Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2913 News

Chapter 2913 News

"It's over, kill it!!"

"Hey, I don't want to die yet!"

Within the Milky Way, amidst the surging waves somewhere, Haiqing and Haihui were besieged by several heavenly soldiers, and there was a lot of danger.

Several people were already bruised and bruised, bloodstained, with despair on their faces.

It's no wonder that the heavenly soldiers and generals in Tianhe were extremely domineering in the first place, and they were able to get here by luck with Fang Yi's help along the way.

But it was precisely because of this that they miscalculated the strength of these heavenly soldiers and generals.

So much so that after they left Fang Yi, they didn't leave in a hurry, and even thought about hunting down the heavenly soldiers again, so there was the scene in front of them.

"Hai Hui, you bastard, it's all your fault, thinking about Dao relics, and now you're dying."

Hai Qing cursed loudly while dodging the attack of the Heavenly Soldiers with difficulty.

Of course, he just had his mouth full, and not only Haihui was the one who decided to stay, but naturally he was also there, it's just that the crisis was imminent and there was nowhere to vent it.

"What a fart, you are not satisfied with me being buried with you!"

Hai Hui also scolded unceremoniously.

The two of you said one sentence to another, it seemed that only in this way could reduce their inner fear.

However, as one of their companions fell, they already showed despair.

"Damn it! Even if I'm going to die, I have to take a back."

"Yes! Fight!!"

When the two of them were in despair, they had already put their all out to fight, both left and right were nothing but death, once they had put their all out, they were fearless, fighting more and more bravely, to the point where they had the momentum to break out of the encirclement.

But unfortunately...

However, just when the two of them were ready to die, suddenly, a figure passed by like lightning.

The figure was so fast that it was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, the two of them only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the several heavenly soldiers that were besieging the two of them burst one by one, and finally nothing was left.

There is only a blue figure standing proudly like a peerless emperor.

"Brother Fang, it's you!!"

good!It was Fang Yi who came.

After leaving Haihuang Palace, Fang Yi walked all the way, preparing to leave, and happened to meet the two of them here.

Naturally, the two were overjoyed when they narrowly escaped from death. They looked at Fang Yi as if they had seen a savior, full of gratitude.

Fang Yi just smiled. Compared with Haiyan, the two in front of him undoubtedly seemed much more real.

Of course, saving the two of them was nothing more than a small effort, so naturally he would not be stingy.

"Thank you Brother Fang for saving me, that's right! What about Haiyan? She shouldn't..."

After some thanks, Hai Qing didn't forget to ask at this moment, with a trace of worry on his face, not surprising, the two of them can still vividly remember the situation at that time, Haitian and Yinlong teamed up, Fang Yi blocked the attack for several people , took the opportunity to escape, but Haiyan chose to stay, it must be more or less ominous.

Now that Fang Yi was alone, it was no wonder he was thinking wildly.

"Don't worry! She's fine, better than ever!!"

Fang Yi said something vaguely.

In fact, he didn't know what Haiyan's current state was like, because Haiyan seemed to be a different person.

But in terms of safety, it is undoubtedly better than ever.


Hai Qing obviously wanted to say something else, but Fang Yi didn't give him a chance, and said directly: "Let's go! Everything here is over, there is no need to stay any longer."

As he spoke, he rolled up the two of them and disappeared in place.


"Have you heard that Wushen has obtained the inheritance of the Sea Emperor, and his strength has improved to a higher level. Given time, he might be able to become a new generation of Sea Emperor."

"Who says no, tsk tsk! I can't imagine how far Wushen will reach in the future."

"That's right! It's just a pity that Yinlong and Haitian have fallen. They are both strong among the younger generation of the Hai Clan, but the ending is very different."

Neptune Star, everything about Tianhe Secret Realm has gradually spread.

Of course, those who can spread are those who want people to know, and those who don't want to be known, naturally all of them are mentioned.

At the same time, many people felt that Haitian and Yinlong were worthless.

It must be said that it is a great loss for the Hai Clan to see such two strong men fall like this.

Fortunately, there is Wushen, and he has obtained the inheritance of the Sea Emperor, which is finally something to be happy about.

As for Haiyan, she completely wiped out everyone, and no one would notice her at all. She was just like before, still extremely low-key, going deep and refraining from going out, practicing in closed doors.

And like him, there are Fang Yi and others.


Fang Yi didn't leave in a hurry, he was still in Neptune Star, he just arrived, and he didn't know where to go, back to the Immortal Realm?I'm afraid Tongtianguan won't let him go easily.

Maybe they are already searching everywhere for his whereabouts.

Moreover, he still hasn't figured out how to go to the fairyland.

Although Buzhou Mountain is not like Tianshan Mountain, you can only enter the fairy world by ascension. There is a passage between the two, but it is not so easy to cross.

Furthermore, he has not fully digested what he has just gained from the Tianhe Secret Realm.

There is no rush right now.

Therefore, during this period of time, he has been comprehending those Dao relics.

It has to be said that he has made rapid progress, because of the water temple, he can understand the way of water contained in these Dao relics, as if he was born with it.

The Sea Emperor's Art has also risen accordingly, and its power is much stronger than before.

In addition, there is that sword, the Immortal Trapping Sword, which is one of the four immortal swords of the Taoist Tongtian in the legend. It is so powerful that Fang Yi will not let it go, and he has been working hard to comprehend it.

It's a pity that he can't push it yet, it seems that it is possible to fully understand the picture of the trapping immortal sword.

Time goes by like this.


"Brother Fang!"

On this day, Hai Qing and Hai Hui came to Fang Yi's place again.

After everything in Tianhe Secret Realm, Hai Qing and Hai Hui came together. Of course, most of it was because of Fang Yi. The two agreed to make friends with Fang Yi, so they got closer.

"Big news! Our Sea Clan is going to take action against the Great Sun God Fire Sect in a few days, and we will definitely kill them to our heart's content."

"Yes! Maybe there are many benefits."

Before the two of them saw Fang Yi, they were already excited outside.

The grievances between the Sea Clan and the Great Sun God Fire Sect have a long history, and can even be traced back to the battle between the Water God and the Fire God. Fang Yi has long known this.

And following Hai Qing to the Sea Clan is precisely because of this.

"Brother Fang, why don't you go with us!"

The two looked at Fang Yi and extended an invitation.

Fang Yi smiled lightly, and said: "I'm afraid you have forgotten! Fang is not a member of your sea clan."

"What does that matter."

However, Hai Hui looked disapproving, and said, "Although you are not from the Sea Clan, how many people can comprehend the way of water? Since ancient times, water and fire have been incompatible, and the Great Sun God Fire Cult is our common enemy. Why not."

"That's right! And every time the Sea Clan and the Great Sun God Fire Sect fight, it's not just a battle between the two major forces, but a confrontation between water and fire. There are strong people from all walks of life."


Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help being surprised, and at the same time curious.


(End of this chapter)

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