Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2924 Fierce Battle

Chapter 2924 Fierce Battle

Boom! !

Accompanied by this sound, the surrounding ocean of flames transpired and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Lie Yan Wang Yang also has a unique characteristic, that is, whoever is stronger in the confrontation will present a corresponding scene.

Just like before, when Hai Qing and Hai Hui defeated their opponents, the sea of ​​flames around them was like a real ocean.

But at this moment, it turned into a sea of ​​flames, all of which showed that the strength of the visitor was even better than that of Hai Qing and Hai Hui.

At least, the aura erupting at this moment is stronger than the two.

"Bless the wind!"

Hai Qing's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and he recognized Zhu Feng and the others who were rushing over at a glance.

There were three people in this group, besides Zhu Feng, there were two majestic men, especially the burly man in the middle, his pair of eyes were like hooks, revealing a fiery red light.

As far as the eye can see, a large sea of ​​fire is transpiring, and the world seems to be incinerated.

The cultivation base suddenly reached the legendary four realms.

As for the other person, it's not worth mentioning, and it's about the same as Zhu Feng.

However, in the eyes of Haiqing and Haihui, it is obviously different. Both of them are only at the level of legend, not to mention the burly men of the fourth level of legend, even Zhu Feng is no match.

Fortunately, Fang Yi was by the side, which gave them great confidence.

Zhu Feng undoubtedly recognized Fang Yi at this time, and his pupils shrank, "It's you! Didn't you say that you have nothing to do with the Sea Clan!"

"Just right, I will take you down today."

Even though Zhu Feng said so, his expression was obviously full of fear.

Just kidding, he can still remember everything that day, Fang Yi defeated him effortlessly, how could he not be afraid.

However, that's all, because he now has a helper, although Fang Yi is amazing, but he believes that he is far from reaching the legendary four realms, so...

"It's up to you! Zhu Feng, don't piss and take care of yourself."

Before Fang Yi could speak, Hai Qing couldn't help it.

In fact, Fang Yi was not interested in paying attention to these people at all. They were mere legends in the four realms. To be honest, he really didn't have any interest.

However, his contemptuous attitude undoubtedly angered several people, especially the burly man in the center.

Never before had a Legendary Three Realm dared to ignore him like this, which undoubtedly made him feel a great humiliation.

"Bastards, you can't let yourself be presumptuous in front of me."

Immediately, he heard him yell, and his whole body was steaming, with faint sparks.

The sea of ​​flames all around is even more prosperous, and it is extremely strange.

Hai Qing and Hai Hui's faces were undoubtedly frightened. There is no doubt that there is a world of difference between the Legendary One Realm and the Legendary Four Realm. In fact, if Fang Yi was not present, they would have never imagined meeting such an opponent. You will think, there is only one word, and that is to escape.

But at this moment, they didn't, because they firmly believed that Fang Yi could protect them.

However, the fear from the heart is inevitable.

In contrast, Haiyan was much calmer, and her eyes showed a strong fighting spirit. Her cultivation base had also reached the legendary three realms. I don't know what kind of strength she has reached, so...

Seeing that she is full of fighting spirit at this moment, I can't help but feel a little curious.

"A lot of nonsense!"

However, what Fang Yi didn't expect was that the next moment, Haiyan took a step directly, her whole body bursting with fighting spirit, her breath was like a tide, and instantly swept the whole world.

The sound of big waves also followed, torrential.


The burly man's pupils shrank sharply, and a hint of anger emerged. Before that, he didn't seem to notice Haiyan, because among the four present, Fang Yi's aura was undoubtedly the strongest.

Being proud of him, he naturally wouldn't focus on those weak opponents.

It wasn't until Haiyan came out suddenly, with a terrifying aura surging all over his body, that he suddenly saw that the killing intent was awe-inspiring.

"Three realms of legend, you dare to act presumptuously in front of me, you don't know how to live or die!!"

The burly man sneered, his mouth full of disdain.

While speaking, the giant palm was also raised at will.

It could be seen that he didn't take Haiyan seriously at all, if it wasn't for Haiyan's rude words, he seemed to have no interest in attacking Haiyan.

Hai Qing and Hai Hui also looked stunned at this moment.

Because Haiyan has always kept a low profile, she rarely made a move along the way, even if she did, she didn't show too domineering strength, it can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

But now, Haiyan dared to face the Legendary Four Realms directly, and with that demeanor, it seemed that she didn't take her seriously at all.

This makes the two of them not surprised.

At the same time, he was also full of worry, because the huge palm of the burly man had already been slapped.

Boom! !

Terrible energy erupted instantly, turning into a huge fiery red palm print, rolling towards Haiyan like a five-fingered flaming mountain.

Although this palm is just a casual palm, the power contained in it cannot be underestimated.

Especially in this sea of ​​flames, where the law of fire is strong, this palm also appears to be more domineering.

I'm afraid that the ordinary Legendary Three Realms, facing this palm, not to mention dying on the spot, it is almost impossible to take it safely.

"Hurry up!!"

Hai Qing and the others undoubtedly knew this well, so they quickly reminded them.

However, Haiyan remained indifferent, staring directly at the palm, with a hint of disdain faintly curling up at the corner of her mouth.

The next moment, she also slapped angrily.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

Endless energy swept across the earth like a huge wave, and the sea of ​​flames that originally covered the mountains and plains seemed to be swallowed up in an instant, turning into a vast ocean.

Moreover, Wang Yang is still occupying the entire world at a faster speed.

what? ?

The few people present were all shocked. With their strength, they might not be able to tell who made the better shot. However, the fact before them was that the sea of ​​flames that was originally full of mountains had already been engulfed by Wang Yang, showing the tendency of the court to resist.

This also means that the two energies are comparable, and they are indistinguishable.

Just, how is this possible?

The burly man is a strong man in the four realms of legend, and breaking through the four realms of legend is not a day or two.

As for Haiyan, it seems that she has just broken through the legendary three realms.

The result was so unexpected.

How dare they believe this, and how can they not be surprised?

On the other hand, Zhu Feng and the two looked extremely ugly, while Hai Qing and Hai Hui looked excited, a little excited, ready to move.

Haiyan's strength seems to have inspired them.


The next moment, the two looked at each other even more, and rushed towards Zhu Feng to kill them.

Although Fang Yi was there, the burly man still made them somewhat afraid. Now, Haiyan was able to compete with the burly man, and the two of them had nothing to worry about, and their confidence was bursting.

Even if Zhu Feng's strength is actually stronger than the two of them, so what?

With Fang Yi beside them, what else do they have to worry about?

Immediately, the four of them fought together in an instant.

I don't know if the two were motivated to perform supernormally or what, but the originally stronger Zhu Feng was forced to be evenly matched by Hai Qing and Hai Hui.

Maybe it's because of Fang Yi!Because Fang Yi stood there, even if he didn't make a move, it was a great deterrent to Zhu Feng, making him unwilling to fight at all.

And the outcome of the battle seemed to be clear.


(End of this chapter)

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