe Secret Realm, you won't be able to control it."

As Haiyan said, she turned around and wanted to leave.

It can be seen that she does not have the slightest affection for Fang Yi.

If it wasn't for Hai Xing's sake, I'm afraid she would not agree with Hai Qing's giving up the spot to Fang Yi.

"Haiyan, don't worry, Fellow Daoist Fang is very powerful, even if Starfish is great, he is absolutely no match for Fellow Daoist Fang."

Hai Qing interjected at this time, seeing that he was full of confidence in Fang Yi.

Not surprisingly, Fang Yi defeated the two legendary realms of the Great Sun God and Fire Cult in one fell swoop in Tianhen. Such strength is definitely not comparable to Starfish.

When Haiyan heard this, a look of surprise flashed across her eyes, but she still said: "Haixing may not be a cause for concern, but what about Haitian?"

"And there are some things you don't know! Haitian has already cultivated the Sea Emperor Art to the twelfth level, which is close to perfection. He is known as the person who is most likely to awaken the blood of the water god."

what? ?

As soon as these words came out, Hai Qing could no longer calm down, and her face was filled with horror.

He is naturally very clear about what the [-]th level of the Sea Emperor Jue means. Although it is not a great skill, it is known as a skill that only those with the blood of the water god can practice.

And once you reach the twelfth floor, enter the Tianhe secret realm, and obtain the inheritance of the water god, it is a matter of great probability.

Even within the Neptune's lineage, there are such legends.

Legend has it that the inheritance of the water god in Tianhe Secret Territory has never come out because no one has practiced the Sea Emperor Art to perfection. Once someone can meet the requirements, they will be able to inherit the inheritance of the water god and even control the water temple.

But now, Haitian has actually cultivated the Sea Emperor Art to the twelfth level, and it is only a matter of time before it reaches perfection.

Once this is the case, then their team will have no place to live.

"Do you know the seriousness of the matter now?"

"A word of advice to your friends, if you don't want to stay in Tianhe Secret Realm forever, you should leave as soon as possible, otherwise..."

Haiyan didn't continue talking, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

When the words fell, they had already drifted away.


(End of this chapter)

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