Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2904

Chapter 2904 Sea Emperor Trident

Sure enough someone!

As he went deeper, Fang Yi became more and more sure of his deduction, and the traces along the way have confirmed this point.

Haiyan obviously noticed something too, her expression seemed a little impatient and anxious.

"Is it really Wushen? How could he be inside? What about the outside?"

Fang Yi was also a little curious about this.

Haitian and Yinlong are not ordinary people, and Wushen can deceive them with only one clone?Isn't this too child's play.

Or, is there something I don't know?

That's it!

I can't take care of so much right now, so I can only see what happened first.


After a while of rushing, suddenly, there was a burst of wanton laughter in front of him, extremely happy, and Fang Yi was absolutely sure that the voice was Wushen.

"I was finally found by this king, hahaha!! The inheritance of the Sea Emperor belongs to this king."

The voice was incomparably loud, and Haiyan's face undoubtedly changed drastically when she heard it.

It's no wonder that she almost risked her life to break into this place. Now, she finally entered the Sea Palace, but was taken first by others, how could she be reconciled.

Not to mention him, even Fang Yi was extremely depressed.

Although he didn't care about the Neptune's inheritance, he felt uncomfortable when he was caught first, and he had no choice but to follow suit. He didn't have such a good temper.

Immediately, his figure suddenly sped up, and he shot out like lightning.

Haiyan followed closely behind.


This is a huge palace, its height is unknown, and people can't help but feel extremely small in it.

The palace is empty, only the very center, a huge statue, occupies almost one-third of the entire hall, extremely magnificent.

The statue had a weird shape, like a black shadow, covered with tentacles.

Suddenly it was an Emperor Crow.

And in front of the statue, there was a small figure, looking at the statue and laughing presumptuously, not bad!It was Wushen.

His pupils were hot and excited.

His whole body trembled slightly with excitement.

So much so that they didn't notice Fang Yi and the two who were approaching quickly.

"This... how come there is a statue of the Emperor Crow here?" Haiyan looked stunned, as if she couldn't believe it, because this is the Sea Palace, even if there is, it should be a statue of the Emperor of the Sea, how could there be an Emperor A statue of a bird.

"More than that, look at the top again!"

Fang Yi pointed to the top of the statue and said.

The statue was so huge that Haiyan didn't notice it for a while, and only looked up after hearing Fang Yi's words.

I saw that on the head of the statue was suddenly wearing a huge crown.

In addition, on one of its tentacles, there is actually a huge trident tightly held.

"The Sea Emperor Trident!! How is it possible!! it the Sea Emperor??"

Haiyan's pupils were round, as if she had seen a ghost.

Then she shook her head violently, obviously unable to accept all of this, because she had gone through a lot of hardships for all of this, and in the end, the legendary Sea Emperor turned out to be an Emperor Crow, not the Pangu clan she mentioned.

How can she accept this.

However, the facts in front of her seemed to have explained everything, so she couldn't help but not believe it.

"No! This is absolutely impossible! The Sea Emperor is definitely not an Emperor Crow. I can clearly sense the power of the blood in my body ready to move. It must be here."

Haiyan obviously couldn't accept it, and looked around.

But unfortunately, the hall is empty, there is nothing, except for the statue.

And... a voice like thunder.

"Ignorant human beings, the Sea Emperor has always been the predecessor of my Emperor Wu clan. It is you humans who are so sentimental, saying that the Sea Emperor is a human being is simply shameless."

The voice obviously came from Wushen.

Although the arrival of the two of them was not noticed by him immediately, but with his strength, it was obvious that they couldn't hide it for a long time.

Of course, Fang Yi didn't think about hiding it, because he still had some doubts in his heart, for example, what happened to the Wushen outside, and how the other party entered the Sea Palace first.

"Impossible!! Sea Emperor can never be Emperor Wu, you are lying!"

Haiyan still couldn't accept all of this, so much so that she forgot about Wushen's dominance, and questioned him instead.

Wushen naturally sneered, and said, "Ignorant human beings, I don't have time to waste my words with you, so let me send you on your way!"

As he said that, Wushen's pupils shrank sharply, and two cold lights shot away.


Fang Yi finally spoke at this moment, with a faint smile still hanging from the corner of his mouth, and said: "Since Mr. Wushen is so confident, then I don't know if he can clear up our confusion before we die, so as to prevent us from being confused. ghost."

"For example, how Lord Wushen managed to hide from everyone and enter the Sea Palace first."

"Also, what's going on with that black god outside?"

Fang Yi spoke directly, with a calm expression, not at all like someone who was about to die.

This made Wushen's expression froze. Naturally, he wouldn't be so kind to explain Fang Yi's doubts, but Fang Yi's calmness and sudden appearance also made him a little vigilant.

He couldn't help but said: "It's not easy, I just need to send clones to follow those two wastes, grasp their general direction, and look for them first."

"Those two trash, they still want to deal with this king, they don't know what to say."

As Wushen spoke, he looked straight at Fang Yi, as if he wanted to see through Fang Yi, and then he didn't forget to ask, "If it's the two of you, how did you hide it from those two trash and this king?" Your avatars, this king really underestimated you."

Although the corner of Wushen's mouth said so, there was no sign of paying attention to the two of them in his expression.

No wonder, after all, Fang Yi is only in the Three Realms of Legendary Realm, and Haiyan is not worth mentioning. How can he really pay attention to it, but he is just a little curious.

However, at this moment, he obviously did not intend to delay any longer, and he was already approaching step by step.

Seeing this, Haiyan was obviously a little scared, her face turned pale.

Fang Yi still acted like a normal person, muttering in his mouth: "Avatar? That's really interesting."

These words obviously meant something, because the Wushen outside gave Fang Yi the feeling that it was not just a clone, it was exactly the same as the Wushen at this moment.

In fact, it is impossible to easily deceive Haitian and Yinlong just by avatars.

However, Wushen obviously had no intention of going into details.

Fang Yi couldn't help but pouted, and then said: "As for how I got here, just try it and you'll know."

These words were obviously full of provocation, and Wushen couldn't help but startled, and then his eyes became more and more fierce, like two sharp swords.

"How courageous! You are the first one who dares to speak like this in front of this king."

"Looking at this, this king will give you a good time."


As he said that, Wushen took a big step, and the breath in his body suddenly erupted, like an erupting volcano, straight to the sky.

At the same time, a huge tentacle swept over, like the whip of death, crushing and harvesting everything.


(End of this chapter)

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