Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2926 Beheading

Chapter 2926 Beheading

"No! What is this? Get out of here!"

Zhu Feng roared, like a behemoth berserk, struggling to hit the light blue light.

Unfortunately, his efforts were doomed to be in vain.

That is the barrier where the rules of water are condensed, not to mention him, in the secret realm of Tianhe, all the strong people of the sea clan who have a thorough understanding of the rules of water cannot be broken, let alone him.

Boom boom boom! !

The berserk attack fell on the light blue light, like a stone sinking into the sea.

Zhu Feng's face also turned pale, and finally even despaired.

The two burly men were also stunned at the moment, their eyes filled with disbelief, and they were even a little dazed, because until now, they still haven't figured out who did it.

Everything in front of me seemed to come out of nowhere.

Until Hai Qing and the others glanced at Fang Yi, they couldn't help looking at Fang Yi subconsciously.

But, did Fang Yi move?

They weren't sure, or at least, they didn't notice.

At this moment, the complexion of the burly man couldn't help but become even more ugly, because he suddenly discovered that there was an unpredictable existence on the scene.

Ridiculous, but I still don't realize it.

Of course, deep down in his heart, he was a little disbelieving, because Fang Yi's cultivation was only in the third realm of legend.

No matter how powerful it is, can it be stronger than Haiyan?

After the fight just now, in his opinion, Haiyan is already considered an evildoer, Fang Yi can't be more evildoer than Haiyan, at least he thinks so.

However, this undoubtedly only shows that he is ignorant, and Fang Yi's methods are beyond his reach.

Whoa! !

At this time, there was a sound of clear water flowing between the sky and the earth.

The light blue light also caused ripples, and the next moment, the light blue light twisted into a ball, like a peerless beast, and slammed into Zhu Feng.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and Zhu Feng was struck by lightning, and his huge figure was blasted out like a shell fired.

The blood in the mouth also sprayed, and the blood mist filled the sky, like a sudden blood rain.


The few people present were all shocked, they all knew how strong Zhu Feng was.

But the more it was like this, the more shocked my heart was undoubtedly, because Zhu Feng, who was as strong as Zhu Feng, flew out for no reason, and didn't even know who made it.

If it wasn't for Hai Qing and the others who knew that there was no one else but Fang Yi, I'm afraid it would be the same.

Because Fang Yi didn't seem to move at all from the beginning to the end.


With Fang Yi's comprehension of the rules of water, this world is like his territory, so why bother?All it takes is one thought.

Of course, those are only relatively weak fighters, and the powerful ones are another matter.

"you you……"

At this moment, Zhu Feng's mouth was overflowing with blood, and he looked at Fang Yi in horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

Maybe he didn't know who made the move, but from the expressions of Hai Qing and the others, he had undoubtedly noticed something, and, when he was in Skyline, Fang Yi gave him an unfathomable feeling.

Now this feeling is undoubtedly a little more intensified, and the heart has become extremely fearful, as if encountering a god of death.

"Zhu Feng, you have today too!!"

Hai Qing was undoubtedly overjoyed.

The two have had a long-standing grievance, and at this moment Zhu Feng was severely injured, and a strong murderous intent burst out of his eyes, like a wolf.

However, it was Fang Yi's move after all, so he naturally didn't dare to overstep, but just looked at Fang Yi subconsciously.

It looks like a little request.

Fang Yi naturally didn't care. In fact, if he didn't have a whim and wanted to try the use of the rule armor, he wouldn't be bothered to do it. Now, naturally, he would not be stingy in handing Zhu Feng over to Haiqing.

Hai Qing understood, and was immediately overjoyed, and the eyes that looked at Zhu Feng became more and more fierce.

"you dare!!"

The burly man snarled, until now, he still didn't seem to realize the crisis in front of him.

Or, in his opinion, although Fang Yi is strong, he is not strong enough to endanger his life.

With his cultivation in the legendary four realms, he does have some confidence.

It's just a pity that he couldn't understand what kind of existence Fang Yi was.

Even if his cultivation is only at the third level of legend, his combat power has already surpassed him by an unknown amount. The ordinary sixth level of legend may not be able to compete with him.

Hai Qing naturally ignored him, Fang Yi's existence gave him great confidence, almost inflated.

Once upon a time, even in his dreams, he would never have thought that he could ignore the Four Legendary Realms, but today, he really did it. The Legendary Four Realms, which used to be high above him, now also gave birth to a feeling in his heart. , but it feels like this.

So much so that he didn't pay attention to the other party at all, and the long sword in his hand couldn't help cutting towards Zhu Feng.

"No! Help me!!"

Zhu Feng roared, his eyes full of despair.

After being hit by Fang Yi, he was already a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and he had no strength to fight back at all.

"Bastard, you are courting death!!"

The burly man was furious. Before, Haiyan from the third realm of legend ignored him, which already made him feel a great humiliation, but after a fight, the opponent did have such strength, he had no choice but to accept it.

But now, even a legend of the first level dared to ignore his existence, how could he bear it.

The anger in my heart poured out like an erupting volcano.

Slashed towards Haiqing.

One can imagine the power of the full blow from the Legendary Four Realms. If it were normal, Hai Qing and the others would be scared out of their wits.

But at this moment, even Hai Hui didn't feel anything, and looked directly at that terrifying blow with an indifferent expression.

Because he understands that there is a stronger and more incomprehensible existence on the scene.

Haiyan is naturally the same, the difference is that she didn't pay attention to the burly man, but looked at Fang Yi, as if she wanted to know how Fang Yi made a move and how to make a move.

In her heart, Fang Yi's dominance undoubtedly surpassed that of a burly man, which made her eyes full of curiosity.

However, Fang Yi was a little depressed.

Because he didn't plan to make a move at the beginning, he just wanted to try the power of the law armor on a whim, but now, the swelling of several people is a little carried away.

He didn't think about resisting that blow at all, and completely relied on himself.

Of course, with their strength, they couldn't resist that blow at all, except for Haiyan.

You can see Haiyan's appearance...

Helpless, he had no choice but to act, he couldn't just watch Hai Qing die on the spot.

Anyway, Haiqing is not bad.

groan! !

In the huge world, a shocking dragon chant came from nowhere, and a huge real dragon's claw also appeared out of thin air, directly horizontally in front of that palm.

Boom! ! !

The world exploded completely, and the terrifying power swept all directions. The huge figure of the burly man flew out like a fallen leaf for some reason.


(End of this chapter)

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