Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2940 Chapter 2939 Eight-clawed Fire Chichi

Chapter 2940 Chapter 2939 Eight-clawed Fire Chichi

Bang! !

Fang Yi only felt as if struck by lightning, all internal organs in his body seemed to be displaced, his blood boiled, and a mouthful of blood almost gushed out.

For so many years, he has almost forgotten this feeling.

But now, without even seeing his opponent's face, he was shocked by this terrifying power.

Like him, there are two legendary seven realms, and the stone man that Qi Donglai transformed.

The difference is that the stone man seems to be intact and has not been affected too much, while the two legendary seven realms were also sent flying far away, their faces pale.

"Master Chilong?"

The two legendary seven realms looked at each other, and then looked up at the void together.

Undoubtedly, the only ones present who could cause such a big commotion were Chilong and the man in yellow robe from the Earth Temple.

However, even the two of them gave Fang Yi the feeling that they were not as strong as the blow just now.

Could it be that there is a third party?

Suspicion flashed in Fang Yi's eyes, but the next moment, he understood what was going on, and saw two majestic figures descending from the nine heavens.

One of them is Chilong. He is holding the Chihuo Orb. From the endless abyss, a terrifying energy is continuously gathering towards him.

Strictly speaking, it is to go to that chi fire bead.

The horrible heat wave just now was precisely because of this.

And in front of him, suddenly there is another stone man, that stone man is completely bigger than Qi Donglai's transformed stone man, and not only that, the thick aura makes people look at it, as if They are all suffocating and tyrannical.

This...another Stoneman? ?

Fang Yi was stunned.

Or is it not a stone-human race at all, but a different body that has reached a certain level of comprehension of the way of the earth?

But, if this is the case, what happened to the stone people on Tiantian Mountain?

Fang Yi was puzzled, he didn't have time to pay attention to the situation in front of him.

Because the stone man had already hit Chilong like a meteor.

Boom! ! !

The sky and the earth collapsed in an instant, the earth was cracked, and the whole world seemed to be unable to withstand the attack brought by the stone man, and it was crumbling, as if the end was coming.

The crowd who were still full of hope, at this moment, only howls of despair remained.

Because the aftermath was enough to smash them into pieces.

Too strong! !

At this moment, Fang Yi's eyes were full of shock. Could this be the tyranny of the Dao of Earth?Such an overbearing stone man, if he confronts him, I'm afraid...

Fang Yi couldn't believe it.

In fact, not to mention the stone man in front of him, even the stone man Qi Donglai transformed would be extremely difficult for him to deal with.

Boom! !

Under the attack of the two superpowers, the ground was cracked inch by inch, and the sky collapsed.

The endless abyss began to appear in front of everyone's eyes, and a colossal monster appeared in sight, lying in the abyss, covering tens of thousands of miles.

Even so, only half of its head and four giant claws were seen.

Just like the eight-clawed fire chinchilla in the phantom, he withdrew.

The difference is that it is many times bigger than the phantom.

"The Eight-Clawed Fire Chinch!! It's really the body of the Eight-clawed Fire Chinch!! It actually fell here!!"

The crowd were all terrified, such a colossal creature was simply appalling, especially the terrifying aura emanating from it, which made people tremble.

And above the sky, when Chilong saw the eight-clawed Huochi below, his eyes were also fiery, as if he wanted to rush down.

It's a pity that the stone man blocked his way, chasing him fiercely.

"What exactly do you want, the eight-clawed Huochi is the Holy Lord of my Huochi clan, what has it to do with you?"

Chilong's eyes were full of anger, wishing to smash the stone man in front of him to pieces.

It's just a pity that the yellow-robed man was no weaker than him before, and now he is no match for this regular body.

If it wasn't for relying on the Chi Fire Bead and the power of the Eight-clawed Fire Chi, he might have already been defeated.

It's a pity that although the eight-clawed fire chinchilla is strong, the power he can rely on is extremely limited. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't last long.

"So what? The eight-clawed fire chinchilla is about to be appointed. Those who are sensible, quit now, otherwise, I will leave my life to this seat."

The stone man's words were overbearing, and there was no room for kindness at all.

Chilong was also furious.

As a legendary powerhouse of the Seven Realms, and one of the best, he has never been so underestimated.

And since it was about the Eight-clawed Fire Chichi, it was even more impossible to back down.

He just heard him scold angrily, "You're looking for death, I'm really afraid that you won't succeed if you become my king."

At the same time as he spoke, the arrogance all over his body also erupted, like an erupting volcano, straight to the sky.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" The stone man sneered, and the two superpowers collided violently again, like a rock breaking the sky.

The crowd below all fled in fright.

Fang Yi's eyes were also full of horror.

But the stone man that Qi Donglai changed had already moved towards the eight-clawed fire chinchilla, at an extremely fast speed, like lightning.

"Bastard! Leave it to me!!"

The two legendary seven realms reacted instantly and chased after them.

The three got entangled again.

good chance!

Seeing this, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move, and his figure also rushed away. The eight-clawed fire chinchilla had already appeared. At this moment, he had no reason to shrink back.

If he is not curious about why this legendary eight-clawed fire chinch attracted so many strong men, even two super strong men, it is obviously impossible.

and so……

what? ?

Fang Yi's sideways attack undoubtedly changed the faces of the two legendary seven realms. However, under Qi Donglai's violent bombardment, the two of them could not protect themselves, so they could only barely entangle Qi Donglai. Stop Fang Yi.

He could only watch Fang Yi shoot at the eight-clawed fire chinchilla.

"Presumptuous, even an ant dares to covet the eight-clawed fire chinchilla, seek death!!"

Above the sky, when Chilong saw this scene, the thunder was furious, and there were raging flames steaming between the two pairs.

Not only that, a terrifying flame also followed, as if Fang Yi was going to be completely incinerated. It is no exaggeration, if any legendary warrior of the three realms touches this flame, the terror will instantly turn into fly ash.

Do not!Not just the three realms of legend, even the five and six realms of legend.

In fact, if it wasn't for his unique physical body, even Fang Yi wouldn't be able to bear it.

Because this raging flame is too terrifying.

However, his physical body has been tempered by the Fire God Temple anyway, and he has also practiced the Sun Sutra for a long time. Although he did not seriously comprehend the way of fire, those who have comprehended the way of fire may not have His attainments.

Just like at this moment, the blazing flames swept over, but it didn't have much impact on him at all.


Above the sky, Chilong's eyes are full of inconceivable.

Horribly, he never imagined in his dreams that a Legendary Three Realm could resist his flame attack.

However, by the time he realized it, it was too late, and Fang Yi's figure had disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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