Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2948 Choice

Chapter 2948 Choice


Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked, "What's the relationship?"

His excited look obviously surprised Hai Qing, but the latter didn't say anything, but said directly: "It is said that after the three twelfth-grade lotus flowers are taken away, the remaining energy in the Chaos Lotus Pond is still there." A white lotus was born, but because of insufficient energy, that white lotus only has eleven ranks."

"Afterwards, the Chaos Lotus Pond also completely dissipated in the Three Realms, and the white lotus, according to legend, fell into the hands of the first-generation Ice God Palace Palace Master. The white lotus was created and evolved into a seven-color ice lotus, and the Ice God Palace came accordingly."

"Of course, this is just a legend. It is impossible to know whether it is true or not."

Hai Qing finally said.

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help but brighten. Although this is just a legend, it undoubtedly shows that the Ice God Palace has an extraordinary origin.

Moreover, while Hai Qing was talking about the white lotus, Fang Yi couldn't help but recall the scene at the beginning, when the Ice Queen cut out the white lotus with a sword, and everything was born.

That white lotus seems to be the starting point of everything.

Evolve a seven-color ice lotus.

Maybe this legend is true, but what about Hei Lian?According to legend, the Ice God Palace is not only the seven-color ice lotus and white lotus, but also the black lotus.

What Hua Lian'er got was Hei Lian.

Could it be that the so-called black lotus in the Ice God Palace is the twelfth rank exterminating black lotus?Or, as in the legends of the underworld, the Karmic Fire Red Lotus of the Ice God Palace was just an imitation of the Ice God Palace Palace Master's comprehension of the Twelve-Rank Karma Red Lotus?

Is it the same for the Black Lotus?

If this is the case, where is the twelfth-rank World-Exterminating Black Lotus?There seems to be no trace of everything about Shimo.

Yun Xiao was a little puzzled, but it was useless to think about it, so of course he had to give up.

Instead, he asked: "I don't know Brother Hai, but where can I find the disciples of the Ice God Palace?"

Naturally, Fang Yi didn't just ask casually. It is hopeless to find the Ice God Palace right now. It is said that the Ice God Palace is in the endless chaos above the nine heavens. How can we find it?There is no way to find it.

And with his strength, finding it would be in vain.

Therefore, it is better to start with the disciples of the Ice God Palace, and then gradually map it.

"That's it!"

Seeing the question, Hai Qing also frowned, shook her head and said, "Sorry, Brother Fang, the Ice God Palace is extremely mysterious, and the disciples below are also elusive, so..."

Hai Qing looked distressed, and Fang Yi couldn't help showing a little disappointment.

However, he was mentally prepared, and immediately smiled and said: "It's okay, Fang is just asking casually, just out of curiosity."


Hai Qing nodded, and then said: "Brother Fang, if you really want to know, Mr. Hai can ask. Anyway, Brother Fang should be here during this time, and Mr. Hai will notify Brother Fang whenever there is news."

Hai Qing was extremely enthusiastic, and Fang Yi was naturally overjoyed. He was naturally happy to be able to retreat, and to have someone help him find out the news.

Immediately said thanks.

Afterwards, the three of them exchanged pleasantries for a while before leaving.

It's time to retreat!

Fang Yi had a thought, and the next moment, he appeared in the water temple.

At the same time, strange powers of rules emerged around him, such as the way of water, the way of strength, the way of destruction, the way of space, the way of rebirth, and so on.

Over the years, he has come into contact with a lot of power of rules.

But it is also because of this that it makes him look a bit messy and unrefined. He seems to have comprehended every kind of rule power, but none of the really strong and profound ones can be used.

This is nothing more than in the early stage of Legendary Realm, and the impact is not big.

But in the later stage, with such a wide range of knowledge but not proficiency, it will undoubtedly become extremely difficult to be promoted. Therefore, he must make a decision and choose a correct path to go on.

Sensing the power of various rules around him, Fang Yi couldn't help but frowned.

Because he didn't know how to choose, every kind of rule power seemed extremely powerful.

He was really sad, but...

In the end, he chose the method of exclusion.

The Way of Destruction, this is the meaning of destruction contained in the Underworld Dragon. It was obtained unintentionally in the Abyss of Nine Deaths. It is extremely strong, but unfortunately, it is not complete. It is far from enough to comprehend until it condenses the horror of the Dao.

Similarly, the Way of Eternity, the Sword of Eternity, is still in his spiritual world at this moment.

Destruction and eternity, these two powers of rules are undoubtedly extremely powerful, but they are not complete at present. If you want to comprehend and reach the point of condensing the Dao, let alone other things, it is necessary to collect these two powers of rules. Countless tens of thousands of years, or even a great possibility, will never be collected completely.

Therefore, the first to be excluded.

The way of space is also known as the way of kings, three thousand rules, space is king, to be honest, Fang Yi really doesn't want to give up.

But at present, it seems that the way of space is easy to get started, but extremely difficult to go deep. If you want to make a breakthrough, I'm afraid...

Therefore, we can only give up for the time being and leave it for later.

Excluding everything, in the end, there are only three rules of power left in front of Fang Yi, the way of water, the way of strength, and the way of rebirth.

Needless to say, the way of water, owning a water temple has a complete rule.

If he concentrates on comprehending the way of water, then Fang Yi can save countless hours of collecting heaven and earth dao patterns.

You must know that the reason why the Dao is difficult to condense is that comprehension is part of it. There is no complete rule to present, and the collection of heaven and earth dao patterns is the biggest part.

And if Fang Yi chooses the way of water, then he can concentrate on retreat without worrying about other things at all.

Until the avenue of condensation.

Fang Yi's heart is also inclined to this, after all, this is a broad road.

What about the way of strength and the way of rebirth?

The way of strength, he is also carrying the Nine Dragon Seal, there is likely to be a complete avenue in it, at least, this is the relic of the so-called Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable, the peak of the avenue, even if there is no complete way of strength, it is enough for him to condense the avenue .

The same is true for the way of rebirth, which is even more related to the legendary twelve-grade golden lotus.

If Fang Yi desires nothing at all, it is obviously impossible.

Fang Yi was caught in a tangle.

I have to say, this is really a trouble of happiness. If other people find out that he has so many powerful rules, and he is still worried about which one to choose, he probably wants to die.

The power of these rules, placed in the outside world, is something that people dream of.

But here he is! !

"That's all! I'll choose you!"

In the end, Fang Yi still chose the way of water, not because of anything else, just because he came all the way because of the company of the water temple.

It is no exaggeration to say that without the water temple, he would not be what he is today, so... it must be the way of water.

Of course, Fang Yi didn't want to give up on the way of strength and the way of rebirth.

But only as a minor.

And the way of water is the major, until after condensing the avenue.

Once the final goal is determined, the way of strength and the way of rebirth also dissipate, and the heaven and earth begin to be filled with the law of water.

The vast ocean seemed to be feeling something, and it boiled over it.


(End of this chapter)

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