Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2915 Chaos Fire Seed

Chapter 2915 Chaos Fire Seed

"Look! Poyanxing is in front of you, and further forward is the place where our sea clan meets."

In the vast void, a huge red planet appeared in everyone's sight.

Hai Qing seemed a little excited, even agitated.

The same is true for Haihui.

Only Fang Yi, with a face of indifference, no!And Haiyan, along the way, she also appeared extraordinarily calm, different from before, she was just pure indifference, but now, behind this indifference, there is more composure and strong self-confidence.

Obviously, the awakening of her blood gave her a feeling of being reborn.

It's just that her indifferent and low-key temperament has always concealed this well, so that Hai Qing and the two have no doubts at all.

"Let's hurry! They may have already arrived!"

Hai Qing urged, feeling a little impatient.

In fact, why didn't he know that the other warriors of the Sea Clan didn't arrive so fast at all. After all, most of them didn't reach the legendary level.

Legendary Realm, no matter where it is, can definitely be regarded as a strong party.

It's the same even here in Buzhou Mountain.

"Don't be in such a hurry, even if you arrive first, it's useless. This time, it's a bit different than usual. A large number of strong people gather together. It's better to figure out the situation first."

Haihui didn't forget to interject.

He didn't aim for nothing, but along the way, they have encountered several groups of strong men, and all of them are extremely domineering, and they all came here, which is weird.

Usually, although there will be many strong players joining in the battle between the two sides, it is not like this time.

Although Hai Qing also discovered this, perhaps it was Fang Yi who gave him great confidence and let him have no scruples.

He couldn't help saying: "I'm afraid of a bird! No matter how good the Great Sun God Fire Sect is, I don't believe that he can beat our Sea Clan."

Although this statement is a bit arrogant, it is also true.

Because in comparison, the group of the Hai Clan is larger, while the Great Sun God Fire Sect is relatively weaker. This is just a sect, and many people who understand the way of fire are not in this sect.

Of course, they will also participate, but after all, they are not a sect, and the cohesion is slightly insufficient.

Although the Sea Clan also has this problem, they are constantly fighting among themselves.

But because of the large number, this is well covered up.

"It's a little weird!"

At this time, Fang Yi also muttered.

Originally, he had watched the battle between the two sides infinitely high, but in the end, he found that he still underestimated the influence of the two major forces.

Along the way, the entire Buzhou Mountain was discussing this matter.

Powerhouses from all walks of life also rushed after hearing the news.

It would be fine if that was the case, and what Fang Yi didn't expect was that among these strong men, he had found some existences far beyond his own strength.

This made him have to be cautious.

You know, he doesn't care if it's just an ordinary strong man, but those super strong men are different.

Those were existences that even he couldn't contend with, how dare he be careless.

"What do you think?"

After a pause, Fang Yi couldn't help looking at Haiyan and asked.

Today's Haiyan is no longer comparable to the past. With Wushen's relationship, she naturally knows more. Of course, whether she will speak is another matter.

really!I saw that she didn't have the slightest intention to answer.

Fang Yi was slightly disappointed, however, the next moment, Haiyan's voice sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Because of tinder."


Fang Yi was stunned, and looked at Haiyan in confusion.

"Fire of the Vulcan, it is said that the reason why the Vulcan became the God of Vulcan is because he obtained a chaotic fire, which is the source of all fires. After the Vulcan disappeared, there are rumors that the chaotic fire still remains in Buzhou Mountain. But this time, I don’t know who leaked the news, saying that the Chaos Fire Seed came out, so..."

Haiyan continued, seemingly casually, without any fluctuations.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

Chaos fire?What kind of flame is this, is it similar to the sea of ​​flames of seven colors?

But listening to Haiyan's words, it is obviously much higher. However, this kind of Eastern and Western perseverance is also unheard of, so it is naturally impossible to know what it is.

But there is one thing, it is obviously not an ordinary thing that can make Vulcan become Vulcan and attract so many people's attention.

"You mean someone leaked the news?"

Fang Yi took a deep look at Haiyan, and then said: "It is obviously impossible for the Da Ri Shenhuo Cult. They will not be so stupid as to leak the news by themselves. So, is it the Hai Clan? They leaked the news intentionally, and invisibly gave Da Ri God Fire Cult supercharged."

"Perhaps, this news is simply made out of nothing."

Fang Yi smiled playfully and stared at Haiyan, as if he wanted to find the exact answer from her.

A look of surprise flashed in Haiyan's eyes, and then she continued: "Maybe someone deliberately obstructed it, but it's definitely not the Hai Clan."

She looked directly at Fang Yi, her eyes were also unusually firm.

Is it really not the Sea Clan?

At this moment, Fang Yi had some doubts. Originally, with Haiyan's strength, he would not believe such a thing, but now it is different from the past. The other party dares to be so sure, he must be sure.

Did I really guess wrong?

But, who else besides the Sea Clan?Who wants to take advantage of this opportunity to take action against the Great Sun Divine Fire Cult?This is truly audacious.


Just as Fang Yi was pondering, in his perception, several figures were approaching here quickly.

Hai Qing and Hai Hui didn't notice, they still looked excited.

As for Haiyan, her eyes were also moved, and she looked towards the direction where those figures were galloping towards. Obviously, she had already noticed it.

It has to be said that this was somewhat beyond Fang Yi's expectations. Although Haiyan's cultivation had reached the third legendary level, her perception was almost the same as her own, which was a bit surprising.

It seems that it is still the so-called power of blood that makes the other party completely transformed.

I'm afraid that her true strength is far from being as simple as it appears.

Of course, right now is obviously not the time to delve into these matters, because that group of figures has already approached. They are all dressed in black robes and shrouded in black mist, like messengers walking in hell.

"Who are you?"

The two of Hai Qing realized something was wrong at this moment, their eyes were like torches, and they coldly glanced at the group of black robed men.

However, those men in black robes didn't talk nonsense at all, they erupted with a terrifying aura, attacking and killing several people, and the terrifying attacks poured down like raindrops.

what! !

Hai Qing and the others obviously didn't expect that these people would dare to make a move without saying a word.

You know, a few people are not ordinary people.

But similarly, this line of black-robed people is also extremely good, all of them have extremely domineering auras, and their gestures are not weaker than the two, or even better.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it weren't for Fang Yi, the two of Hai Qing might not be able to get good results.

This could not be seen from the slightly pale faces of the two of them at the moment.


A group of men in black robes came aggressively and well-trained. After facing Shanghai Qing, more men in black robes surrounded Fang Yi and them.


(End of this chapter)

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